Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1126: Blue-clothed Rage

Ling Dao frowned slightly. If Liu Qingcheng was just an ordinary child of a prince in Qingfeng Xian Dynasty, this matter would be easy to handle. If it really didn't work, he could use his status to pressure and force the other party to break.

But as the son of Emperor Ling Tian, ​​he had many eyes and ears in Qingfeng Xian Dynasty.

There have been rumors recently that Chu Yanzhong's wife came and stayed temporarily in Changyun Prince. Now there is suddenly such a stunning woman here. It is not difficult to guess who she is.

It just so happens that the other party has a good background in the central part of the fairyland and is the direct disciple of Emperor Tianhua. With this status, even if he wants to help, it is a bit difficult.

"Swoosh!" But at this moment, Zi Shengyang stepped out in the air and rushed directly towards Liu Qingcheng. Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly and wanted to retreat, but under the pressure of the Immortal Venerable, how could she break free?

"Swoosh!" At the same time, a series of green lights suddenly bloomed from the Marquis's Mansion, turning into thousands of ancient vines, covering Zi Shengyang.

Zi Shengyang paused and turned to look at Qingyi: "Princess Qingyi, what do you mean?"

"If you dare to touch her, I will kill you!"

Qingyi said very coldly. During this time, she did not allow anyone to approach Liu Qingcheng because she was worried about this kind of thing. Liu Qingcheng was too stunning and it was inevitable that people would covet her.

Unexpectedly, she was still seen by Zi Shengyang.

"Princess Qingyi, for the sake of the emperor, I will not bother with you, but today, I want this woman." Zi Shengyang said coldly. After practicing for hundreds of years, it is rare to meet a person who loves him. This time he will never give up.

After speaking, Zi Shengyang's body hummed and bloomed with dazzling light, as if the whole sky was covered with holy light. He moved his mind slightly, and holy light covered Liu Qingcheng's delicate body.

Liu Qingcheng was only a sixth-level immortal and had not yet comprehended the consciousness of the immortal. How could she withstand such an impact? She only felt her delicate body tremble slightly, and her jade face became extremely embarrassed.

The holy light was like a pair of eyes, greedily scanning every inch of Liu Qingcheng's skin.

"It's a pity... Such a beautiful woman is not a perfect woman." After the baptism, Zi Shengyang looked at Liu Qingcheng with a hint of disappointment.

"You are so presumptuous!" Qingyi shouted delicately. Zi Shengyang actually said in public that Liu Qingcheng was not a perfect woman. How humiliating is this for a woman?

However, Zi Shengyang ignored Qingyi and still looked at Liu Qingcheng: "Although you are not a perfect woman and are not worthy of being my wife, with your face, I can let you be my concubine, follow me into the Ziyang Holy Palace, and serve me in the future. Are you willing?"

After practicing for hundreds of years, it is rare to meet a beautiful woman, but she has been desecrated by others. Although he really values ​​her, he is the son of the saint and it is absolutely impossible for him to marry someone else's woman.

He thinks it is dirty.

But even so, he still doesn't want to let go of such a beauty. If he can take her as a concubine and serve him in the future, it will also be a very beautiful thing.

"You are looking for death!" Buzz, the power in Qingyi's body was out of control, turning into a sky-high blue light, descending below, the sky suddenly dimmed, the stars were destroyed, and they attacked Zi Shengyang.

This time, Qingyi was really angry, and she had a murderous intention towards Zi Shengyang. There was a terrible power burning in her body, and crackling sounds came out, as if chains were broken.

Liu Qingcheng came to Qingfeng Xianchao, Chu Yan was in seclusion, but she did not protect Liu Qingcheng and was humiliated by Zi Shengyang in public.

Ling Dao frowned slightly, pressed his palm down, and a mountain phantom appeared in the void, turning into the power of rules to press down, shattering those blue lights one by one.

"Qingyi, you are overdoing it." Ling Dao said calmly, he was the Immortal Venerable, Qingyi was only an Immortal, there was a realm gap.

"Get out of here!" Qing Yi's jade-like face was as cold as ice as a cry. She rushed into the sky and waved her slender jade hand. Then a Qingtong cauldron rose up. Qingguang Xuantian Cauldron was one of the eternal divine objects. The most powerful part of this cauldron was to open a battlefield, summon the Qingguang Army, set rules, and assimilate power.

Within the Qingguang, the power of everyone would be unified. If Qing Yi's realm was a little lower, it might not be enough to threaten the Immortal Venerable, but she was also a top-level immortal, with the assistance of divine objects, even the Immortal Venerable would feel the crisis.

Chu Yan had killed the Immortal Venerable with the help of divine objects.

Ling Dao was enveloped by the power of rules and recognized Qingguang Xuantian Cauldron at a glance. It was the sacred object of Qingfeng: "Qing Yi, what are you doing? This is the sacred object of Qingfeng. He is the Son of God. If you kill him, the Immortal Dynasty will be in danger because of you."

"Get out of here!" Qing Yi's jade-like face said extremely coldly. Countless Qingguang Army was born in the sky, and they madly killed Zi Shengyang.

Seeing those rules and powers, Zi Shengyang's face changed slightly. The power of the divine object also had a great restraint on him, and he did not expect that his casual words would make Qingyi so crazy.

Of course, he did not care. As the son of the Purple Sun Palace, how could he not have a life-saving divine object?

"Om!" He put his hands together, and saw a ten-sided golden pagoda emerge, rumbling down and smashing the rules and powers one by one.

