Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1132 Battle of Lingdao

In just an instant, Chu Yan stepped into the sky and rushed towards Zi Shengyang with violent steps. Like the shadow of the demon king, he enveloped the void. Zi Shengyang panicked and wanted to retreat, but he just turned around. In an instant, a dark fist shadow came from behind him.

Zi Shengyang's face turned pale, and he raised his hand very quickly, trying to block it. There was a bang, and he blocked the shadow of the fist. He still took a few steps back. He only felt severe pain all over his body and his arms were numb. Then he saw a burst of space in front of him. Fluctuating, a moving dark giant stepped towards him, and punched him in the air again, causing his body to convulse and hit the ground with a bang.


Chu Yan, won?

Everyone was stunned, this battle was too violent.

At first, they all thought that Chu Yan would die, but they did not expect that it would be Chu Yan who won in the end.

Winning in the realm of immortality is simply...a miracle.

Zi Shengyang hit the ground, and the palace behind him collapsed. When he raised his head to look at Chu Yan, a terrifying fierce light flashed in his eyes. He did not expect that he would be defeated.

However, Chu Yan did not understand the thoughts of the others. His eyes were blood red, and without any pause in his steps, he took one step forward and jumped towards the Purple Sacred Sun again.

The Heavenly Sword Tomb was suspended in the air, thousands of swords fell, and Zi Shengyang was enveloped in it. He could not help but show a hint of fear. He did not expect that he would be defeated. He would lose to a small character that he had never paid attention to. The most important thing was What's more, Chu Yan wants to kill him now.

"Stop!" Above the sky, the eyes of the top Immortal Lord were focused, and then he pressed his palm down. With a bang, a huge handprint came. Chu Yan only felt his body tremble, and the Heaven-Destroying Sword Tomb was shaken away. , his body also flew backwards with a bang, and hit the ground hard, spitting out blood.

But Chu Yan did not stop. He raised his head sharply and looked at the top immortal: "Senior, I just said that this is the grudge between the two of us. What is the purpose of senior taking action now?"

"You've made enough trouble." The Immortal Lord said coldly: "Now, stand down. I won't argue with you about what happened today."

"Haha! It's a joke. Zi Shengyang is a man of education and no distinction. He relies on his life experience to be arrogant. He hurt my wife in the past. I don't believe it. You don't know, but you didn't take any action to discipline me. If that's the case, it means you acquiesced, so you don't care. , I will discipline him for you today." Chu Yan stood up and said coldly: "I said, I will take his life today."

"Try it!" The top immortal's eyes turned cold and he was angry. This guy dared to question him.

Chu Yan raised his head, glanced at the Immortal Lord, and showed a sarcastic smile. Then he said nothing, looked away, and actually walked towards Zi Shengyang again.

"Buzz!" The Immortal Lord's face turned cold, and he directly used the power of the top Immortal Lord. Once the palm prints that turned the mountains and seas condensed, he was about to hit Chu Yan.

"Bang!" But at this moment, another burst of power suddenly broke out, and a golden ancient bell appeared in the void. With a bang, the big palm print was shattered.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the ancient bell. One of the many princes stepped forward, Donghuang Hou. He held up the ancient bell with both hands and looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, don't bother him, leave it to me."

"Marquis Donghuang, are you crazy?"

Seeing that his attack was blocked, the top immortal became extremely angry and let out a low roar.

Looking up at the Immortal Lord, Donghuang Hou's eyes were red: "He is right, Zi Shengyang is a righteous person, and he should have died long ago. In the past, my little daughter Donghuang Ying was bullied by Zi Shengyang. Such hatred, I don't dare to retaliate. Seeing him take action today reminds me of my true heart in cultivation and what passion is. The two of them fought and the Purple Saint Yang Immortal Realm was defeated, but you don't want to take action. In this case, then today, I will also Be bold once!”

"Boy, go ahead and do your unfinished business. I'll help you stop this old man!" Dong Huanghou said coldly.

"Thank you, senior." Donghuang Hou's sudden attack was unexpected by Chu Yan, but he immediately withdrew his gaze and fell on Zi Shengyang. At that moment, Zi Shengyang only felt that he was being swept by a terrible cold air. It seemed to freeze him.

"Everyone, protect the Holy Son!" The top immortal's face changed in shock, and he let out a low roar, but the next moment, Dong Huanghou jumped out of the air, holding the golden ancient bell, and blasted at him.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, confused, completely confused, Dong Huanghou took action, and restrained the guardian of Zi Shengyang.

"Holy Son, let's go!" The disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace shrank their eyes and stepped forward one after another, turning into a human wall to block Chu Yan.

Zi Shengyang was also frightened. He didn't want to die and got up. He knew that he could not stay in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty any longer, otherwise, he would have to be killed by this madman.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Chu Yan viciously. The defeat just now made him extremely unhappy. He was the son of the Holy Emperor and would surely ascend the throne of the Immortal Realm in the future, but he was defeated by an ant. He took note of this grudge. Well, when he returns to Ziyang Holy Palace, he must let him die without a burial place.

The next moment, he turned around and jumped into the sky, fleeing into the distance.

"Want to leave?" Chu Yan rushed out with murderous intent, but almost at the same time, many disciples from Ziyang Holy Palace flew out, and Ling Dao did the same, using magic skills to block Chu Yan's way.

