Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1127 A Frozen Flower [Three Updates]

Regarding what happened in Changyun Hou Mansion not long ago, word spread quickly and everyone learned about it.

Qingfeng Immortal City is a restaurant where many geniuses gathered here. On a wine table, a young man chatted and said, "Have you heard? Zi Shengyang is in love with Chu Yan's wife."

"This matter has spread throughout the Immortal Dynasty, so naturally I have heard about it. Princess Qingyi seemed to be furious because of this and had a fight with Zi Shengyang."

"But don't mention it, that Liu Qingcheng is really the best among people, with unparalleled beauty. It is inevitable for Zi Shengyang to be impulsive. If my status allows me, I might also steal my wife, haha."

"Just you? Forget it, can you beat Chu Yan?" Someone rolled his eyes, and the other person curled his lips: "Aren't you going to brag? But do you think Zi Shengyang will give up? Chu Yan will be released from seclusion. Aren’t you going to fight with Chu Yan again?”

"It's hard to say." Discussions continued in the Immortal Tower.

"Whoosh!" At this moment, a handsome figure suddenly came out of the sky in the distance with great momentum, soaring upwards, attracting many eyes. When it reached a certain height, the handsome young man stopped, and a dazzling light bloomed in his body. The light is like a god.

"I, Purple Saint Yang!" The next moment, a rich voice echoed through the fairy city. This person is Zi Shengyang.

Everyone looked up one after another, showing a look of confusion. They couldn't figure out why Zi Shengyang suddenly appeared and what he was going to say.

In Changyun Hou Mansion, Princess Changge, Qingyi and others were also disturbed by the sound. When Qingyi looked at the Purple Sacred Sun, his autumn eyes were as cold as ice and snow for thousands of years.

"Recently, there have been a lot of rumors about me in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. Today, I want to clarify that I am not planning to marry Liu Qingcheng as my wife. As for what you said, whether I will snatch my wife from Chu Yan, it is even more ridiculous. "Zi Shengyang said calmly, many people in the fairy city showed surprise, everything that day was not true?

"What you said are not true?" In the restaurant, a young prodigy frowned and asked: "But not long ago, you took action with Princess Qingyi at Changyun Marquis Mansion. Is that also a lie?"

Zi Shengyang lowered his head and looked at the young man: "Of course it is true."

"Then what do you mean by what you are saying now? Do you want to remove yourself because your pursuit fails?"

"When I first met Liu Qingcheng, I was really moved by her appearance. I also thought about marrying her, but it was a pity that I didn't expect that she was such a frivolous person. She became a wife and her body was not perfect. It made me very sad. . Such a woman is okay for fun, is she worthy of marrying her?”

After saying that, Zi Shengyang paused and showed a joking smile: "She is willing, but I think she is dirty!"

"Boom!" Everyone in the Immortal City suddenly became excited. Everyone from all sides showed surprise. Apparently they did not expect that Zi Shengyang would say such words in public.

In the Changyun Marquis Mansion, her green-clad autumn eyes were as ice-like. She stood up and was about to step out. There was a terrifying green light burning in her body.

"Sister Qingyi, forget it!" Liu Qingcheng held Qingyi and shook her head gently. She was also angry in her heart, but she didn't understand that Zi Shengyang did this to humiliate her, and moreover, to anger Qingyi. .

The last time he took action was at Changyun Hou Mansion, he was unable to kill Qing Yi, but this time, if Qing Yi chased him out, Zi Shengyang might not show mercy.

In the fairy city, after Zi Shengyang finished speaking, he turned around and left with a sinister look in his eyes. Aren't you pretending to be noble? Well, I will discredit you.

Also, if he couldn't marry her, he would treat her as his plaything and make her a prisoner. Thinking of this, his smile became even more sinister, even ferocious.

Some time later, the news about Liu Qingcheng spread throughout the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. Many people were giving advice. Of course, there were also people who defended her. But no matter what the reason was, a woman would always feel ashamed if she was talked about unscrupulously by others. .

This also made Liu Qingcheng's face pale.

"I'm going to find my father!" Qing Yi looked coldly and turned towards the imperial palace.

But Qing Yi would not have thought that Zi Shengyang would come to the Hou Mansion not long after she left.

All of this has long been part of Zi Shengyang's plan. He humiliated Liu Qingcheng in public in the Immortal City today because he guessed that Qing Yi would go looking for the emperor.

As for Prince Changyun, he had already asked Ling Dao to find a way to get rid of him. Now, except for some maids, only Liu Qingcheng and Princess Changge are left in the Prince Changyun Mansion.

"Whoosh!" Zi Shengyang stepped in from the air and landed outside the gate of the Hou Mansion. Beside him, there were many disciples from Ziyang Holy Palace following him, including Ling Dao.

"What are you doing here?" When she saw the other party, Princess Changge's face changed slightly, she took a step forward and stood in front of Liu Qingcheng.

Seeing Liu Qingcheng again, the evil in Zi Shengyang's eyes was completely exposed. This time, he showed no elegance and was as greedy as a wild beast.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Zi Shengyang raised his legs and walked forward step by step, his eyes ferocious.

"Don't do this nonsense!" Princess Changge's heart trembled, and then she immediately raised her hand and summoned an immortal thought to transmit a message.

"Seal this place!" Zi Shengyang shouted coldly. He came here today just to use force. How could he be unprepared? Moreover, he had experience when he dealt with Dong Huangying last time.

Several people from the Ziyang Holy Palace stepped out and flew into the sky. They were all immortals. Their immortal lights intertwined and turned into formations, directly sealing Changyun Hou Mansion so that Princess Changge's immortal thoughts could not be transmitted.

