Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1149: First visit to the Shrine

Looking at the back and the words lingering in his ears, Chu Yan's body trembled slightly and was slightly moved.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and the Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic are not simple things. Qin Zixuan had told him before, but at that time, his realm was still very low and he didn't take it to heart, so when he arrived in the fairyland, he actually studied very little.

Unexpectedly, this monk now said the same thing to him.

What is in the Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic then?

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, what is its connection?

What kind of path did my mother leave for me?

King Leng looked at Chu Yan, who was in a low voice. He knew very little about what the Nine-Precepts monk said and could not help. He walked forward and patted Chu Yan on the shoulder: "Boy, don't think too much. You have made great progress in your practice in the past three years and have comprehended the eleven major consciousnesses. Get ready. I will take you to a place in three days."

Chu Yan nodded. It can be seen from his journey in the mortal world that he is not a person who dwells on trivial matters, especially about his mother. He also understands that with his current strength, it is not enough. It is too far away. Even if he knows, it may not be useful to him.


Three days later, at the top of the Holy Mountain, Chu Yan's huge demon body was waiting here.

Behind him, King Leng and Emperor Yan walked over.

"Senior." Chu Yan said respectfully.

"Let's go." King Leng nodded with a serious look, then he looked up and looked at the Holy Mountain, summoning a huge demon roc. The three of them jumped on its back together and soared towards the top of the sky.

The magic roc was extremely fast, but even so, the three of them still took several days, and then they crossed a pool of thunder before they came to an independent space.

This space was extremely ancient, as if it had escaped from the world of the fairyland. There were countless magnificent ancient ruins around it, each of which was extremely large, but it was a little absurd now, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. But even so, it was not difficult to imagine how glorious it was when it was complete.

Chu Yan rode on the back of the magic roc and looked along this space. He saw a floating palace in the center of the space. The palace was proud of the sky, and even though it was dilapidated, it was still full of divine power.

Seeing that palace, Chu Yan's heart beat wildly, because he was so familiar with that palace, especially the huge stone tablet erected in front of the divine palace. The two words "divine palace" engraved on it were seen countless times in his mother's memory.

"Is this the divine palace?" Chu Yan said tremblingly.

"Yes." King Leng nodded: "People in the Immortal Realm all say that the Palace of Gods is mysterious, but who knows that it has always been here, and everyone in the Immortal Realm can see it when they look up."

Looking at the Palace of Gods, Chu Yan's expression was no longer calm. Is this the Palace of Gods founded by his mother, where she lived in the past?

Now that he has finally come here, how can he not be excited?

"Let's go, you will understand some things when you get to the front." King Leng said, controlling the Magic Peng, crossing this ancient world, and flying towards the Palace of Gods.

"Stop!" As the Magic Peng approached, a majestic voice suddenly descended from the sky, and an ancient man appeared out of nowhere. He was wearing a gray armor and blocked the way of the Magic Peng.

"Junior King Leng, meet the senior, today I brought the descendants of Lord Qin, I hope you can be accommodating." Seeing the man, King Leng said respectfully.

The man in gray armor glanced at Chu Yan: "He can go, but you can't. Wait here."

"Okay." The cold king nodded directly, turned around and smiled at Chu Yan: "Little guy, the next step is your own way. Although it is not time for you to go to the Divine Palace, you are the descendant of the Qin Lord after all. You still have to take a look when you come to the fairyland. If you can't get in, don't worry, just follow your heart."

Chu Yan didn't quite understand what the cold king said, but he still nodded, jumped off the magic roc alone, and walked towards the Divine Palace.

For Chu Yan alone, the man in gray armor did not stop him and made way for him.

Stepping into the Divine Palace, Chu Yan's heart was uneasy.

After many years, he finally came here.

What else is in the Divine Palace?

The Divine Palace was suspended above the nine heavens. Although it was a little different from what he remembered, lacking the holy light that illuminated the fairyland, the thousand-layer staircase was still there. Surprisingly, each layer of the staircase was intact, without any signs of decay. Even after ten thousand years, there was no dust on it, and it was cleaned very cleanly.

Chu Yan walked forward step by step, and soon he came to the bottom of the thousand-layer staircase. Here, he saw a man with his back to him, his hands behind his back, wearing a black robe. He was the senior who helped him in the battle.

"You are here." The black-robed Taoist said.

"Thank you for your help in the past." Seeing the black-robed Taoist, Chu Yan bowed slightly. Although he had never met this person, if it hadn't been for him that day, he would probably have died.

"It doesn't matter. Lord Qin was kind to me back then, and I owe her."

"Is the senior the guardian of this Divine Palace?" Chu Yan recalled what Jiu Tian Xuan Pagoda said back then. The Divine Palace has always been in the Immortal Realm, but no one dared to touch it. Now that he is here, it is no wonder that with the Holy Emperor guarding the Divine Palace, few people in the Immortal Realm dare to offend it.

