Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1148: The Nine-Precepts Monk

Ten years have passed since the great chaos in the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty in the Immortal Realm. That storm has gradually subsided, and the clashes between many top forces have also weakened. In the past ten years, all parties have consumed a lot and have fallen into a period of calm.

The Immortal Realm is a void space, which is covered by a huge light shield. The surroundings are full of storms. There are few people nearby, but there are not none. Occasionally, people pass by and stay away from it, because this place is a legendary place in the Immortal Realm, the Holy Dragon Pavilion.

In the Holy Dragon Pavilion, there is a seal of the Immortal King Dao. In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and as usual, the towering Holy Mountain still reaches the sky.

On this day, on the top of the Holy Mountain, there was a huge demon shadow standing proudly there. He was extremely huge, with a pair of deep eyes, and people couldn't tell what he was thinking.

That huge demon body was Chu Yan's. Ten years ago, he was taken back to the Holy Mountain by King Leng and fell into a coma. After waking up a few years ago, he did not leave, but kept practicing on the Holy Mountain. Sometimes he would miss Qingcheng and Qingyi, so he came to the top of the Holy Mountain, sat alone for a while, and watched the magnificent sea of ​​clouds.

"How is your injury recovering?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came. Chu Yan turned around and saw a proud figure standing there. It was King Leng.

Compared with Chu Yan, King Leng's body was slightly small, but it did not affect his extraordinary temperament at all.

"Thanks to the blessing of the senior, I have recovered." Chu Yan turned into a big demon and smiled proudly. Now, he has reached an extreme in both strength and physical body. In fact, in terms of realm, he is still an immortal, but the so-called evil demon will increase his own energy tenfold. This tenfold will break all shackles, which is against the will of heaven.

In addition to King Leng, Emperor Yan also came. Seeing the huge demon body, he asked, "Patriarch, is there no way to help him transform back into a human body?"

King Leng sighed and shook his head: "When the evil demon descends to the world, it can strengthen its own power tenfold and transform into a demon. I have heard about this magical power. It is said that in ancient times, there was a peerless demon king with unparalleled talent. Unfortunately, this person was too arrogant, both good and evil, and did whatever he wanted. He wanted to fight against the heavens, but unfortunately he died. He was unwilling to leave this method. If you only use it for the first time, I can still use the emperor's will to dispel the evil spirit for you. Now that you use it for the second time, the evil spirit has penetrated into your bones. Even I really can't do anything."

Emperor Yan's eyes shrank, and he felt a little heartbroken. He thought to himself, could it be that the sunny white-clothed boy at the beginning will never come back?

"Senior Yandi, although my body has turned into a great demon, my heart remains unchanged. Even if I am a demon in this life, I can still be a good demon in this life. Moreover, Buddhism says that there is no demon in this world. The Buddhist door is open to the good, and the good enter. I have a good heart, so why can't I enter the Tao as a demon, dominate the world, and practice for a lifetime?" Chu Yan comforted him. He himself didn't care. If he could only be a demon in this life, then he would dominate the world as a demon and strive for the sky.

"Boy, you don't have to think too much. This evil demon is powerful. Although I can't reverse it, there are endless immortals. There are many people stronger than me. There will be a way." Leng Wang said, Chu Yan's huge pupils shrank, and he thought of the black-robed Taoist in the battle that day.

"Senior, who was that person that day?" Chu Yan asked. He was sure that he didn't know a holy emperor.

"This calamity has passed. You can stay in the Holy Mountain to practice for the time being. After a while, I will take you to a place where you will understand everything." The cold king smiled slightly, patted Chu Yan's shoulder with his hand, and turned away without telling him.

Chu Yan was left alone again. He turned back alone and looked down at the rolling sea of ​​clouds. A raging fire burned in his eyes again. Everything was not over yet. A pair of huge demon wings spread out and flapped quickly. Then there was a whistling wind, sweeping the world. The huge demon body flew out and pierced through the Holy Mountain.

After this battle, Chu Yan became more aware of his insignificance. Now that he has become a demon, he will let it go and practice the magic way. Between heaven and earth, demon spirits from all directions flashed and penetrated into his body crazily.


Time flies. Ten years and three years passed in a blink of an eye. Another three years passed. Chu Yan practiced in the Holy Mountain for a full three years.

Now he didn't know what realm he was in. With the body of the evil demon, he couldn't be measured by ordinary levels, but he didn't care. As long as he became stronger, it would be fine.

In the Holy Dragon Pavilion, everyone had long been accustomed to the huge demon body circling on the top of the Holy Mountain. Occasionally, some young people would ask Chu Yan for advice, and Chu Yan would not hesitate to tell them everything.

Finally, on this day, Chu Yan was still on the top of the mountain. The huge demon body exhaled and inhaled, and the nine clouds seemed to be swallowed by him. In his body, colorful halos bloomed, and the whole person sat cross-legged there, as if there was a rainbow behind him.

Each of those halos contained a terrible will, the five elements, light and darkness, the will of the sword, the consciousness of the fairy pattern, the consciousness of the demon, the consciousness of gravity, the consciousness of all monsters, and so on. For three years, Chu Yan has been deducing consciousness. So far, he has comprehended eleven wills, and each one is color consciousness.

