Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 876: Must be an illusion

"Boy, your luck is pretty good. Shortly after you entered the ruins, you got a six-star magic soldier, and it is an extremely rare thunder magic soldier."

The shirtless man was greedy and stared at Lei Zejian without blinking. He put out his tongue and licked his mouth. He joked and said, "However, it is cheaper for me, and I just lack a handy six star. Divine Soldier, boy, I am very happy now, and I will give you a chance to live ... "

Lu Chen heard that his dark and deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his murderous intention rose. However, there was no change on his face. Following the man in the blue shirt, he asked, "What is the chance of life?"

The T-shirt man didn't notice the killing intention slowly rising in Lu Chen's eyes, he laughed, and immediately looked cold. He shouted: "Kneel down and offer the Divine Soldier, I will be glad to give you a dog if I am happy Life, but if you do n’t want to resist, you will blame me for killing you! ”

The man in the blue shirt is the Eightfold Cultivation of His Holiness. In his eyes, Lu Chen is just a quintessential quintet of five princes, and he is no different from the ants.

The man in the blue shirt hugged his arms and looked at the dust with a playful look. He wanted to see what choice the ants would make in front of the **** soldier and his life.

Do you want to die?

still is……

Give up the **** soldiers and save the dog's life?

Lu Chen's eyes fell slightly, and he had no intention of turning over the Shenbing.

The T-shirt man grinned cruelly and said, "Boy, you really disappoint me."


There was a pity on his face, and then, he shook his head and said, "It's okay, it will make you stunned. Next, I will let you know that although the Divine Soldier is good, it can only be enjoyed by life!"

The man in the green shirt looked stern, and he looked down at the landing dust, his eyes indifferent, as if it was not a person opposite him, but a ants that he slaughtered.


The cold, eerie voice spit out from the man's mouth.

next moment.

He was slightly shaken by the arm, and in his right palm, there was a magnificent Yuan Li condensed, and then, Yuan Li's right palm was filled with lightness and shot lightly.


The seemingly flirtatious palm contains extremely terrifying destructive power. Under one palm, the majestic Yuanli screamed out, condensed into a huge Yuanli hand in the air, and then suppressed the landing dust head-on. Down.

Facing the repressed Yuanli big hand, above Lu Chen's complexion, it was surprisingly calm.

He looked at the handsome man in the blue shirt in the air, his eyes flashed slightly. This man in the blue shirt, His Holiness the Eighth Cultivation, but his real combat power was stronger than the Wei Qiye, the peak of the Eighth Clan.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is that Wei Qiye did not use the Weijiazhen clan warrior Tencel Xuanjia.

Wei Qi, who used Tencel's Xuanjia, greatly improved his own defense. Not to mention the Eighth Sovereign, even the Nineth Sovereign can't cause substantial damage to it in a short time.

"I don't know any good boy, I'm scared silly, but now it's too late to regret, let's go to die!"

After the man in the blue shirt shot it, he looked at Lu Chen, who was under his own attack and frightened in place, seemingly destined, and smiled coldly.

Huh, the guy who doesn't know the good or bad, has given him a way of life. Since he doesn't know how to cherish, then die!

Under the cold eyes of the T-shirt man, Lu Chen's face not only did not have the slightest fear, but the corner of his mouth slowly raised a smile.


This subtle change failed to avoid the gaze of the man in the blue shirt. I do n’t know what to do. When he saw the smile on Lu Chen ’s mouth, he frowned slightly, and a slight unsound whisper came from his mouth and nose. At the same time, there was anxiety in my heart.

how is this possible? !

It must be an illusion!

The T-shirt man immediately suppressed his uneasiness.

But at this moment.

Lu Chen licked his mouth, and the majestic and pure Yuan Li suddenly burst out of his body. The space around the body, under the pressure of Yuan Li, began to twist, a trace of space rippled with land Dust is rippling toward the center.

Feeling the fluctuation of Yuan Li's overflowing from the body of the dust, the eyes of the T-shirt man suddenly widened and he was shocked.

He stammered and asked: "A strong force fluctuation ... No, it's impossible, I won't be wrong, you clearly are only the Five Peaks of the Supreme Master, why can you ..."

With a touch of sarcasm in his eyes, Lu Chen was too lazy to answer the questions of the T-shirt man.


The ground vibrated violently, and saw Lu Chen's soles stomping fiercely, his figure was rushing up like a cannonball, and went straight to the repressed Yuanli big hand.

"So it's mysterious, I'm going to look at it. You are a venerable cultivator, and what to resist ..." The man in the blue shirt was shocked for only a moment, and the next moment was to restore normalcy. .

However, before his voice completely fell down, he was interrupted by a deafening collision sound. I saw Lu Chen flashed directly before Yuan Li's big hand, and his left hand wrapped in Yuan Li clenched into a fist. Hesitantly slammed straight out, and then, the fist with the power of 10,000 inclination, slammed heavily on the repressed Yuanli big hand.


When the fist that shrouded the majestic Yuan Li and the Yuan Li's big hand were shook hard, the violent energy swept wildly.

The already fragile space, how can it withstand such a violent collision between the two.


Void shattered.

The dark space cracks spread all around, madly devouring everything ...

Lu Chen propped up the body strength, let these space cracks cut, but it was difficult to hurt him.

Although the space cracks formed by the two players are dense, their power is far from the space cracks formed by the natural collapse of this space.


There was another loud noise.

I saw that the repressed and powerful Yuan Li hand, within a short time, collapsed and collapsed under Lu Chen's fist, turning into a little rain of light, dissipating invisible.

The man in the blue shirt is hard to keep calm. His face has changed slightly. Although he didn't use his full strength in the previous palm, he also used 80% of the combat power. It is reasonable to say that it is not just a quintet five Even the Seventh Venerable Master, or the Eighth Venerable Normal Venerable, cannot be easily taken over.

However, not only did Lu Chen come next unscathed, but it seemed that he was so relaxed and free, and looking at the relaxed look on his face, he seemed to have not exerted all his strength.

The blue shirt man's eyes flickered, his face gradually dignified, and his contempt for Lu Chen was also taken away by him.

He has a sharp eye and stares at the dust for a while before saying: "I have underestimated you. Judging from the strength you just showed, your practice is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. If I guess right, you Cultivation should be hidden. Even I can hide it. You should have used a special magic soldier ... "

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