Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1125 Encounter

"Princess!" Seeing the cold figure, the powerful Immortal Master immediately showed respect. The person who came was none other than Qing Yi.

"Sister Qingyi!"

This was not the first time that the two women met. They knew each other's existence when they were in the mortal world. It was only after they arrived at the Holy Mountain that they identified their identities. Seeing her now, she was not embarrassed at all. Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly, walked to Qing Yi, stretched out her slender jade hand, and held Qing Yi together.

Seeing this scene, countless people felt like they heard the sound of heartbreak.

God, this Chu Yan is so inhumane, right?

Whether it is Liu Qingcheng or Qing Yi, they are both stunning in the world. If you can win one person, this life is enough.

Chu Yan actually occupied two places.

The two of them were holding each other together, so natural. Liu Qingcheng's beauty was so fresh and refined. A bright smile would make a hundred flowers eclipse. Tsing Yi was more noble and cold, making the two of them stand together, so eye-catching, as if the whole world was falling apart. It was dark, and only the two of them were left, dazzling.

Seeing Qingcheng, Qingyi also showed a faint smile and held Liu Qingcheng with his gentle hand. This single move seemed so natural. The two were like good sisters who had been separated for many years. Now that they meet each other, they use each other's warmth. Protecting each other.

Two people, one of whom is married to Chu Yan, can be said to have met when they were childhood sweethearts. They fell in love and became childhood sweethearts. They went through many difficulties, carried a tower for ten miles, leveled the Tianshan Mountains, and cut off thousands of rivers, just to meet you. In the end, Achieve the right results.

The other person, guarding silently, has been settling down for ten years. The former emperor's path, the relics of Tianjun, destroyed Beiming in a rage, and said in the sea of ​​​​stars, no matter how many years, wherever he is, I will wait for him.

So far, decades have passed. The location is no longer the earthly world or the sea of ​​stars, but the vast fairyland of the heavens. However, their thoughts have never changed because of this, and their love has not changed with time. Indifferent, on the contrary, it becomes more flavorful and profound.

Until now, they are together, holding each other's hands, getting to know each other again, and deciding the next path for that man, they will walk together.

"I'll take you to find him." Qing Yi said softly.

"Yeah!" Liu Qingcheng smiled, and the two of them left. As for the Immortal Lord, Qing Yi didn't even look at him from beginning to end.

Looking at the backs of the two peerless beauties, Qingfeng Xianchao became restless.

Liu Qingcheng used his thunder power to freeze Yang Xianglong with just one finger, just because of Yang Xianglong's humiliating words. Later, the Immortal Lord took action, but was blocked by Princess Qingyi and took Liu Qingcheng away.

Originally, when Liu Qingcheng came here, everyone thought that Chu Yan would fall into an embarrassing situation. Unfortunately, it did not happen. On the contrary, the two seemed to have known about each other's existence very early and had acquiesced. This once again made everyone in the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty Speechless.

Many people scolded Chu Yan again for being inhumane.

Of course, more people were curious about who Liu Qingcheng was. If he could use the Immortal Emperor's teleportation array to come here, he must not be an ordinary person. Some people began to investigate Liu Qingcheng.

Unfortunately, across the Immortal Realm, the lack of information makes many people feel powerless.

However, although the two major Immortal Realms in the Central and Northern Immortals are far apart, it is not difficult for some princes and descendants to investigate. Moreover, although Liu Qingcheng's own level is not high, he is also quite famous in the central part of the Immortal Realm. , and she comes from a wealthy family, so it is not difficult to investigate her.

Within a few days, Liu Qingcheng's name spread throughout the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and a descendant of a prince investigated it and informed the world.

What is shocking is that Chu Yan is good and Liu Qingcheng has such a great background.

She was Chu Yan's wife when he was in the stars in the lower world. The two were engaged in a marriage contract when they were children. When they were eighteen years old, they got married at the Liu family in Tianyong City, Changlong Kingdom in the mortal world. She entered the fairyland earlier than Chu Yan and worshiped her. Among the gates of Tianhua Immortal Palace is the direct disciple of Tianhua Immortal Emperor. When the Immortal Seeking World was opened in the Lower World, he did it for her in order to find the chosen one.

This resume revealed a lot of information, and everyone sighed, no wonder she dared to attack Yang Xianglong directly. In terms of identity, is Yang Xianglong worthy of comparison with her?

Yang Xianglong woke up and knew everything, so he could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly and admit defeat.

Let alone Tianhua Immortal Palace, if he dares to take revenge, Qing Yi will be the first to kill him, right?


When they arrived at the imperial palace, Qingyi brought Liu Qingcheng directly to the Changyun Marquis Mansion. Prince Changyun personally greeted her. When he saw Liu Qingcheng, he couldn't help but show a hint of surprise: "What a beautiful person, that bastard boy is so handsome."

"The Marquis is joking." Liu Qingcheng said modestly, looking around the courtyard but not finding the figure, feeling a little disappointed.

"He is in retreat. At the critical moment of breakthrough, you can stay here temporarily with the Marquis, and I will wait for him with you." Qing Yi said softly, trying not to make his voice so cold, or rather, a little warm, This is rare.

