Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1128 Qing Yi's Anger

Marquis Changyun was also like this, looking at Liu Qingcheng worriedly. Although he wanted to tear Zi Shengyang into pieces, it was nothing compared to Liu Qingcheng's life.

Liu Qingcheng came to Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty and lived in his mansion, but such a thing happened. If Emperor Tianhua didn't know what would happen, I'm afraid that little guy would blame him when he woke up.

Emperor Qingfeng continued to release green light, covering the mansion. In the ancient courtyard, there was a crackling sound, and vines broke out of the ground one by one, like an evergreen tree, containing infinite vitality, and injected into Liu Qingcheng's body, trying to melt the eternal ice.

Everyone was here, and they didn't dare to breathe. Zi Shengyang was also guilty. Liu Qingcheng was alive, but if she died, he couldn't guarantee that someone here would go crazy and kill him.

He was the descendant of the Holy Emperor and would inherit the way of heaven in the future. If he died here, it would be too unfair.

"Ling Dao, have you been watching here?" Donghuang Hou looked at Ling Dao, and Ling Dao's heart sank and he became nervous. He had never thought that Liu Qingcheng would be so crazy.

You know, after arriving in the fairyland, many things are not so important, such as the physical body.

So he thought, even if Zi Shengyang used force on Liu Qingcheng, it would not matter if the truth was revealed. At most, Tianhua Immortal Emperor would have to explain. Zi Shengyang also said that he was willing to accept Liu Qingcheng as a concubine, but who would have thought that Liu Qingcheng would not even want her life in order to save Jingjing.

"If Liu Qingcheng has any problems, Tianhua Immortal Emperor comes here, you are the sinner." Donghuang Hou said coldly. The last time Donghuang Ying had an accident, Ling Dao was also involved.

Ling Dao glared at Donghuang Hou fiercely, with hatred in his heart, but at this time, he dared not say much, and could only hope that Liu Qingcheng would not get into trouble.

"Buzz!" The green light flashed, and the glory of the emperor containing the way of heaven continued to flow into Liu Qingcheng's body, and the bone-chilling ice finally began to melt.

Until the end, the ice dissipated, and Liu Qingcheng lay there quietly, her jade face still a little pale, but at least, her life was saved.

"Emperor, how is it?" Prince Changyun asked nervously.

"She has saved her life for the time being, but her bloodline is too special, it must come from an ancient inheritance. Just now, she burned her bloodline and froze all her vitality, causing a lot of organ damage in her body. I used the imperial power to melt the ice, and the rest depends on her own luck." Emperor Qingfeng said softly, looking at Liu Qingcheng with a look that was not so natural.

He was an emperor of the Immortal Dynasty, so he had known Liu Qingcheng for a long time, but he didn't think much about it. He just thought that Liu Qingcheng was Chu Yanchenjian's wife, and she might have a good opportunity to worship under the Tianhua Immortal Emperor.

But just now, he realized that he was wrong.

Liu Qingcheng is not an ordinary person.

That bloodline should come from that ancient clan...

The next moment, Emperor Qingfeng smiled bitterly, thinking of Chu Yan. Perhaps the little guy himself didn't know how much his mother had paved for him?

But it was just strange to think about it. Looking at the fairyland, the only person who could make that ancient clan willing to send a bloodline child to the lower world star to marry someone was probably her.

Everyone didn't know what Emperor Qingfeng was thinking, but they were relieved to hear that Liu Qingcheng had saved her life.

"Huh..." Zi Shengyang also showed a hint of joy. Liu Qingcheng was fine, so everything was easy.

"Look, I said it was a misunderstanding. Emperor, now Qingcheng is fine, I won't bother you anymore." Zi Shengyang said with a guilty conscience. In this situation, it would be better for him to leave the Marquis' Mansion as soon as possible, no, Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and go back to Ziyang Holy Palace directly.

"You still want to leave!" The Marquis of Changyun shouted angrily, his long hair whistling in the wind, and the pressure of the top immortal turned into a black cloud dragon shadow, rushing towards Zi Shengyang.

Feeling that power, Zi Shengyang's face changed and he quickly retreated, but how big was the gap between him and the top immortal? How to avoid it?

"Bang!" With a loud bang, Zi Shengyang's body flew into the air and was hit. He fell to the ground and spit out blood.

"Marquis Changyun, are you crazy? You hurt me to provoke an immortal war between the two top forces?" Zi Shengyang looked ferocious. Marquis Changyun, did he really dare to attack him?

"Bang!" Marquis Changyun's face was as cold as ice. He took a step forward, and the ground trembled slightly. His old eyes were as sharp as a knife. In the past few years, he had always seen Zi Shengyang's harassment of Princess Changge, but for the sake of Qingfeng's great cause, he endured it. Today, the other party used force in my house, and he could not bear it.

"Swoosh!" As the space in front of Zi Shengyang fluctuated, a top-level Immortal Venerable stepped out immediately, put his hands together, and turned into a purple-gold holy light mirror to block the Yunxiao dragon shadow.

That Immortal Venerable was naturally Zi Shengyang's protector. At this moment, he also knew what happened and was a little angry with the playboy, but he was sent by the Holy Emperor to protect Zi Shengyang, and he would definitely not stand idly by.

