Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1133: Unparalleled Talent [3rd update]

"Kill!" Chu Yan lowered his finger, and with a buzz, the Immortal-killing sword shadow cut through mountains and rivers, tore apart everything, and rushed directly towards Lingdao.

Affected by the power of the sword, Ling Dao felt his body shake and his will was a little unstable. A stern look flashed in his eyes: "You madman!"

Ling Dao didn't believe such a terrifying sword move, and Chu Yan was not affected at all, but he still used it. Forced, Ling Dao quickly retreated, thousands of weapons gathered together, and piled up into an ancient bronze stone door. With a bang, the sword light hit, and the ancient door was suddenly dented, but it was not broken.

"Wow!" That ancient gate was the soul of Ling Dao. The ancient gate was damaged. He spurted out blood and took a few steps back. Then he raised his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Chu Yan viciously.

He, a dignified immortal, was actually injured by an immortal named Chu Yan, and he was seriously injured.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. Even some princes and figures showed shocked expressions. Chu Yan was so demonic. Although his realm was not high enough, he had the power to compete with the Immortal Lord. It was beyond their abilities. Imagine.

In the realm of the Immortal Throne, fighting against the Immortal Lord, what kind of fighting power is this?


Above the blue sky in the distance, there is a majestic middle-aged figure. He is standing there, but it seems that the world is surrendering under his feet. He is watching everything that is happening from thousands of miles away, with no wave on his face.

He was standing there, but it seemed as if the whole world was arrogant, as if the entire fairyland was under his eyes.

"You really want to see him continue to act like this." Next to the figure, stood a beautiful woman, holding a green dress in her hand and placing it on the middle-aged man's shoulders.

"This is what a man is born to do. He was born to be a king. These are just some episodes on his tortuous path of cultivation. They are nothing." The middle-aged man said with a calm smile. He didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with Chu Yan doing these things. Good man. During your lifetime of cultivation, you should walk between heaven and earth with a clear conscience and a passionate heart.

If one day, because of his practice, his family members are humiliated and he dare not take action, and his loved ones are in crisis and he cannot do anything, then why practice?

"The Purple Saint Emperor is now quite powerful in the Immortal Realm. If Purple Saint Yang dies, what will he do if he takes action?"

"So what? If the Ziyang Saint Emperor doesn't jump out, everything is best. If he does, he will be killed." Just one sentence from the middle-aged Yi Bo Yuntian, I am afraid that people in the Immortal Realm will laugh out loud if they hear it. Ziyang Saint If the emperor takes action, just kill him? I'm afraid not many people in the Immortal Realm would dare to say this, right?

Emperor Qingfeng didn't dare either.

However, the beautiful woman was quietly standing aside. When she heard this, she was also very calm, as if what he said was true. She lowered her head and looked at Chu Yan: "He is indeed a good boy. Ruomeng's expectations are not wrong. "

The middle-aged man did not respond. He turned around and looked at the beautiful woman with a tender look: "Back then, I took Qingcheng away and lived through hundreds of reincarnations. Do you hate me?"

"Of course I hate it." The beautiful woman glared at the middle-aged man with resentment.

"What about now?" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and took the beautiful woman in his hand.

"I don't hate it anymore..." Feeling the warmth of the big hand, the beautiful woman's delicate body trembled slightly, and she smiled. The ten thousand years of waiting were worth it: "Without Ruomeng back then, you and I would never have known each other. In these ten thousand years Waiting will repay her, but if that royal family knows that their descendants are still alive, they won't give up, right?"

"So, this road is still far away. The moment he reaches the top, I will always protect him. Until one day, when he returns to the Nine Heavens God Realm and goes to the royal family, he will get everything back." Nian said seriously.

"I sometimes wonder, is he your son-in-law or your son? Do you really believe in him so much? The current power of that royal family is probably as powerful as the gods." The beautiful woman said softly.

"You don't know what kind of talent he has. When he was in the stars in the lower world, he walked step by step to where he is today. I watched those scenes with my own eyes. It is precisely because of this that I firmly believe that the hatred of the destruction of the palace will be eliminated. If someone wants to bring it back, it must be him." The middle-aged man said solemnly.

"What would people in the Nine Heavens Divine Realm think if they knew that the arrogant King Liu who dared to challenge the royal families of the world and wanted the bright moon to replace the blue sky was still alive, and now he was willing to pave the way for future generations? "

"They will see it, and that day will not be far away." The middle-aged man smiled proudly, and the sky trembled, as if his words were God's will.


Ling Dao was seriously injured, which shocked everyone again. Today's battle has overturned common sense, and many princes have become anxious.

The key is that Chu Yan seems to have no intention of stopping yet.

At this moment, Chu Yan turned his eyes directly and ignored Ling Dao. With Wanjian in hand, he looked in the direction of Zi Shengyang's escape.

"Today, Zi Shengyang must die. Whoever stops him will die!"

"Asshole! Let's do it together and stop him at all costs!" Ling Dao stood up with a pale face. Zi Shengyang cannot die. This is his belief.

