Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1103 Are you dissatisfied with me?

Qiu Yun didn't expect that Qing Yi would continue to take action after he gave up, which made his eyes red. But he didn't allow him to think too much, and those vines came crashing down again.

His body immediately burned, and the original flame erupted. He raised his hands high, as if he wanted to hold up the endless vines, but he couldn't do it at all. Those flames covered the sky and the sun, and even the stars dimmed, destroying everything. With a thud, they slapped the autumn sky. He only felt a sharp pain in Yun's body, and his body fell uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, countless people's hearts trembled.

Qiuyun, defeated?

Moreover, it was a disastrous defeat, completely suppressed by the Tsing Yi Princess. The terrifying ancient tree field had a blue color, and even the flames could not burn it.

Qiu Yun hit the ground, raised his head in pain, and looked in the direction of Qing Yi, but after a moment, he got up, nodded vigorously, and said coldly: "The princess is indeed worthy of her reputation, I understand."

After saying this, Qiu Yun dragged his broken body and wanted to leave. He was already embarrassed enough today, so what's the use of staying here anymore?

"Stop." Qing Yi said crisply, and the vines fell down, blocking Qiu Yun's path.

"Princess has already won, what else do you want to do?" Qiu Yun froze in his steps.


Qiuyun narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I don't understand what the princess means."

"I apologize for what you just said." Qing Yi repeated, Qiu Yun clenched her fists, her sense of shame became even stronger, and said coldly: "I did lose the battle just now, and I also admit that the princess is powerful, but what I said, It is also true that Chu Yan is timid and does not deserve the Qingfeng Order from the Emperor."

"Buzz!" The vines that filled the sky descended and crashed down. With a bang, they hit Qiu Yun again, sending him flying dozens of meters away and causing him to spurt out blood.

"Princess, my father is the Prince of Qiu!" Qiu Yun got up and was completely angry. Even if he was defeated, he could endure it based on his temperament, but now, he couldn't. He was tortured twice for no reason.

"If it weren't for Prince Qiuyun, you would be a dead person now. Once again, I apologize." Qing Yi said in a cold voice. Everyone has different persistence. Qing Yi's is to protect, and the stars have been guarding for ten years. But now, in the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, he was humiliated.

"Impossible!" Qiu Yun said angrily, asking him to apologize to a timid villain? Don't even think about it.

Besides, he didn't think he said anything wrong. Chu Yan, wasn't that the case?

"Bang!" The vines all over the sky suddenly crashed down again, hitting Qiu Yun's chest raw. Qiu Yun felt that several bones were broken, and he let out a roar.

This time, Qing Yi didn't waste any time and continued to attack. The vines all over the sky, like stars, engulfed Qiu Yun crazily.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the arrogant people condensed, Princess Qingyi, this is taking Qiuyun's life.

Qiu Yun also felt it, and his face turned even paler. He was a descendant of Prince Qiu, but now, the princess actually wanted to kill him for a bitch?

"Stop!" At this moment, a ray of light rushed out of Qiu Yun's body and condensed into an immortal thought. Then he saw Qiu Yun's miserable state and was a little angry, but he also saw that the person who did it was Qing Yi. For this reason, he only Neng could hold back his anger and said, "Princess Qingyi, what do you mean?"

"He said something he shouldn't have said and refused to apologize. Now, I want him to die." Qing Yi said coldly. Prince Qiu's eyes narrowed and he whispered: "Your Highness, Princess, does this. Does the Emperor know?"

"Kill him and I will report it to my father." Qing Yi said coldly. The prince's face became even more serious. He turned around and glared at Qiu Yun, scolding: "Qiu Yun, why don't you apologize to the princess quickly?"

Qiu Yun showed pain, unwilling to give in. He shook his head vigorously: "Why? That bitch, why. It's just the fate of the lower world. I didn't say anything wrong. Why should I apologize to him?"

The jade eyes in green suddenly became cold, and the eyes of many geniuses also shrank. It was okay for them to challenge, but the nature of verbal humiliation was different.

After all, Chu Yan had the Qingfeng Order granted by the emperor, and now he was the lover of the princess, who was probably the future royal family, so the word "bitch" was too much.

Thinking of this, many geniuses shuddered, and Qing Yi took a step forward.

"Princess..." Prince Qiu's fairy thoughts flashed and he stood in front of Princess Qingyi.

"Go away!" Qing Yi shouted softly, showing no mercy. Prince Qiu's face suddenly darkened, and he whispered: "Your Highness, I have made great contributions to the Immortal Dynasty. If the princess does this, it will be chilling to some people." ”

"I tell you to get out! Do you want to resist the decree now?" Qing Yi said in an extremely cold voice. Prince Qiu's heart became even heavier. Although he also knew that Qiu Yun had gone too far this time, but Qiu Yun was His only son, there was no way he could watch Qing Yi kill Qiu Yun.

"Princess, I apologize on Qiuyun's behalf. I will personally go to the emperor to explain today's matter clearly. Qiuyun, let's go." After saying this, Prince Qiu shouted in a low voice, but at this moment, the vines in Qingyi had already burst into flames. It was discovered, descended directly, and blasted towards Qiu Yun. Everyone looked shocked when they saw this.


But at this moment, a bright voice suddenly came from the Changyun Hou Mansion. Everyone looked around and saw Chu Yan, dressed in white clothes, with green peaks blowing, looking very handsome, walking out of the Hou Mansion.

Seeing Chu Yan, the anger in Qing Yi's beautiful eyes faded a little, and the vines stopped and did not take action.

He had just come out of seclusion and was detected by Immortal Mind, so he also knew what was going on here and quickly walked in front of people.

"You are still willing to come out." Princess Changge smiled at Chu Yan. This guy really knows how to choose the time. If he comes out now, it will be lively.

"Princess." Chu Yan smiled calmly, then turned his eyes and looked at Qiuyun and the many geniuses around him: "Have they been like this these days?"

"Since you started your retreat." Princess Changge smiled bitterly, and did not hide it.

"Sorry, I have troubled the Marquis. There is no restriction on fighting in the imperial palace, right?"

"Stop it." Princess Changge's beautiful eyes curved into willow leaves and smiled. Chu Yan nodded: "Then I will help the princess drive them away now."

After speaking, Chu Yan turned around and walked towards Qingyi again, smiling faintly: "Leave it to me, okay?"

Looking at Chu Yan, Qingyi pondered and nodded lightly, and the vines were retracted and finally disappeared.

"Wait for me." Chu Yan smiled and rubbed Qingyi, then turned around and looked at the many geniuses. He didn't want Qingyi to take action. After all, Qingyi was a princess of a country with a different status. She would have to stay in Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty in the future. Doing so would easily make enemies, so he would bear some things.

Although Qingyi really killed Qiuyun, Lord Qiu might not dare to do anything to Qingyi, but he would not do it openly, but he might not do it secretly.

And he was relatively relaxed. When Lord Qiu wanted to retaliate, he would do it. He still had the Dragon Alliance behind him.

"Is he Chu Yan?"

Many Tianjiao also looked at him. For many people, today was the first time they saw Chu Yan. Feeling the realm of the sixth level of the immortal position, they showed a hint of contempt.

Although they knew that Chu Yan defeated Ye Feng at the fifth level of the immortal position, many of them were stronger than Ye Feng. In their opinion, if they participated in the battle, Chu Yan would have nothing to do with the first place in the immortal banquet.

"Are you dissatisfied with me?" Chu Yan's eyes finally fell on Qiuyun and he spoke directly. Since it had come to this point, he naturally didn't bother to care.

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