Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1101 I will replace him

In today's era, the King of Immortal Realm has always lived in legends. Such a figure is only recorded in history books and no one has ever seen it.

But just a few decades ago, there was a distant world in the Immortal Realm. Times have changed. The Immortal Realm will usher in an era of two kings within two hundred years. Therefore, since then, the top forces have become more active. Frequently, they are all expecting that the prophesied king is one of their tribesmen.

The opening of the Holy Mountain and the arrival of the Immortal King Dao Tong further established the authenticity of this prophecy.

The same is true. The name of the King of Immortal Realm is too heavy.

"I don't believe it..." The Nine Princes shook their heads and murmured. He didn't believe that the chosen King of the Immortal Realm was his enemy.

"Nine Princes, have you ever seen a person who has two ninth-grade life souls in the realm of immortality, who can understand the consciousness of the immortal and master the ability of immortal patterns at the fifth level of immortality? Do you also think that the Great Emperor will casually use Qingfeng ordered to give it away? Give up and let all the grievances disappear before it causes a big disaster." Prince Changyun sighed, and the Ninth Prince's hands tightened. He naturally understood what Prince Changyun said. Everything was telling him not to provoke Chu Yan anymore.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the nine princes will not be able to bear the consequences.

Thinking of this, the Nine Princes lowered their heads again, piercing through everything with one glance, landing in the secret palace where Chu Yan practiced, full of pain and struggling.


At this moment, the holy light from the sky fell, turning into a bright ray of light that shot down, and finally disappeared, leaving the sky as before, as if nothing had happened.

However, everyone in the Imperial Palace still couldn't calm down, and their eyes were still staring at Changyun Hou Mansion.

That ray of holy light descended and penetrated directly into a secret cultivation palace, where Chu Yan retreated. Suddenly, a small golden sword mark appeared between his eyebrows.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw endless golden sword light all around him. It was as if the whole world had been changed by him, turning into a world of swords. Here, he was the sword king. .

"This is consciousness!" Chu Yan was also touched in his own sword realm. Although he could use the Immortal Technique before to make thousands of swords appear in the world, the world of swords was not as perfect as it is now. degree of integration.

Now that he understands consciousness, he only feels that he and the world are perfectly integrated. This is the world of swords, and it is also his world. In this world, as long as he has a slight thought, the will of heaven and earth will follow. change.

It is no exaggeration to say that now, when he fights against someone with the same level 5 immortality, he can kill him in the field with just a thought, even if he is thousands of meters away. This is the power of consciousness.

The most important thing is that his consciousness blooms with golden holy light.

Ordinary immortal positions usually have no glory, such as Ye Feng.

But even so, as long as you can understand the consciousness, you can first explore the threshold of the Immortal Lord, but the consciousness itself actually has strengths, weaknesses, and levels.

A weaker consciousness will have no brilliance. If it is stronger, a halo of one color will appear, but it is also very weak. Only extraordinary consciousness will show color, like Chu Yan's holy sword consciousness, which shows golden holy light.

It is precisely for this reason that most immortals who enter the Immortal Rank will not choose to major in the first consciousness. After all, after reaching the Immortal Master, they will have the opportunity to understand consciousness. They will work hard to understand the luster of consciousness and practice it to the extreme. , but Chu Yan condensed his consciousness for the first time, and it was colored and extraordinary consciousness.

In other words, his consciousness level is stronger than that of Ye Feng. When the two of them fought, Chu Yan had to use his life soul. If they fight now, it will be easier. He can suppress the opponent directly with the help of his consciousness.

"The power of consciousness is the integration of one's own feelings between heaven and earth. It is indeed very strong." Chu Yan sighed. Then, he did not leave seclusion, but chose to continue seclusion. This time he realized the consciousness, which was a great opportunity for him. This great event has made his realm rise a lot, so he is ready to take this opportunity to break through the shackles and reach the sixth level of immortality.

Moreover, he has multiple true selves, and when he practices, he will demand more than others.

In addition to his realm, he strengthened his magical powers, spells, and physical body one by one. This time he rebuilt his life and took the ultimate route, the ultimate life soul, the ultimate monarch diagram, the ultimate holy shadow, and the ultimate immortal card. Therefore, he did not Not satisfied.

But because of this, the turmoil about him in the imperial palace became stronger.

It was about that holy light. At first, many people speculated that it was born because of Chu Yan. For this reason, more geniuses visited Changyun Hou Mansion, but they still couldn't see Chu Yan's people, which made them even more upset. .

"Princess Changge, we have visited several times, but Chu Yan has not been seen once. What does it mean?" On this day, countless geniuses gathered outside the Changyun Hou Mansion. Many of them were descendants of top princes, especially the leader. One person, handsome and striking, very cold and arrogant.

This person's name is Qiuyun, and he is the heir of a prince named Qiu. That prince of Qiu has a higher status than the Nine Princes, and is a top prince like Prince Changyun.

Qiuyun is extremely talented, has a top immortal position, and has also understood the consciousness of the Immortal Lord. As for the previous Immortal Banquet battle, he did not participate in it. The reason is simple, he disdains it.

In his opinion, there were very few people of his generation in the Qingfeng Immortal Kingdom who were worthy of his help. Except for a few princes and those top monsters, the rest were not worthy, and the same was true for Ye Feng.

"You are joking." Princess Changge smiled lightly: "Master Chu is in seclusion and there is no one around. You should please come back."

"Humph, what a great honor. Does he really think that after receiving the Qingfeng Order, he will be the same as the prince? When I see the prince, the prince also wants to give me some thin noodles, how dare he not see me?" Qiu Yun's eyes flashed coldly, this This was not the first time he came to visit. Originally, he just wanted to see what Xian Yan No. 1 was and didn't care. However, he was turned away several times, which made him feel very embarrassed.

"What if I don't see you?" But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from outside Changyun Hou's mansion, which shocked everyone and turned around to go back. Qingyi came here and looked at Qiuyun coldly.

"It turns out to be Princess Qingyi." Seeing Qingyi, Qiuyun showed a little respect. Compared with Princess Changge, Qingyi is the real daughter of the emperor. He said lightly: "Princess, I don't mean any harm, I just heard that Chu Yan is very talented. , I want to meet and learn from each other, but now he has been timid, which makes me very disappointed. "

Hearing Qiu Yun's words, a cold light flashed in Qing Yi's beautiful eyes, and he looked at Qiu Yun: "You want to spar with him?"

"I had this plan, but if he doesn't dare and keeps using seclusion as an excuse, I naturally have nothing to do and won't force it." Qiu Yun said frivolously.

"I'll take his place." Princess Qingyi said coldly, and then she took the initiative to take a step forward.

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