In the distance, the disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace also frowned. They were all geniuses of the generation and had their own pride. But now, if many of their immortals join forces to deal with an immortal, they will naturally feel ashamed in their hearts. But Unfortunately, Chu Yan is too strong, and coupled with the evil sword, he cannot defeat him alone.

"Do it!" Many Immortal Lords stepped out in the air, more than a dozen times. Everyone's hearts froze slightly. The Immortal Lord disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace actually joined forces to deal with Chu Yan. This news must be a joke.

Looking at the people rushing towards him, Chu Yan's eyes were cold and sarcastic: "The Purple Sun Palace is nothing more than that, arrogant and arrogant. In the end, several immortals joined forces to deal with me alone."

"But I said, no one can stop me today!" Chu Yan shouted loudly and rushed out with his sword.

"Arrogant!" The disciples of Ziyang Holy Palace snorted coldly. Although they recognized Chu Yan's fighting power, were they seeking death alone against a dozen of them?

The princes in the distance were also slightly moved. Chu Yan may have been a little too confident this time. People who are immortals can control the power of heaven and earth. Those who can reach that level are geniuses. There are no ordinary people. Chu Yan Geng Yao, it is understandable to defeat one or two immortals, but against a dozen immortals, this is absolutely impossible.

"Buzz!" In the distance, more than a dozen immortals released their consciousness at the same time, and the realms of various colors merged. In an instant, the world seemed to be divided. There were thunder and lightning, ice and snow storms, prehistoric times, tsunamis, and various forces. Endless, just the oppression of these consciousnesses made Chu Yan deeply trapped in it, and he felt his own will tremble strongly.

"We and a dozen immortals can suppress you with just our consciousness. How can you fight like this?" Ling Dao said coldly and proudly. The defeat just now obviously had a great impact on him. Now, he hopes to work together to regain some face. .

"More than a dozen people joined forces to deal with me, the Immortal, and you are still so complacent, Ling Dao, no matter what, you are the youngest Immortal of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, but in the end, you are so ignorant." Chu Yan smiled sarcastically, and then he Taking a step forward, the life soul is released.

"Bloom!" Chu Yan shouted in a low voice, and with a buzz, a blazing sun appeared above him. When the sun came out, it directly replaced the original sun, as if the light in this world was given to all living beings by Chu Yan. Everyone's eyes froze.

"Another ninth-grade life soul?" Some princes were trembling. They had always known that Chu Yan had two ninth-grade life souls, but the scorching sun at the moment was also a ninth-grade life soul. In other words, Chu Yan's life soul was also a ninth-grade soul. The soul is also ninth grade?

Seeing the scorching sun, Ling Dao's eyes narrowed: "No wonder you are favored by the emperor, and you actually have a ninth-grade life soul, but so what? Everyone under the Immortal Lord is just an ant!"

"There's another one?" Chu Yan suddenly smiled and looked at Ling Dao with a playful look. Ling Dao also saw it and felt a little unhappy in his heart: "What do you mean?"

"Look clearly!"

Chu Yan looked at everyone ridiculously, and then he waved his hand, and souls of life bloomed and rose into the sky. In just a moment, the heaven and earth were occupied by endless light, which was dazzling.

No more, no less, seven souls of destiny, starting from the King Realm and ending at the Immortal Realm.

What is amazing is that the seven life souls have the same color, the same grade, and all nine levels of holy light are so perfect that it is even difficult to tell which life soul is from the king realm and which life soul comes from the immortal realm. position, because these seven are exactly the same.

"This..." The Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty was in chaos. Everyone was stunned. The princes felt their bodies go numb. The seven life souls were all ninth-grade, top-level holy life souls. This... Still human?

How could there be such a monster in this world?

The corner of Ling Dao's mouth also twitched. He had always been proud of having two eighth-grade life souls. But compared with Chu Yan's life soul, how crude was his own?

In the crowd, the hearts of the Nine Princes trembled, and they suddenly remembered what Chang Yunhou said that day. Some people were born extraordinary and destined to be like this. In the fairyland, they are called the kings of the fairyland, and in the long river of history, they are still Some people call them by another name, they are the royal family.

At that time, he did not believe in evil, but now, he could not tolerate his disbelief. If not, how could there be such an evil person?

In the distant imperial palace, Emperor Qingfeng was sitting quietly, indifferent to everything outside. But at this moment, feeling the fluctuation of the holy light, he couldn't help but raise his head, looking at the incomparable brilliance, and sighed. One voice: "Is this fate? A fate that cannot be escaped."

Outside the palace, Ling Dao's face became more gloomy when he saw the uniform ninth-grade life soul blooming. It could also be said that he was envious. If he could have such a talent, in the Purple Sun Palace, he might not need to deliberately flatter anyone. As long as you practice normally, you will be favored by the Holy Emperor.

Unfortunately, it's not him.

What's more, his murderous intention towards Chu Yan is even more serious. Chu Yan not only affected his development in Ziyang Holy Palace, but also took away the Qingfeng Order and won Qingyi's love. But as long as he dies, everything will cease to exist. , as for the Dragon Alliance's revenge, screw it, don't care anymore.

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