Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1150 Another Fortune [Three Updates]

Chu Yan fell silent for a moment and did not refute this time.

Indeed, he is still too weak now. A Holy Emperor can make him extremely embarrassed, not to mention those upper realm royal families who attacked the palace in the past.

In front of them, I'm afraid I'm not even an ant, at most I'm a speck of dust.

"So you should understand how weak and vulnerable you are. In the face of those forces, if they want to kill you, they can only kill you in a thought. But you are Qin Ruomeng's son. You have been born with too many burdens. Although I didn’t think it was the right decision at the beginning, if she chooses you, then I have nothing to say and will only fulfill my promise.”

"Remember, when you don't have absolute strength, don't expose yourself prematurely. Until one day, when you have the power to truly challenge the royal family, use your sword to tell the people who should be in this world. The Lord rises and falls."

The man in the mask spoke generously, and there was a fiery radiance in the only exposed eye.

Hearing the masked man's words, Chu Yan clenched his fists and looked at the man: "Am I able to defeat you one day and then I can enter this palace?"

"That's right, only then will you be truly qualified to know what happened back then." The masked man said calmly.

"Okay, wait for me."

Chu Yan nodded, then glanced at the majestic shrine standing there, withdrew his gaze, turned around, and walked down the thousand-story staircase.

If the shrine won't let him in, then he won't, but one day, he will come here openly, defeat the masked man, and enter the shrine.

Watching Chu Yan walk away, the masked man showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes. Behind him, the space became misty, and the black-robed Taoist walked out: "Your Majesty, are you really not going to let him in this time?"

The masked man smiled and shook his head: "For him now, entering the divine palace has no meaning or benefit. His shoulders are still too thin. He can't bear those things, so it's better to give them to him A little pressure and let him practice well."

"Your Majesty, do you think he can really reach the height that Miss Qin expects?"

"I don't know. Back then, Ruomeng had the chance to overthrow the Chu royal family by herself, but she didn't do that. Instead, she left her life savings and everything to pave the way for him. So, since we chose to stay, then he is Even a piece of mud that can't hold up the wall will be sent to that position." The monarch paused and said, "But at least now it seems that Ruomeng's choice back then was not wrong."

The black-robed Taoist's eyes flashed sharply, and he snorted coldly: "I have been waiting for thousands of years, and it is finally almost here. It is time to tell the Chu royal family who belongs to this world, and the grievances of the past must be settled. "

"The mystery of the divine palace and the feud between the royal family should indeed come to an end." The monarch nodded, and a fierce flame rose up in his body.

Chu Yan didn't know about the conversation between the monarch and the black-robed Taoist after he left. Otherwise, he would definitely go back and ask again.

After walking down the stairs of the Holy Mountain, he turned around and took one more look at the majestic shrine. He felt unhappy. What was this?

He traveled thousands of miles to come here, but he didn't get into the palace, but was humiliated and then left like this?

But when he thought about the power of the masked man, he felt very powerless. Finally, he sighed and walked back to where the magic roc was.

Seeing Chu Yan coming back so quickly, King Leng was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you go in?"

Chu Yan nodded helplessly.

"Were you stopped by a man wearing a mask? He said you couldn't enter the divine palace unless you defeated him?" King Leng asked again.

"Seniors all know?" This time Chu Yan was stunned and asked.

King Leng nodded with a wry smile: "Well, the palace is here, and it's not a secret in the fairyland, so you are not the first one to come."

"Has anyone else been here?"

"There are quite a few. Many top figures in the Immortal Realm have tried to enter the shrine, but at least they are at the Saint Emperor level. By the way, you know one."


"Sage Emperor Ziyang." King Leng said. Chu Yan's eyes flashed coldly. Emperor Ziyang has also been to the shrine?

"Back when Holy Emperor Ziyang understood a trace of the Immortal King's lineage, he came here and tried to open the Divine Palace. After all, there are rumors in the Immortal Domain that the one who wins the Divine Palace will win the world. But after he came here, he was killed by the masked man. He was tortured to death and then left." King Leng said truthfully, which shocked Chu Yan even more. He was the only one who had ever experienced how powerful the Purple Yang Saint Emperor was, and was worshiped by countless people in the Immortal Realm. Even a character like him was beaten to death? How strong is the man in the mask?

"Senior, do you know who that person is?"

"I don't know, and no one knows. Ten thousand years ago, Qin Ruomeng suddenly disappeared, and the palace fell into a state of ownerlessness. But just when all parties were about to make a move, he appeared. One person, invincible in the world, defeated everyone. Since then, he has been guarding the palace and not allowing anyone to enter." After King Leng finished speaking, he paused and said speechlessly: "I thought you might be more accommodating, but I didn't expect it. Same."

Chu Yan was shocked, and then felt a strong pressure. How strong is the man in the mask?

But the next moment, his eyes were filled with fighting spirit. No matter how strong the opponent was, he would definitely step into the divine palace. No one could stop him. This was his determination.

"But even though I didn't go in, when you arrive in the Immortal Realm, you will come and have a look. At least I will let you know where the divine palace is. Let's go." King Leng said, and Chu Yan also nodded. Before, he had been tracing back to the divine palace. Now that he knows the whereabouts of the palace, he will work hard to enter the palace.


