Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1102 I didn't hear it

Qiuyun frowned slightly, obviously not expecting Qingyi to take the initiative to stand up, and smiled lightly: "Princess, how can you do this? In this case, I will not bother you any more."

"I heard that Emperor Qingfeng gave Qingfeng Order, and thought that Chu Yan was a great genius, but unexpectedly he is a cowardly villain, which is really disappointing. In this case, everyone, let's go." After Qiuyun finished speaking, he waved to the geniuses again. Everyone sighed, but they had no choice but to do so since they had not seen Chu Yan.

"Stop." Qingyi shouted with a rather cold and beautiful face. Qiuyun paused slightly, turned around and smiled gently: "I wonder if the princess has any other instructions?"

Qingyi did not speak, her eyes were cold, and she walked towards Qiuyun. She was not good at speaking, but fortunately, she never cared about others. Qiuyun provoked several times, but she humiliated Chu Yan just now. In this case, if you don't want to fight, just do it yourself.

"Buzz!" As Qingyi stepped forward, a terrible immortal power burned in her body, turning into pieces of green clouds, trying to crush everything.

Seeing this, Qiuyun frowned. Qingyi was also a top-level immortal. She and Chu Yan entered immortality at about the same time, but Chu Yan was delayed because of a retraining, so he was only at the sixth level of immortal.

However, Qiuyun didn't care. Although Qingyi was strong, he was also a genius and a top-level immortal, so he didn't think he would lose. He didn't want to fight with Qingyi before, just because of Qingyi's identity as a princess.

"Princess, why do you have to do this? Fists and feet have no eyes. If you fight, it will be bad if you hurt the princess." Qiuyun smiled calmly. Qingyi seemed not to hear it, and still didn't respond, and continued to walk forward.

Qiuyun's eyes condensed. He had said the ugly words in front. If Qingyi still wanted to do this, it would not be his fault. Even if Qingyi was really hurt, the emperor could not do anything to him.

Thinking of this, with a hum, a strong immortal energy burned in his body, and the surrounding space changed, like a hot refining area, and the rolling flames rose to the sky like a long rainbow.

The eyes of the surrounding Tianjiao flashed: "So strong... This is the power of flame consciousness, dividing the world into a flame field."

"Princess Qingyi is in danger." Someone murmured. The immortal position of comprehending the power of consciousness is half-step immortal, which is too powerful.

Even if Princess Qingyi has the inheritance of the emperor, but without the power of consciousness, it should be difficult to resist, right?

"Princess, forget it? If you really start, I'm afraid I can't control it." The consciousness was released, and Qiu Yu smiled lightly, as if he had absolute confidence.

However, Qingyi was in the flame field, her face did not change at all, and she continued to walk forward. Seeing this scene, Qiuyun's eyes turned cold, and he snorted coldly: "Princess, you asked for this."

"Buzz!" The flames of the refining world soared into the sky, and above the nine heavens, it turned into a majestic flame giant, a hundred feet high. With a buzz, the flame giant swung his fist and swallowed Qingyi through the air, like a doomsday scene.

Seeing this scene, many people clenched their fists slightly and broke into a cold sweat for Qingyi. That giant fist of flame was too terrible, and it also contained a power of the immortal.

Qingyi slowly raised her head with a cold look. She clenched her slender jade hands, and green vines entangled around her. Those vines seemed to have life, intertwined with each other, and turned into a ten-thousand-year-old tree.

"Don't overestimate your own ability!" Seeing the ancient tree, Qiuyun sneered in his heart. Qingyi actually used wood-based moves to fight against him, which was simply ridiculous.

The next moment, the giant flaming fist became even more ferocious, like a giant flaming beast. There were constant clicks between heaven and earth, as if even the air was about to be burned by the flames.

Facing the fiery giant fist, Qingyi remained motionless, her face calm, and the vines of the ancient tree behind her shot out like sharp swords, interweaving madly and rushing towards the sky.

Qiuyun always sneered, and with a palm clenched in the air, the giant fist changed in a thousand ways, swallowed down, and slammed into those vines.

"Bang!" But at this moment, his face changed slightly. Those vines hit the giant flaming fist, but were not burned. Instead, they continued to grow, and even penetrated the giant flaming fist, approaching his original body from a distance.

Seeing this scene, his face became even darker. He couldn't figure out why his flames were suppressed by Qingyi's vines. This was illogical, but those vines were too fast, and each one was like steel, indestructible, and he couldn't think about it. He quickly retreated and kept a distance from Qingyi.

But unfortunately, those vines seemed to have eyes, blooming with brilliant light, clattering towards Qiuyun, and the most important thing was that those vines were not afraid of flames.

A huge emerald green light shield seemed to appear around Qingyi, and under the light shield, there was vitality. The ground of the imperial palace was constantly shattered, and countless ancient trees grew, extinguishing all the flames.

"This..." Everyone was stunned: "How did she do it?"

"Consciousness suppression..." A top-level Tianjiao who also comprehended the consciousness of the Immortal Venerable trembled and said: "Princess Qingyi... also comprehended consciousness, and it is very strong, it is a consciousness with color. Qiuyun's flame field is not a match at all."

"Princess Qingyi... is so strong?" All the Tianjiao were stunned. Although Qingyi was a princess, she rarely took action. If Ye Feng was not counted, this should be the first time they saw Qingyi fighting with someone.

Princess Changge always sneered and watched. She had a good relationship with Qingyi, so she also knew a little about Qingyi's strength. Just relying on Qiuyun, is she worthy of competing with Qingyi?

This is probably the real case of overestimating one's own abilities, right?

"Buzz!" Those vines became more and more violent, growing wildly, sweeping across the world. At this time, Qiu Yun was shrouded in all directions. His flames were useless under the green light shield, which made his face pale and even uglier.

"Break!" Qiu Yun roared again. Since his consciousness was useless, he used his own strength to attack. He himself practiced the fire fairy technique and could restrain Qing Yi. With a buzz, he burned with blazing flames all over his body. He punched through the air and blasted at the thousands of vines.

"Bang!" But with a loud bang, those vines suppressed all the flames and blasted at Qiu Yun crazily. He only felt a huge pressure all over his body, and even the space he was in was shattered, making his face pale and feeling a sense of shame in his heart.

In this battle, he was completely suppressed, but there was nothing he could do. Those vines were too strong. He growled, "Stop! I give up."

"I didn't hear you!" Qing Yi Qiu's eyes were cold. Those vines were as powerful as a rainbow, without any reduction. Qiu Yun's face suddenly changed.

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