Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1131 Killing

Zi Shengyang, the son of Zi Yang, will surely become the Immortal Emperor in the future and occupy a seat in the Immortal Realm. He is the beloved son of Zi Yang Saint Emperor. Once he dies, it will surely cause a series of chain reactions.

In the past, Chu Yan did not dare to show his true appearance even when he killed Hua Qingyu. Now, the person he wants to kill has a greater power in the Immortal Realm than Hua Qingyu. How could he not know?

But he still chose to do so, just because the one he loved in his heart was humiliated and almost died. He could not bear this hatred, and he could not bear it. What is the so-called practice for a lifetime?

"Zi Shengyang was cultivated by Zi Yang Saint Emperor as his successor. Once he died, Zi Yang Saint Emperor would not let it go, even if this matter was his fault. But now, you should also know that there have never been any rules in the Immortal Realm. Rules are only used to restrain the weak. The strong create rules." Emperor Qingfeng sighed.

"When the time comes, it won't just be your problem. Saint Emperor Ziyang, the Dragon Alliance, and your loved ones may all be in danger because of this." Emperor Qingfeng said truthfully.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I'm ready. I will take the responsibility for the death of Saint Ziyang alone." Chu Yan said seriously.

Emperor Qingfeng was silent. At this moment, he did not show his superiority. He looked at Chu Yan levelly and finally sighed. He also understood that he had no right to stop the young man in front of him. Was he wrong? For the one he loved, he would do anything to go against the heavens and disrupt the fairyland.

However, if he really did this, what would be the result, he couldn't imagine.

"I know." Emperor Qingfeng took a deep breath and nodded, then he made way.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your help." Chu Yan said solemnly, then he raised his head and looked at the place where Saint Ziyang was again. A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. In addition, there was also the determination to face death. The next moment, he took a step forward and took a heavy step.

This time, he must kill Zi Shengyang, no one can stop him, whoever stops him will be killed, even if he dies.

This is his determination.

Although Zi Shengyang is under house arrest in the palace, it is still glorious because of his status. Zi Shengyang is sitting there lazily.

"Swoosh!" At this moment, several figures rushed in from outside the palace. They were dressed in uniform, all disciples of Zi Yang Holy Palace, and many of them were even immortals.

"Junior brother." Ling Dao also came. Seeing that Zi Shengyang was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was still a little heavy. Not long ago, he received news that Chu Yan had set out from Changyun Marquis Mansion and rushed here. Emperor Qingfeng did not stop him.

"Chu Yan is coming here." Ling Dao said heavily.

"Brother, why worry? He is just a defeated general. Even if we fight again, the result will not change. I will definitely kill him." Compared with Ling Dao, Zi Shengyang was very relaxed. From beginning to end, he did not take Chu Yan seriously.

"Brother Ling Dao, what the Holy Son said is right. What is there to fear about Chu Yan's mere immortal status? He is so angry for his beloved? Haha, in the end, he is just sending himself to death." The other disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace also sneered. Zi Shengyang is such a person. He is at the realm of immortal master, with two consciousnesses and one color consciousness. If Chu Yan dares to come today, he will be killed.

"I am not worried about him alone, mainly because he has the Dragon Alliance behind him." Ling Dao said truthfully. The Dragon Alliance is a well-known lunatic in the immortal realm. He knows this.

"What is there to fear about the Dragon Alliance? The lower immortal realm is afraid, but my Ziyang Holy Palace is not afraid. Besides, he comes to kill me, and I kill him in return. Will the Dragon Alliance dare to retaliate?" Zi Shengyang shook his head.

"In that case, let's wait and see. If it really doesn't work, just kill him. When the master comes, even the Dragon Alliance should not dare to go too far." Ling Dao nodded.

The news that Chu Yan killed Zi Shengyang spread throughout Qingfeng.

Time passed slowly, and every minute and every second was very exhausting.

Outside Zi Shengyang's palace, many powerful people and princes had gathered, all waiting. They also wanted to know whether Chu Yan really dared to come.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came from the distance of the palace. A young man in white came with light steps. He crossed the void, and the sun shone on him, making his already handsome appearance even more extraordinary, and exuding a sense of invincibility.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" As he walked, the ground trembled wildly, and a terrifying murderous aura rushed out of his body.

In just a moment, many eyes gathered at once. Ling Dao walked out of the palace and saw the dazzling young man, his face was also extremely embarrassed.

He still remembered how arrogant Chu Yan was when he first met him. He played chess with him at his banquet. Now, he really dared to come to the palace alone.

The same was true for many princes and nobles of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. Their hearts trembled as they fell step by step. He actually came, and there was only one person. Was he crazy?

He was only an immortal. Even if he was angry, what could he do if he came? Was he going to die?

The wind whistled and hit Chu Yan. His long hair fluttered in the wind. He jumped into the air and landed in front of the palace. There was a huge crowd gathered there, including many princes and nobles, but he seemed not to see them. The moment he raised his head, his sharp eyes shot into the hall and fell on only one person.