This number alone is terrifying. Although the more consciousnesses a celestial being comprehends, the stronger he becomes, each consciousness contains the Way of Heaven. Chu Yan can comprehend eleven of them, so you can imagine how terrifying his talent is.

Because of the advent of the eleventh consciousness, a bright star shines on the holy mountain, attracting countless eyes.

On the top of the holy mountain, King Leng looked up at the bright starlight and was slightly moved: "That is, the demon star is shining, and the great era is really coming."

Emperor Yan was also deeply shocked. The stars were so bright.


Shenglong Pavilion, this place is a secret realm in the fairyland. It has always been extremely mysterious and is in a closed state. No one can come in regardless of the outside world.

But on this day, a big event happened in Shenglong Pavilion.

Here, an outsider came unexpectedly. This person was an eminent monk wearing cassocks. He had a solemn appearance, self-made handprints and nine incense scars, giving people a sense of solemnity.

He came to the foot of the Holy Mountain and stood there quietly. The Holy Mountain was immediately alarmed. A strong wind roared in the distance. Headed by King Leng, Emperor Yan and others arrived. They stepped on the sky and looked at this man seriously. Eminent monk.

"The Taoism of the Immortal King can resist everything. How did this person get in?" Emperor Yan and others were frightened. For thousands of years, no one in the Immortal Domain could step into the Holy Dragon Pavilion unless they allowed it, not even the Holy Emperor. No, but now, this eminent monk walked in like this?

"My holy mountain has the lineage of the Immortal King. How did you get in?" Facing the eminent monk, King Leng was serious. He was shrouded in immortal thoughts and tried to see through the eminent monk. Unfortunately, there was no fluctuation of immortal energy in the eminent monk's body.

"If you think about it, it came naturally. You walked in." The eminent monk said calmly. King Leng's face became darker. Immortal King Daotong, walked in? Are you kidding?

"Who is your Excellency?"

"The poor monk's Dharma name is: Nine Precepts. Come here to fulfill your vows." The eminent monk made a fingerprint.

"Repay your wish?" Although King Leng is a Buddhist, he has reached this level and knows some Buddhist Dharma. Buddhism practices karma and pays attention to retribution in this world. When you pray, you have to fulfill your wish. However, because of this, he frowned deeper and whispered. Said: "Did Master Jiujie make a mistake? I, the Leng clan, have no desire to do anything with Buddhism."

"Since I'm here, I can't be wrong. It's true that the Leng family has never had a close relationship with my Buddhist sect, but this fate was forged many years ago when the Holy King was still on the throne." The eminent monk Jiujie smiled calmly and said: "Back then, Donor Qin had a predestined relationship with our Buddhist sect, planted good karma, and helped our Buddhist sect resolve a crisis. Now that her heir is here, it is natural that her wish should be repaid."

King Leng's eyes narrowed, this eminent monk came for Chu Yan.

"Senior, have you seen my mother?" From outside the sky, the demon spread his wings and looked at the eminent monk Jiujie.

Looking at Chu Yan who had transformed into a demon, the eminent monk Jiujie made a Buddhist remark: "Amitabha, the donor of Qin created the world and wanted to create ten thousand years of peace for the immortal realm. This poor monk feels ashamed."

"Master, do you know where my mother is now?" Chu Yan's heart trembled slightly. Today, he finally has news about his mother. You can imagine how excited he is.

"Don't say..." The eminent monk Jiujie shook his head: "Donor Chu, you are also a person of destiny. There are some things that a poor monk cannot say. But since you are here, you still have to do something. I want to send a message to Donor Chu. One day , God’s destiny is yours, you will know everything.”

Chu Yan was slightly depressed. Is the result still the same?

But at this moment, the eminent monk Jiujie spoke again: "Now that my destiny has been revealed, I came here today just to see Donor Chu. The debt from that year still needs to be repaid. Donor Chu, don't pay attention to me for the time being. Soon, when you wait for Once everything is over, I will give you an opportunity."

Looking at the monk Jiujie, King Leng was shocked. Although he could not feel any power of cultivation in the monk Jiujie, he did not believe that a person who could pass through the Immortal King's lineage would be an ordinary person.

But at least for now, it seems that this person is not harmful to Chu Yan, so he didn't say much: "In this case, how about taking a rest in my holy mountain for the time being?"

"We have a donor named Laoleng."

The eminent monk Jiujie said gratefully, then hesitated, looked at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "Little guy, you still have several great catastrophes in this life, one of which is regarded as a love catastrophe, so you must be careful. , Qisha, Pojun, in one thought, you stepped on the mole of the Heavenly King and became a royal family. However, some things are destined to be your fate. You can't escape, and you can't resist. If you can escape, then It’s not life anymore.”

"Also, your mother has found a good wife for you. Treat her well. One day, there will be a disaster. It is not her fault."

"Jiutian Xuan Pagoda and Tianxing Juechen Code are not as simple as you think." After the Jiujie monk spoke, he turned around and walked towards another place.

Hearing this, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. Does this Jiujie eminent monk know about Jiutian Xuan Pagoda?


"I know what you want to ask. You don't have to ask. If you ask, I won't tell you. In other words, I can't tell you. Those are the fate of your life. You can't avoid it. You can't escape. Your mother , I have arranged the next path for you, and you will gradually know it when the time comes." The eminent monk Jiujie waved his hand and left without looking back.

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