"It all depends on Sister Qingyi." Liu Qingcheng chuckled. Although she misses her, she has been waiting for ten years, and this last period of time is not far behind.

Although she didn't know what Chu Yan had gone through in the past ten years, it was rare that he survived the fatal blow from Emperor Huaqing. He must have been seriously injured. She didn't know how he recovered in the past ten years. Yes, but one thing she was sure of was that he must have had a very difficult time in the past ten years.

Chu Yan didn't know anything about the outside world, and now he was at a critical moment of breakthrough.

After three years, Chu Yan tempered himself with his true self, deduced the ultimate power, and realized the second color consciousness. Under the double consciousness, he had a deeper understanding of the Immortal Lord.

Consciousness is a kind of Tao, and Tao is precisely illusory. Everyone's cognition is different, and their obsessions and persistence are different, so the harvest and results are also very different.

For example, some people enter Tao through music, play thousands of songs and then understand the sound, and accompany the sound every day. The Tao they achieve must be related to the sound, but some people insist on swordsmanship, turn themselves into swords, and think that the sword is the strongest attack in the world, so his sword is the strongest Tao.

Regarding Tao, Chu Yan had some understanding many years ago. In the world, many people practice ready-made skills and pursue the inheritance of the Tao, but he had seen the memories left by Qin Ruoming. At that time, he knew that there was no Tao in the world?

Everyone's Tao is different and very different, just like the tributary and the mainstream. The so-called three thousand Taos are all the Tao, which means this.

Chu Yan's understanding of Tao this time is deeper. He found that in addition to being integrated into the attack, consciousness can also be used in many places. The so-called consciousness is a field.

To put it another way, the world is a universe, and all living beings practice in it, and consciousness is a small universe, a world of one's own.

Many insights came together, making Chu Yan's aura stronger and stronger.

In addition, in the past three years, he felt the same way when the leader of the Tiandi Sect fought with the Immortal Venerable. He did this because he was defeated by Zi Shengyang and he longed for power and a deep understanding of the Immortal Venerable.

It's just that it's still a little short. The realm of the Immortal Position can't make the consciousness so solid after all. It's hard to break the shackles of the Immortal Venerable.


Liu Qingcheng came to Qingfeng Xian Dynasty and caused some sensation. Because of her identity, many princes and nobles wanted to visit her, but unfortunately, they were all rejected by Qingyi.

In a blink of an eye, another half a year passed. During this period, Qingyi protected Liu Qingcheng very well and did not allow any men to contact her. Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly and practiced temporarily in Qingfeng Xian Dynasty.

On this day, outside the Changyun Marquis's mansion, a line of figures passed by very quickly and descended. They were all dressed very noble. The leader, holding a folding fan, was Zi Shengyang.

"What are you doing here?" Princess Changge flew out into the air, her jade face cold.

"Changge, don't you know what our Holy Son thinks of you?" Zi Shengyang smiled lightly. Half a year had passed, and the matter had gradually settled down. He began to act recklessly again.

"Changge, Junior Brother Zi is the beloved son of Master. He is a natural immortal and will surely enter the realm of Immortal Emperor in the future. Although you are not worthy of the Queen Mother of the Holy Palace, it is your blessing to be a wife or concubine of Junior Brother. Why do you always keep people away like this?" Ling Dao smiled slightly and persuaded.

"Ling Dao, you are shameless." Princess Changge said coldly. The matter of Donghuang Ying showed what kind of person Zi Shengyang was. Now, Ling Dao not only did not stop her, but also persuaded her to be a wife or concubine of Zi Shengyang?

"I'm just telling the truth. Junior brother, how noble is your status?" Ling Dao said with a nonchalant smile. His father is Emperor Ling Tian, ​​higher than the prince of Changyun.

"Changge, what's wrong?" At this moment, a graceful figure flew out from a distance. She was wearing a phoenix curtain and was stunningly beautiful. In just a moment, she attracted thousands of eyes.

"So beautiful..." Everyone couldn't help but tremble. Princess Changge was already a stunning woman, like a person in a painting, but compared to this woman, she was still far behind. She was like a fairy.

Ling Dao's eyes were also slightly moved. He admitted that he had seen many beauties, but he didn't know of another top-notch woman like Liu Qingcheng, except Qingyi.

Zi Shengyang was also stunned, such a beautiful woman...

Over the years, he has played with many women. Now there are many concubines in the Holy Palace, but there is no one who is really moved. He is the son of the Holy Palace of Ziyang, the descendant of the Holy Emperor, and has the top status in the fairyland, so he has always believed that he will definitely inherit his father's emperor in the future, become the supreme figure in the fairyland, and sit on the throne.

At that time, the woman around him should have the spirit of a mother of the world and a stunning face, and at that time, her woman will definitely be the focus of thousands of people. The woman who can match him must also be the kind of stunning fairyland, so he has only taken concubines and not married so far.

But the one in front of him really moved him, and he had an impulse to take this woman as his wife.

Perhaps only such a holy woman will be worthy of ascending the throne with him one day in the future and being noticed by the fairyland.

"Brother Ling, I want her to be my wife!" Thinking of this, Zi Shengyang said only one sentence, very seriously, asking Liu Qingcheng to be his wife.

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