Today, he came alone to kill people.

"Zi Shengyang, come out and die!" The next moment, a roar spread in all directions, and everyone's heart trembled.

In the palace, Zi Shengyang flashed coldly, stood up and walked out, looking at Chu Yan with a playful look: "I didn't expect that you really dared to come, but I'm curious, even if you come, what can you do?"

"You will know." Chu Yan said extremely coldly.

At this moment, a slight ripple appeared in the void, and a top-level Immortal Lord was seen floating in the air. He stood there quietly, looked at Chu Yan, and said coldly: "Back off!"

Chu Yan suddenly raised his head and looked at the powerful Immortal Lord: "Senior, the top Immortal Lord, is also a well-known person in the Immortal Realm. I am here today to resolve the grievances between me and Zi Shengyang. You also have to check it out. in?"

"I tell you to step back." The Immortal Lord said coldly. These days, he has also been under a lot of pressure. Now, an Immortal Realm dares to challenge him?

"Senior." At this moment, Zi Shengyang smiled faintly and took a step forward: "Since he said, this is the grudge between the two of us. In this case, let us resolve it alone."

The Immortal Lord frowned. In fact, he didn't want Zi Shengyang to cause trouble again. After all, the matter was already very difficult. It was unnecessary to offend a Dragon Alliance. But when he looked at Chu Yan again, he snorted coldly and retreated. aside.

"It's just you and me now. How do you want to resolve today's grudge?" Zi Shengyang looked at Chu Yan ridiculously. His defeated general was worthy of challenging him?

"You will die." The aura in Chu Yan's body exploded to the extreme in an instant, and everyone around him showed a look of shock. He actually broke through to the eighth level of immortality.

There were many princes present. They were all present at the Immortal Banquet battle, so they knew clearly that a few years ago, Chu Yan was only a fifth-level Immortal. In less than ten years, he continuously broke through. This is simply a miracle. , what kind of terrifying talent does this require?

If such a monster is given a period of time, once he becomes an Immortal Lord, he will become an Extraordinary Immortal Lord. It will probably be a matter of time before he becomes an Immortal Emperor.

But immediately, some people frowned. The power displayed by Chu Yan was indeed very strong, but Zi Shengyang was an Immortal, and he also understood the consciousness of color. Extraordinary Immortal, even if Chu Yan broke through to another realm, it was far from enough. , how to fight this?

"How dare you speak so brazenly even though you are a defeated general? If Chang Yunhou hadn't taken action last time, you would have knelt down and worshiped me as a god." Zi Shengyang laughed wildly, and endless light rose up from his body. Color consciousness, bright field, only In an instant, the sky became extremely dark, like the end of the world.

"Kill!" Chu Yan stepped out in the air. He did not hold back at all. He sacrificed two ninth-level life souls, the Heaven-Slaying Sword Tomb, which attracted the Heavenly Sword to fall, and the Mirror World Domain, which created an independent world with his own world. Colliding with Zi Shengyang suddenly.

"Think this will be useful? I said, to you, I am a god." Zi Shengyang sneered, stepped on the sole of his foot, and soared upwards, located in the light. At this moment, he is the god of light, The sky and earth were shrouded in endless glow, the stars dimmed, and beams of destruction penetrated down one after another.

Seeing that power, everyone's hearts trembled slightly, it was too violent.

This is the difference between the Immortal Lord and the Immortal Position.

Chu Yan fell into the light and felt a mental disorder. The world in front of him was all white.

"Now, you can die." Zi Shengyang said ferociously, and then his eyes flashed with demonic light, and he sent out a message: "But don't worry, after you die, I will take care of Liu Qingcheng for you, and let her become My playthings and Qing Yi will also be Senior Brother Lingdao’s female slaves.”

"Buzz!" Chu Yan suddenly raised his head and saw endless magic light shooting out from his eyes, which turned into endless darkness in an instant.

Above him was light, but the light was so dirty. If so, he would be willing to fall into darkness forever and destroy this light.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, there was infinite demonic energy burning in Chu Yan's body. In just a moment, a dark vortex appeared around him. The vortex emerged, containing terrifying will, which made people's hearts tremble. At this time, Chu Yan feels like a supreme demon king.

"What is that?" Everyone was trembling slightly, and even many princes looked shocked.

"Consciousness! Another consciousness! Color consciousness." A prince trembled. Chu Yan actually realized another color consciousness during the battle, which was completely opposite to Zi Shengyang, a dark consciousness.

"Buzz!" The dark consciousness was released crazily, and the light was gradually dispersed.

"How is that possible!" Zi Shengyang only felt his body tremble slightly. He found that his light could not compete with the darkness, and he was making a sound of fear.

"Zi Shengyang, you don't seem to be that good..." Chu Yan raised his head, as if the demon king had descended. He took a step in the air, and behind him, there were dark demon wings shaking wildly.

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