"Now Miss Qingcheng's life has been saved, Marquis Changyun, you are too much." The Immortal Venerable said, looking at Emperor Qingfeng: "Emperor, I have bothered you for the past few years, goodbye!"

After speaking, the Immortal Venerable raised his hand, grabbed Zi Shengyang, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Buzz!" But the next moment, there was an endless divine light blooming, covering the Qingxiao.

The Immortal Venerable only felt his body tremble, his steps stopped, and he looked at Emperor Qingfeng in astonishment.

"What does the emperor mean?" The Immortal Venerable said with a guilty conscience. If the Emperor Qingfeng took action, no one could save Zi Shengyang today, and he couldn't either, and he might even die here.

"We are the guests sent by the Holy Emperor, and now the Emperor wants to take action against us?" Realizing this, the Immortal Venerable said in a deep voice.

The eyes of the Qingfeng Emperor were cold. The other party was threatening him. How could he not know that?

But today, what happened, could it just be left like this?

If so, how ridiculous would his Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty be in the Immortal Realm?

But the other party was Zi Shengyang, who came from that place. If he was killed, the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty would surely fall into a catastrophe. If it was just a war, he was not afraid. What about the Purple Yang Saint Emperor?

He believed that he had been practicing until now and was also an unparalleled figure in the Immortal Realm. How could he be afraid of fighting because the other party was strong?

What he was most worried about was the people of this Immortal Dynasty, Qingyi.

Once the top immortal dynasties went to war, it would be like spilled water that could not be reversed. How many innocent people would be affected by the imperial war? Qingyi was the doomsday disaster. She was not discovered because she was well hidden. But once the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty became a battlefield, the situation would be difficult to control. When the time came, the Immortal Emperor was here and he would think of the world. Once it was exposed, who in this world could protect Qingyi?

How could he face Qingyi's dead mother?

"I hope the emperor will think twice!" The Immortal Venerable said in a low voice, his tone full of threats. The most urgent thing now is to leave. As for the future, the emperor will make the decision when he returns to the Holy Palace.

"Emperor, kill him! We are not afraid of a fight!" Donghuang Hou roared with red eyes.

"Donghuang Hou, do you know what you are talking about?" Jiu Wanghou and Qiu Wanghou frowned and scolded. Going to war with Ziyang Holy Palace? Are you crazy?

The injured one is Liu Qingcheng, and the one who was defiled is Donghuang Ying. What does it have to do with them? For irrelevant people, let them gamble their lives?

Changyun Hou also stopped and turned to look at Qingfeng Emperor. He knew that although he had a good relationship with the emperor, he could not make the decision in today's situation. Everything can only be decided by the emperor.

Fight or not, he will support it.

"Da Da Da!" At this time, footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance, followed by a gust of cold wind, which made everyone shiver. They turned around and looked, and saw a cold figure walking down from the imperial palace.

Seeing the cold and beautiful figure, countless people's hearts jumped wildly, and Emperor Qingfeng also frowned strongly.

Qingyi walked down from the imperial palace and then walked through the crowd. Her eyes were like ice. She said nothing and walked straight towards Zi Shengyang.

"Sister Qingyi!" Ling Dao frowned and said softly, but the next moment, a green light came to the ground and chopped directly at him. His face sank, and he swung a palm to smash the vine. Then he looked at Qingyi and continued.

"What are you going to do?" Zi Shengyang's face sank even more.

Qingyi seemed not to hear it, and her eyes were colder than ever. In the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, Liu Qingcheng was humiliated and almost died because of it. How would she explain all this to Chu Yan?

It was her fault for not protecting Qingcheng. Today, Zi Shengyang must die.

"Buzz!" With every step taken, a terrible light continued to rise from Qingyi's body. Countless chains appeared around her, and those chains were breaking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Qingyi!" Emperor Qingfeng was shocked and uttered a low shout, but Qingyi remained indifferent.

"Princess Qingyi!" The Immortal Venerable strongman uttered a low shout. His voice was loud, and the deterrence of the Immortal Venerable penetrated into Qingyi's ears, but Qingyi's delicate body trembled slightly, and she did not stop and continued to move forward.

"If I don't kill you, how can I explain to him when he wakes up?" Qingyi's voice was still crisp. Her realm seemed to be breaking through the shackles and going against the will of heaven. An extremely terrible storm appeared around her delicate body.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

The heart of the Immortal Venerable strongman trembled even more strongly. Qingyi was obviously only an immortal, but the storm made him feel a sense of death, as if the end of the world was coming?

"Enough!" At this moment, a strong imperial will pressed down, and the space in front of Qingyi twisted. A figure blocked him and suppressed the storm. He turned around, looked at Qingyi, and shook his head seriously.

"You may be able to kill him if you explode, but you will definitely fall into crisis. When the time comes, what will you do to me, your father? Where will you put Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty?"

"Even if you don't care about these, what about him?" Qingfeng Emperor blocked the space with the thoughts of the Immortal Emperor and transmitted the voice: "Don't you care about him?"

Qingyi's delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of unwillingness, but she finally stopped, because she understood what would happen if she continued.

The Immortal Realm will be in chaos because of this.

This is her calamity, and this calamity will definitely involve him.

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