"Yes, but not really. Since you are here, some things are not my turn to say. Go up and see if you can enter this Divine Palace now." The black-robed Taoist said calmly.

Chu Yan frowned, and then without saying much, he stood up and walked towards the Divine Palace.

He thought that the thousand-layer staircase of the Divine Palace might have a divine pattern formation to stop him, otherwise why did King Leng and the black-robed Taoist doubt whether he could go up.

Surprisingly, there was none. Just like an ordinary staircase, he walked up it easily.

Seeing that he was about to walk to the temple, he saw a terrifying violent wind suddenly blowing up in front of his eyes. How terrifying was that wind? It was like the end of the world, destroying everything and making Chu Yan's huge demonic body uncontrollable. , his spirit and will almost collapsed. He raised his head sharply and saw a figure standing in front of the shrine.

The man wore a mask and a black cloak, covering everything except one eye as deep as the starry sky.

"Senior?" Chu Yan whispered in the middle of the storm.

However, the man seemed not to have heard, and still stood there, staring at Chu Yan with one eye, while the terrible strong wind kept beating on Chu Yan.

"Pfft..." Chu Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore and spat out a mouthful of blood. There were already countless bloody mouths on his body. He looked up at the man, showing a hint of confusion and confusion.

"You are really weak. Just now, you still want to enter the divine palace?"

The masked man snorted coldly, and the storm dissipated, and Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Chu Yan became a little unhappy. He came to the palace just to know about Qin Ruomeng's past, but when he got here, he was tortured. Who would feel comfortable?

"Senior's words are quite ridiculous."

"What's the meaning?"

"Although I don't know who your senior is, to be able to guard the land of the shrine, he must have been practicing for ten thousand years, but I have only practiced for a hundred years so far. It would be easy for you to abuse me, but I don't know what state my senior was in when he practiced for a hundred years. Immortal position? Or Immortal Lord?" Chu Yan said coldly.

"You want to tell me that if I give you time, you can beat me sooner or later?" the masked man said with a smile.

"That's right."

"Okay, then you can go. When time is enough and you can beat me, come again." The masked man nodded, but Chu Yan's face darkened. Damn, is this man kidding?

Although he doesn't know the realm of the masked man, he can kill even the top immortals under his demonic body, and the opponent is definitely above the Immortal Emperor.

In addition, he could see that the masked man was the real guardian of the temple. As soon as he appeared, the black-robed Taoist showed respect for him. You must know that the black-robed Taoist is the Holy Emperor. You can imagine Who knows how high this person's realm is, at least at the Saint Emperor level.

Wait until he can win the opponent? I don’t know how many more years it will take.

"What, you don't have confidence?" the masked man asked again.

Chu Yan shook his head: "No, on the contrary, I am very confident. It's just that cultivation cannot be achieved overnight. Why should senior make things difficult for me? Besides, the shrine stands here, and senior is guarding here. Will he be waiting for me soon?"

"Waiting for you? You are so confident. The shrine is the shrine and you are you. Why should I wait for you? With your current strength? What's the use of waiting for you? Are you worthy?" The man in the mask is not at all. He said politely, the corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched, but he had no words to refute.

"Today, I allow you to come to the shrine because I just want to see you. However, there are great secrets in the shrine that are beyond your current realm. If one day, you can defeat me, I will let you in. , but not now." The masked man said again.

"Then if I can't win, I will never be able to enter the palace?" Chu Yan frowned.

"Yes." The masked man nodded. Chu Yan was completely speechless. This man was truly selfless.

"If that's the case, then why did senior ask someone to rescue me that day? And why did senior King Leng come all the way to take me here?"

"Because you are Qin Ruomeng's son, I also want to see what is different about the son she covets."

"See it now?"

"See, it's no different." The masked man nodded. Chu Yan had the urge to kill someone. Although he didn't dare to say that his talent was unparalleled, he could at least practice so far and do his best. What a good day, he was actually killed by the other party. Demeaned as worthless.

"You don't have to be dissatisfied." Seeing Chu Yan's unhappy look, the masked man said calmly: "In your opinion, you have been invincible during this journey of cultivation, and now you have a great opportunity to obtain all nine levels of life souls and understand the eleventh level. Dao consciousness is already very powerful, at least in the immortal realm, there has never been anyone better than you, right?"

Chu Yan did not deny it.

"But do you know how big this world is, and how many people are stronger than you? Let's not talk about the distant ones, just say that not long ago, a Holy Emperor was able to make you run away like a bereaved dog, even if Even if you use evil spirits to come to the world, it won’t help. In the end, I still need to send someone to save you.”

"And this is just in the Immortal Realm, what about the more distant places? If Meng leaves you some memories, you should know how strong her enemies will be. There are stronger people in those royal families, even Qin It was difficult for Ruomeng to fight back then, let alone you now?"

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