"Get out!" Chu Yan shouted in a low voice, and the dark consciousness was released invisibly, swallowing the world directly and turning it into absurdity. Then he punched out, and a strong man with a top immortal position looked shocked. He was also a top level immortal. The immortal position is one level higher than Chu Yan, but he can't stop Chu Yan's move?

"Trash! Stop him!" Ling Dao said coldly, his face extremely gloomy. Originally, when Zi Shengyang came to the Immortal Dynasty, he wanted to build relationships and pave the way for his future. Therefore, it was completely unreasonable for Zi Shengyang to come to the Immortal Dynasty. He invited it, but he definitely didn't expect such a thing to happen. If anything happens to Zi Shengyang in the Immortal Dynasty, he will not be able to escape the blame.

Not to mention getting closer to the Holy Palace in the future, if the Holy Emperor is angry, he may have to pay with his life.

At this moment, Ling Dao was also angry with Zi Shengyang. He wanted beautiful women, so he summoned a lot of them for him, all of whom he could offend, but he refused to listen and insisted on provoking Liu Qingcheng. Now he is fine. This madman is driven into a hurry and feels comfortable killing him.

But despite this, he is still the one who works the hardest, just because if Zi Shengyang dies, he cannot afford the price.

"Kill!" Ling Dao clasped his hands together. There seemed to be thousands of mysteries around him, cutting off the sun, moon and stars, rushing towards Chu Yan, destroying everything.

Chu Yan strode forward, arrogant. He said that today, Zi Shengyang must die at any cost.

In the distance, another disciple of the Holy Palace rushed out. The Junior Immortal Lord raised his hand and struck Chu Yan with a palm. But almost at the same time, Chu Yan suddenly raised his head, with a fierce light in his eyes: "Get away!"

With just one glance, the Immortal Lord's body trembled, as if he had experienced something extremely terrifying. His whole body stiffened, and he fell down, hitting the ground hard.

"Chu Yan, let's stop." Ling Dao took a step forward, and all the magic gathered in front of Chu Yan. He did not take action directly. Chu Yan is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance. If possible, he hopes to calm the matter down: " Zi Shengyang is the beloved son of the Holy Emperor. If you kill him, the Dragon Alliance will not be able to protect you. Besides, Liu Qingcheng is not dead. It is still too late for you to stop here. I can help you talk to the master for the sake of the Immortal Dynasty. !”

"Stop? Where were you when he attacked countless women from the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty? Where were you when he attacked Donghuang Ying, a cruel man? That day, when he entered the Changyun Marquis Mansion and attacked Qingcheng, where were you? ? Did you say, let him take action for the sake of the Immortal Dynasty? Now, you talk to me about the Immortal Dynasty?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically.

"Impossible! He will die today!"

"You forced me to do this." Ling Dao's eyes turned cold. He had already made the maximum concession, but Chu Yan still refused to listen. In this case, if one of Zi Shengyang and Chu Yan must die, it must be Chu Yan.

"Qingcheng was killed that day. Was it you who led Marquis Changyun away?" Chu Yan asked suddenly. Ling Dao's heart trembled and he said coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Then you must also be responsible." With a buzz, blazing flames burned in Chu Yan's body. Behind him, there were ten thousand swords standing in a row, clanking. Chu Yan stood among them, as if he was one of the ten thousand swords, and as if he was one of them. He is the king of swords.

"Kill!" Chu Yan shouted in a low voice with red eyes, and then stepped forward. The terrifying sword light spread to the sky, destroying everything and killing everything. Ling Dao was also good at weapons, but under those ten thousand swords, a suffocating force actually appeared. feel.

"You're looking for death!" Ling Dao roared. He didn't want to fight Chu Yan. First, it was Chu Yan's identity. Second, it was Chu Yan's combat power and immortal position. This was beyond his understanding. Well, you must know that Zi Shengyang's combat power is not much weaker than his.

But at this point, he had no choice. He had to buy time for Zi Shengyang.

In just an instant, countless ancient weapons were born around him, reflecting each other, and the world was like a doomsday. Those weapons rushed towards Chu Yan, creating a storm, trying to tear Chu Yan into pieces.

"Ling Dao, so strong." The hearts of the princes of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty trembled slightly. This is the Immortal Lord. Once he enters the Immortal Lord, he is extraordinary. No matter how strong the Immortal is, it is difficult to resist. With such a blow, Chu Yan shouldn't be able to stop it, right?

Standing in the center of the storm, Chu Yan was arrogant. He could feel that the wind around him was extremely cold, cutting through his skin like a knife, but he remained indifferent. He slowly looked up and saw the wind falling through the cracks in the storm. On Ling Dao.

"Buzz!" He waved his hand and struck again. Then he moved and took a step forward. The ruthless storm of golden light pierced his body. The originally spotless white clothes were now stained red with blood.

But he was not afraid. He held his hand in the air and saw that all the swords were united. He himself was like a scabbard. All the swords in the sky were flying and phoenixes were dancing. They gathered together to form an incomparably brilliant lightsaber. The sword light pointed to the sky, and the terrifying immortal power was activated, and a huge sword light suddenly struck down.

Seeing the sword light, countless people's hearts trembled slightly.

That sword is so strong.

This is the first time Chu Yan has used a single thought to kill an immortal since he became an immortal.

Different from the past, now he is an immortal himself. He uses his immortal power to deduce the immortal arts. He no longer has to endure the huge backlash as before. But similarly, the other party is also an immortal. Killing an immortal with a single thought cannot be as amazing as when he possesses the stars of the lower world. .

But even so, this fairyland is still frightening.

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