Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1124 Qingcheng is coming

In the Imperial Palace, the Duke of Donghuang left, and the Mother of Qingfeng came. Her eyes were cold, like the peerless mysterious woman: "In the past three years, the disciples of the Purple Sun Palace have become more and more presumptuous, and have completely ignored the rules of the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. Do we have to let them go?"

"The envoy of the Purple Sun Palace came not long ago, and I have warned them." The eyes of the Qingfeng Emperor flashed a fierce look. This time, he was also very angry, but he still endured it. Zi Shengyang's identity was sensitive, and he would not take this step unless it was absolutely necessary.

"I hope they can restrain themselves."

"A bunch of bastards!" The mother of Qingfeng said coldly.

After this incident, Zi Shengyang was indeed more obedient. After all, this is the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, and he is not without fear. If the Duke of Donghuang really fights with him, he will be miserable if he doesn't die.

Moreover, he also understands that this time he must have angered the Qingfeng Emperor.

As time passed, the matter was suppressed, and fewer people talked about it.

Not long ago, the top immortal of Ziyang Palace personally brought Zi Shengyang to apologize, but unfortunately, he was turned away and did not meet Donghuang Hou.

According to Donghuang Hou's words, he was told to get out. If he saw him, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and kill Zi Shengyang.

The people of Ziyang Palace did not care about this. Coming to apologize was an attitude for Emperor Qingfeng to see. As for whether the other party accepted it, they did not care at all.

Qingfeng Emperor was a top immortal emperor who ruled the whole country. Ziyang Palace was still afraid of him, but an immortal prince did not need to be taken seriously.

One day, in Qingfeng Immortal City, a dazzling space formation flashed continuously, and then a ray of light descended. People looked up and showed a hint of curiosity.

"What is that?" Someone asked in confusion.

"The teleportation array, someone actually used the power of space to come to my Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty." An old man who had lived for hundreds of years in the crowd said in surprise: "If I remember correctly, this array is a teleportation array across the fairyland, directly to the central part of the fairyland, and it needs the deduction of the fairy emperor to operate. It has not been opened for many years. Today, someone actually used this array to come to my Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty."

The opening of the teleportation array means that someone came here from the central part of the fairyland.

Everyone couldn't help but think that Chu Yan seemed to be from the central part of the fairyland, a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, and I don't know if the person who came this time is related to him.

At this time, the light became brighter, and a peerless and beautiful fairy walked out of it. She was dusty and seemed to have been on the road for a long time, but she still couldn't hide her beautiful face.

She was wearing a fiery red phoenix dress, looking like a fairy. It was Liu Qingcheng who came from the central part. Five years ago, she knew that Chu Yan was not dead. She was very excited when she was in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty. She wanted to come here, but was rejected by Tianhua Immortal Emperor. Until recently, the news of Wushuang Realm spread, and she begged and begged, and Emperor Tianhua opened the teleportation array for her and sent her here.

Now Liu Qingcheng is also in the realm of immortals. At this level, her temperament is more sublimated, making her already beautiful and unparalleled appearance more outstanding.

Walking out of the light, Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were full of longing and expectation. In a blink of an eye, another ten years have passed, and they can finally see each other again. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but reveal a brilliant smile. Just this smile, the country and the city are all over the country.

"Silly, we are about to meet, do you miss me?" Liu Qingcheng smiled brilliantly, and her delicate body flashed, and she went straight to the imperial palace.

"So beautiful..." Everyone in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty couldn't help but admire Qingcheng when they saw her.

"Only the Princess in Green Clothes can match this kind of appearance, right?" Someone also said admiringly.

"Swoosh!" A descendant of a prince jumped directly into the sky below, looking like a graceful scholar, and smiled at Liu Qingcheng: "I am Yang Xianglong, a descendant of the prince Yang Zun, may I know your name?"

"Sorry!" Liu Qingcheng bowed slightly, did not respond, and prepared to leave.

"I think the girl seems to be looking for someone. My father is a prince of the Immortal Dynasty, and the news is very wide. Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help a little?" The arrogant person did not get angry, because he knew that the teleportation array needed an immortal emperor to operate, which meant that there must be an immortal emperor behind Liu Qingcheng, but continued to smile.

Liu Qingcheng paused slightly, blinked her beautiful eyes: "Do you know Chu Yan?"

"Chu Yan? What is the relationship between the girl and him?" Yang Xianglong asked in a daze.

"He is my husband." Liu Qingcheng said softly, but saw that everyone's eyes flashed with surprise. This stunning woman in front of her was actually Chu Yan's wife? What's the matter with Princess Qingyi?

Could it be that Chu Yan is playing with two women at the same time?

Thinking of this, many people were a little angry. Whether it was Liu Qingcheng or Qingyi, they were both stunning beauties. It would be enough to meet one of them in this life, but Chu Yan actually had both?

"Miss, are you sure? Chu Yan of Longmeng is your husband?" Yang Xianglong confirmed, and for fear of having the same name, he also mentioned Longmeng.

Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly, her face slightly displeased: "Yes."

"But as far as I know, Chu Yan and my Princess Qingfeng have been lovers for a long time. I didn't expect him to be such a person, a shameless person, but you don't have to worry, girl, I can take you to the emperor to argue." Yang Xianglong said indignantly.

"I know." Liu Qingcheng smiled brightly: "Qingyi, is my sister."

"Uh..." Yang Xianglong was stunned, and then speechless. He thought he could take this opportunity to get close to Liu Qingcheng, but he didn't expect that she already knew it?

"And, shameless man, you'd better take it back." Liu Qingcheng blinked her beautiful eyes, Yang Xianglong narrowed his eyes slightly, but smiled disapprovingly: "Miss, you are joking, what I said is the truth, people like him, playing two boats, aren't they shameless?"

"It seems... yes." Liu Qingcheng pondered, nodded with a smile, and then she stepped out and walked towards Yang Xianglong. There was terrible cold air condensing in her slender jade hands, and the sky turned into a frozen world.

"It's just that only I can say it." Liu Qingcheng's jade finger slightly pointed, and Yang Xianglong's eyes widened suddenly. He was a sixth-level immortal, and his combat power had always been extraordinary. He even thought that as long as he was given time, he would be able to shine in the next immortal banquet battle, but now, Liu Qingcheng just lightly pointed, and the coldness seemed to penetrate his bones, as if to freeze all his blood.

"How dare you!" In the distance, a powerful immortal rose into the air, releasing his immortal thoughts and covering Liu Qingcheng, but it was too late. The cold finger energy penetrated into Yang Xianglong's body, causing his skin to quickly freeze into a thin layer of ice, turning into an ice sculpture, and fell down with a thud.

"He can't speak, so I have to teach him. After three hours, the ice will melt." Liu Qingcheng said softly.

"Isn't it too much for the lady to do this?" The immortal detected and found that Liu Qingcheng did not hurt Yang Xianglong, but only sealed him, but even so, it still made his mansion lose face.

"What do you want?" Liu Qingcheng blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Unseal him, otherwise, the lady will have to go with us for today's matter." The immortal said coldly. Before he figured out Liu Qingcheng's identity, he would not act rashly, but he would not give up easily.

"You'd better not do this." At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly came from a distance, which made the immortal's eyes focus. He turned around and saw a cold and graceful figure walking towards this place.

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