Holy Mountain, a few days later, Chu Yan and his party returned on the magic roc.

During his absence, the eminent monk Jiujie stayed here temporarily. When Chu Yan returned, he went directly to find Chu Yan.

"Senior, are you looking for me?" Chu Yan said on the holy mountain. Chu Yan also felt strange to the Nine Rings eminent monk, but he respected him very much. After all, this person also knew his mother.

"The trip to the shrine was blocked by someone?" The eminent monk Jiujie smiled at Chu Yan. Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. This eminent monk actually knew everything?

"Don't look at me, I said, this is your life, you can't escape it. It has already been determined somewhere. Since the opportunity given to you by the Holy Mountain does not work, next, I will give you a fortune. Come on, get ready and follow me tomorrow."

"Where to go?"

"Go to a place that can help you return to your human body." The eminent monk said calmly, but Chu Yan was a little shocked. At the beginning, Jiutian Xuan Pagoda said that if he used evil spirits to come to the world for the second time, heaven would not reverse it unless he found a person. A method that can help fellow practitioners to become demons.

But in the past ten years, he has read countless ancient books of the Leng clan, and there has never been any record of human and demon fellow practitioners.

"Okay, then I'll go say goodbye to you seniors." Chu Yan hesitated and nodded. Although there is nothing wrong with turning into a demon, if he becomes a demon in this life, he will definitely dominate the world with demons. But if it can be reversed, he naturally still hopes Can turn back into a human being.

When he was about to leave, Chu Yan must tell King Leng. In the palace of the Leng family, King Leng sat upright on the stage. Knowing that Chu Yan was going to leave with the Nine Rings monk, he frowned: "Chu Yan, what do you want? Are you clear? There are many people who want to kill you in the Immortal Realm. They can't get in in the Holy Mountain, but once you go out, you will be in danger."

"Senior, please think carefully. The Holy Emperor wants to kill me. No matter when he leaves, the result will be the same. But if I am allowed to cultivate in the Holy Mountain until I reach the Holy Emperor, I don't know how many years it will take. I can't wait any longer."

"But we don't know him well." King Leng said again. This person naturally refers to the Nine Rings eminent monk.

"Senior Jiujie knows my mother, and I trust him. Besides, senior thinks that if a person who can break the seal of the Immortal King wants to harm me, does he need to wait until now?" Chu Yan responded, and King Leng was silent. Indeed, Even he couldn't see through the strength of the Nine Rings Monk. Such a character was definitely not simple. If he wanted to harm Chu Yan, there was no need to go to such trouble.

"Okay, now that you have decided, I won't persuade you any more, but please remember that your identity is sensitive now, so you must be more careful in the fairyland. If you encounter any accident, return to the Holy Mountain immediately." King Leng warned again, Chu Yan then nodded, said goodbye to Emperor Yan, and left the hall.

The next day, Chu Yan left and walked out of the Immortal King Tradition with the Jiujie monk.

After thirteen years, he returned to the fairyland again.


In the past thirteen years, Chu Yan read many files in the Leng family and gained a deeper understanding of the Immortal Realm.

As early as in the lower world, he knew that there were all the Immortal Realms in the Immortal Realm, the Endless Territory, and the Five Continents of the Immortal Realm, which was just a small place among them. In addition, there was also the Desolate Immortal Realm. These all belong to the Lower Immortal Realm, which is relatively weak, but above it, there are some more powerful Immortal Realms with abundant spiritual energy.

The most famous among them is Dongzhou Ziling Mountain. Ziling Mountain governs dozens of immortal realms. The Purple Emperor became famous very early. Now, he has also reached the realm of the Holy Emperor. Hua Qing’s eldest son worshiped the Purple Emperor. He practiced under the Lingshan sect and was the beloved disciple of the Purple Emperor.

In addition to Ziling Mountain, Ziyang Holy Palace is also an independent immortal realm. There are also Burning Heaven Holy Sect, Tianyun Holy Kingdom, Immortal Domain Demon Realm, and Supreme Demon Palace. They all belong to the upper immortal realm and all have saint emperor figures.

It's just that when they reached this stage, they no longer cared about worldly affairs and spent all their time searching for immortals and striving to break through to the Immortal King. That's why Chu Yan rarely heard about them.

Leaving the Holy Mountain, Chu Yan and the Jiujie Monk continuously crossed the Immortal Realm. There were many Immortal Realms that Chu Yan had never heard of before. This made him sigh: "I thought that the Five Continents of the Immortal Realm are... The entire Immortal Realm is there, but I didn’t expect that the Immortal Realm is so vast. What I have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. I really hope that one day I can overlook the entire Immortal Realm and see how big the Immortal Realm is.”

Thinking about it, Chu Yan looked at the eminent monk Jiujie. The two had been traveling for several months and asked curiously: "Senior, where exactly are we going?"

"The Supreme Demonic Palace."

The Nine Rings monk said calmly, and Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. The Supreme Demonic Palace, the Upper Immortal Realm, is one of the top forces. There, there is the only demon cultivator in the Holy Emperor realm in the Immortal Realm.

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