Seeing this scene, Princess Changge panicked. The other party had obviously come prepared. Liu Qingcheng was behind her, her face as pale as jade. She didn't expect that Zi Shengyang would dare to break into the Hou Mansion directly and forget about humiliating her. She took action.

"Zi Shengyang, this is Qingfeng Xian Dynasty... Have you thought about the consequences of doing this?" Princess Changge moved Qingfeng Xian Dynasty out to delay time. Only in this way can she wait for Qingyi to return.

"Delay time?" Zi Shengyang saw through Princess Changge's thoughts at a glance, shook his head with a wicked smile, and continued to move forward, approaching Liu Qingcheng.

Feeling a strong sense of crisis, Liu Qingcheng also panicked. She clenched her slender jade hands slightly and wanted to retreat, but the next moment, a strong pressure came, causing her delicate body to tremble slightly, but she could not move a step.

"I am a disciple of Tianhua Xiandi. If you touch me, my master will not let you go!" Liu Qingcheng was also anxious. She was no match for Zi Shengyang and could only continue to exert pressure.

"So what?" Zi Shengyang smiled casually: "Tianhua Immortal Emperor is indeed powerful, but I am not afraid of him. My father is Ziyang Saint Emperor, a half-step Immortal King. Even if I touch you, as long as I return to the Holy Palace, what can Tianhua Immortal Emperor do to me?"

After saying that, Zi Shengyang came to Liu Qingcheng and looked at her charming face: "What a beautiful person, don't worry, I will come to love you right away!"

"Zi Shengyang, let him go, I will accompany you!" Princess Changge was anxious and shouted.

"You? I'm not interested." Zi Shengyang glanced at Princess Changge, shook his head, and then stretched out his big hand and stroked Liu Qingcheng's delicate jade face, smiling incomparably sinister: "Although I can't marry you, you will always have my mark on you!"

"He won't let you go!" Liu Qingcheng's autumn eyes turned red.

"Chu Yan? You're defeated, so what if he knows? Also, after today, every time he sees you, he will remember that his woman was played by me, Zi Shengyang, haha!" Zi Shengyang laughed wildly with excitement.

"Fool, I'm sorry..." With tears streaking down her cheeks, Liu Qingcheng closed her eyes in despair. Suddenly, a terrible ice circulated in her body, conflicting everything, and her fair skin was frozen by layers of frost.

Seeing this scene, Zi Shengyang's eyes flashed with cold light: "Do you want to **?"

"Fool, I can't accompany you in this life..." Liu Qingcheng said with heartache. No matter what, she would never let Zi Shengyang touch her. That would only mean death to preserve her chastity.

"Are you crazy?" Zi Shengyang was also anxious. He just wanted to get Liu Qingcheng. In that way, even if Tianhua Immortal Emperor wanted to retaliate, he had his father, Tianhua Immortal Emperor, and he would at least not kill him if he apologized. But if Liu Qingcheng died, the meaning would be different.

Thinking of this, he activated his immortal power and kept pressing on Liu Qingcheng, trying to stop the power. Unfortunately, he found that it was useless. The ice in Liu Qingcheng's body was too terrible, like ice that had not melted for a thousand years.

"Idiot! Stop! Stop!" Zi Shengyang said anxiously.

"Qingcheng!" Princess Changge was also panicked. She tried her best, spitting out blood, breaking free from the immortal power, and rushed to Liu Qingcheng's side. However, at this moment, Liu Qingcheng's delicate body had been frozen. She lay there peacefully, with an ice flower blooming on her chest.

"Zi Shengyang!" Princess Changge glared at Zi Shengyang with red eyes: "Qingcheng is in trouble, you have to take responsibility, and all of you have to take responsibility!"

"What's going on?" The cold air was too strong, spreading throughout the entire immortal dynasty, and even the formation could not seal it, causing countless people to raise their heads.

In the imperial palace, Qingyi and the emperor were sitting and looking at each other. Feeling the chill, she stood up suddenly and walked outside the hall. When she saw the cold light rising from the Changyun Marquis's mansion, her jade face was as cold as ice.

The next moment, Qingyi jumped into the air, and Emperor Qingfeng also frowned. He was faster than Qingyi and landed directly at the Changyun Marquis's mansion. When he saw Liu Qingcheng's frozen body, a trace of anger shot out from his eyes.

"Who did it!" Emperor Qingfeng said coldly.

Feeling the pressure from the emperor, Zi Shengyang also panicked. He said nervously: "Senior, I just passed by here and came to see Miss Qingcheng, but I didn't expect her to take it seriously. This is none of my business."

"You beast!" The Changyun prince also returned at this time and was furious when he saw this scene.

"Emperor, kill him!" In the distance, many princes also came, and the Donghuang Marquis was also there. When he saw what happened to Liu Qingcheng, he felt even more heartbroken, and so did his daughter.

Zi Shengyang was shocked and looked at Emperor Qingfeng in a hurry: "Emperor, this matter has nothing to do with me. I have no ill intentions."

"She is still breathing." At this moment, a king who is good at healing came out with his immortal thoughts, covering Liu Qingcheng and spoke.

One sentence, attracting many thoughts, this can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

Emperor Qingfeng's eyes moved away from Zi Shengyang and looked at Liu Qingcheng. Compared with killing Zi Shengyang, Liu Qingcheng's life was obviously more important. He raised his hand, and countless green lights were born and injected into Liu Qingcheng's body to prolong her life.

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