Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 877: Not impossible

"You should have an auxiliary magical soldier to conquer your own breath, or you can master an extremely clever secret ..."

The man in the blue shirt said firmly, and said slowly.

When speaking.

In his eyes, there is a thick greed, undisguised.

Even he can hide it and fail to see Lu Chen's true cultivation behavior, whether it is a magic soldier or a secret method of convergence breath is not simple.

Its value is no worse than that of the six-star Lei Zejian.

To a certain extent, it is even better.

Since he has encountered such a treasure, how could he miss it?

"Boy, if I guess right, your true cultivation behavior should also be the Eighth Sovereign, but if you think you can escape from my hands with the Eighth Sovereign of the Supreme Sovereign, it would be naive!

The T-shirt man took a deep breath, and in those eyes, a strong self-confidence emerged.

As a disciple of Dan Jianzong, he has the pride of being a disciple of great powers. Even if Lu Chen is also a respected cultivator, he is still confident that he can easily win.

"Escape? Haha, if I remember correctly, I should have said that I should escape? Is it your back of the ears, hearing it?"

Lu Chen chuckled softly and his voice was peaceful, but the words were full of jokes.

The man in the blue shirt stunned, and apparently did not expect that Lu Chen was about to die. Instead of begging for mercy, he deliberately angered him.

"Haha, good! Boy, you are the first person to dare to be so arrogant in front of me. Today, I will kill you!"

The T-shirt man laughed in the sky, and the laughter became louder and louder. At the end, the area was already resounding, and the rumble continued to reverberate, so that the void was rippling.

The laughter echoed.

Senran's murderous sentiment emanated from the T-shirt man.


The violent elementary force is like a torrent of water bursting out of his body and swept out of him. The void is violent. That kind of power is more than a moment stronger than the moment above.

"Crazy boy, I will break your bones a little bit, let you die in pain and regret, let you know that not everyone can afford you."


The moment the last word fell, the T-shirt man slammed under his feet, and the violent power was poured down. The earth was torn apart and the gravel flew all over the place. I saw his figure flashed into a vague image. Suddenly disappeared from the place.

And at the same time as the figure of the man in the blue shirt disappeared, there was a ray of fine light in Lu Chen's eyes, and then, the force on his body surged, and the foot was a little light, and the body retreated backward like lightning And go.

"Boom !!!"

Lu Chen withdrew his front foot and retreated, and a bright fist kicked the back of the shattered void, and appeared on the ground where he stood at the moment, the power of the fist was released in an instant.

In an instant.

The space shattered and opened, and a series of dark space cracks appeared, and the ground was also under the fist, and it was collapsed by a hard shock.

One hit.

The shirtless man was stunned for a while, and Lu Chen's reaction rate was faster than he expected.

However, he quickly recovered.


The T-shirt man shouted loudly, and immediately followed, his right hand drew his long sword from his back like a lightning bolt, and straightly chop down. All the force in the body poured out. Above the sword body, a thousand-meter-long Yuan Li Jianmang was condensed, and he cut the landing dust straight.

"Boom ..."

The sword mangled off, wherever it passed, the voids exploded, bringing a thunderous thunder and a numbing scalp.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was unwilling to contend head-on, and the force on his legs surged. After a while, his figure retreated again.

"Dog-like things, run away, keep running, I want to see when you can run ..."

Seeing Lu Chen's "Cang Pan" escape, the shirtless man could not help laughing, and said ironically.

The voice came, and Lu Chen, who was pulling away, retreated slightly, and stopped the backward trend.

"Hahaha, kid, dog-like thing, I thought you would continue to escape, but I didn't expect you to hear a sneer ... Since it stopped, then, stay here with unwillingness! "

A loud laughter came from the man in the blue shirt. Immediately, he suddenly exerted force, and the majestic Yuan Li roared unreservedly into the thousand-footed swordmand. Add a few points.

Lu Chen raised his head, his dark pupil reflected the ever-expanding swordmans, with his powerful perception, he could naturally feel the horror power contained in this swordmans, depending on the power released by this swordmans It is enough to hit Venerable Eightfold, and even killing on the spot is impossible.

However, at this moment, facing the dust of the thousands of swordsman, the face was surprisingly calm and could not see the slightest panic.


Lu Chen opened his mouth and exhaled a white breath, then, under the cold eyes of the T-shirt man, he cut out with a sword.

An ordinary sword does not use any martial arts. From the point of view of this sword, it is ordinary, and there is no merit.

However, at the moment the long sword fell, an extremely dazzling sword gas shot out.

The ultimate dazzling.

Foreshadowing the extreme heat.

Sword gas burned into the sky, and the extreme high temperature directly evaporated the scarce water vapor in this area, and the ground was rapidly cracked. The void began to distort under this high temperature.

"Boom ..."

The extremely dazzling sword gas was cut towards the thousand-footed sword mantle at a speed extremely fast. Wherever passed, the void collapsed and the deafening explosion sound echoed in this area ...

this moment.

The face of the T-shirt suddenly changed dramatically. From the sword spirit, what he felt faintly was almost instinctive, and lost his voice: "Mystery ... The mystery of fire, you ... you have realized the mystery of fire ... … "


The follow-up words of the T-shirt man were submerged in the deafening collision sound, and I saw the sword spirit containing the mystery of the fire, and the front was stunned with the thousand-footed sword.

Jian Qi collided with Jian Mang to form a deafening roar.

Then, an amazing scene happened.

With only a snort, the moment when the Qianzhang Jianmang collided, it was defeated, and it collapsed and opened.

"how is this possible……"

Seeing this, the T-shirt man was shocked and inexplicable, and his eyes were full of unbelievable colors. However, this T-shirt man was able to break into the Venerable Eightfold Realm before the age of fifty. Naturally, he was extremely clever. After being shocked, he quickly thought of a possibility.

"One, the meaning of the fire!"

His body shook hard and was shocked by what he said.

You know, except for the one from Dan Jianzong, no one in the Venerable Realm has realized a transformation of Profound Truth. Even Wang Ze, a strong dragon leader, has only realized the half-step Profound Truth.

"No ... Impossible, I must, I must be wrong ..."

The shirtless man shook his head again and again, immediately denying his words, and reason told him that it was absolutely impossible for the opposite little person, who had never been told, to realize a turn of mystery in His Holiness ...

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