Qingyi's eyes were still cold, and she continued to concentrate. Countless blue light armies were shattered, and then emerged again, as if endless. In her body, it seemed that a ball of blue flame was burning wildly. Around the flame, chains kept breaking, and then the light of her skin became stronger, and the power kept surging out, and even the sky changed with it.

"Are you crazy?" Zi Shengyang's heart trembled wildly. He didn't know what kind of power it was, but he was sure that Qingyi was burning herself in order to kill him.

"Swoosh!" Suddenly, an extraordinary strong man descended from the sky. He frowned when he saw this scene. Then he pressed his palm downwards and sealed the area below with his top-level consciousness.

Feeling the power, Qing Yi's delicate body trembled slightly and was forced to stop. Then she raised her head and looked coldly at the top immortal figure.

"Princess Qingyi, my Holy Son came to Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty as a guest, why did you kill him?" The Immortal Lord was the strong man who had been guarding Zi Shengyang, frowning.

"Ask him what he did!" Qing Yi shouted coldly, and the green light in his body continued to burn, crackling, with the vague intention of reaching the sky, breaking free from the shackles of the top immortal.

"Holy Son, let's go!" The Immortal Lord frowned and said, although he still doesn't know what happened, but this is the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and it is impossible for him to do something to Qing Yi, so he can only leave now.

Zi Shengyang was shrouded in the green light, and his eyes showed a stern look. He was the Holy Son, and he had always been aloof. When had he ever been threatened like this? The other party was still an immortal, which made him extremely angry.

But he also knew that he couldn't kill Qing Yi here, otherwise, the matter would be really serious, so he could only snort, look at Liu Qingcheng again, and leave with a wave of sleeves.

"Princess, I'm offended!" After confirming that Zi Shengyang had left, the Immortal Lord nodded to Princess Tsing Yi, regained consciousness, and left.

As for Ling Dao, Tuxu Yukong's face was not so natural. In addition to shock, there was also envy and jealousy in his heart.

Since his return, he has shown his admiration for Qing Yi, but Qing Yi has never looked at him directly. Instead, he lives with Chu Yan in Changyun Hou Mansion. The key is that now Chu Yan's wife has come and asked him to He understood that Qing Yi would rather serve a man with other women than with him, which made him even more unhappy.

"Qing Yi, how do you want to explain today's matter to the emperor?" Ling Dao snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

Changyun Hou Mansion was slightly dilapidated, and many people were shocked. They had never seen Qingyi behave like this after returning to the Immortal Dynasty for decades.

Looking at the back, the jade face in green clothes was extremely cold. She turned around and looked at Liu Qingcheng, her face was a little pale. She was only at the sixth level of the immortal position. She would definitely not feel good if she suffered from lust consciousness.

"If he dares to humiliate you, I will definitely kill him!" Qing Yi's voice was still clear, but the coldness seemed to be able to freeze everything.

"Sister Qingyi, I'm fine. Besides, it was just a few words of humiliation, and it didn't really hurt me." Liu Qingcheng squeezed out a smile and shook her head. She was also a woman. Although she was married to Chu Yan, she could not be said in public. If you are not a perfect body, but you still have concubines, how can you feel good in your heart?

But from what she could tell just now, Zi Shengyang was not a simple person. He probably came from a place larger than the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. She didn't want Qing Yi to take risks for her.

"I'm sorry!" Qing Yi lowered her head, blaming herself. Chu Yan was not here, so she should have protected Liu Qingcheng, but today, she didn't.

"Aren't you my sister?" Liu Qingcheng shook her head with a smile, stretched out her slender hand, and held Qing Yi together. Qing Yi felt better now, but the coldness in her heart definitely did not weaken.

After this incident, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty caused quite a stir again.

When Zi Shengyang returned to his residence, his heart was filled with anger. In his opinion, he didn't realize what he had done wrong at all. In his opinion, it was a great blessing for a wife to be his concubine. It was his gift to Liu Qingcheng.

In the end, Qing Yi actually took action against himself. He was a mere immortal. If this was not the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, he would have directly killed Qing Yi before the Immortal Lord appeared.

Thinking of this, he became even more angry. He raised his head and looked at a maid not far away, with a sinister expression on his face: "Come here!"

"Holy, Holy Son..." The maid stepped forward and said timidly. She was also a saint from a sect, but not long ago she was forcibly recruited into the imperial palace by Ling Dao to serve Zi Shengyang.

"Take it off." Zi Shengyang said coldly, and the maid frowned slightly. This is the main hall, and there are many guards outside the door.

"I told you to take it off! Can't you hear me?" Zi Shengyang roared, and then he stood up like a wild beast, tore the woman's clothes to pieces and scattered them on the ground, exposing her fair and jade-like skin. in the air.

"Even you bitch dare to disobey my order?" Zi Shengyang said rudely, raising his hand to slap the woman on the face and pressing her to the ground. The woman's autumn eyes flashed with fear, but she did not dare to struggle. , could only be ravaged and humiliated by Zi Shengyang, with crystal tears shining in his eyes.

After another crazy vent, Zi Shengyang stopped, but the anger in his heart was still burning.

"You are indeed a bitch, your food is tasteless! Get out!"

Zi Shengyang stood up and looked at the maid and said coldly. Thinking of Liu Qingcheng's stunning face, figure, and watery skin, the evil intention in his body became even stronger.

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