Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 875: Lei Zejian

This is a small world on the verge of destruction. The thin air of death and the air of destruction are floating in the air. At a glance, the desert, the Gobi, and the desert have no vitality.

Moreover, more deadly is that the space of this small world is extremely unstable, and extremely violent space fluctuations spread and the space cracks with thick arms flash from time to time ...

"This small world, I do n’t know how many years it was buried, and it is already on the verge of collapse. If it is not born, it may be able to barely last for a thousand years. However, this time it opened, it consumed a lot of energy in the small world, plus Thousands of warriors flocked in, accelerating the destruction of the small world. Perhaps it will last for at least a few more years, and then it will go to destruction. "

Lu Chen's eyes hurriedly looked at the current world and guessed: "The reason why this small world has become dilapidated in front of its eyes should be inseparable from a war that was unknown many years ago. That war will not only be vast. The territories of the region are maimed, forming today ’s chaotic seas, and as a result, the four territories of the Eastern Wilderness, the Western Territory, the Southern Manchuria, and the Northern Territory are separated from Zhongzhou. "

"Zhongzhou, the core area of ​​the true continent, is rumored to be full of rain and heaven and earth."

"Comparing Zhongzhou to a continent floating on the sea, the chaotic sea is the ocean around the continent, and the four domains of east, west, south, and north are isolated islands scattered on all sides of the continent, but fortunately these four isolated islands are interconnected and want to enter the mainland. , Need to cross the ocean that scares countless powerful people ... "

Lu Chen shook his head and abandoned his thoughts. Now is not the time to consider other issues. What he has to do now is to find Zier in the shortest time.


It is extremely dangerous to walk in the small world with the triple repair of Venerable Zier.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's heart felt a strong sense of urgency, no longer delayed, his body moved, and he swept away toward the distance.

During the looting, Lu Chen released a magnificent consciousness, carefully inspected the surroundings, beware of the space cracks that appeared from time to time.

Taking Lu Chen's current practice as an example, he is naturally not afraid of space cracks under normal circumstances.

For example, when fighting against a strong enemy, when the battle is in full swing, the violent energy formed by the full collision will be enough to tear the space.

However, the space cracks formed by the fighting are often hair-thin and thin, and at most the thickness of the thumb. These space cracks are not powerful enough to tear the dust of Lu Chen ’s body, so he cannot cause him substantial damage.


It is different at this moment.

The space of the small world is extremely unstable, and there are many space cracks and thick thighs. The most heart-wrenching is that the space collapses and collapses to form a violent space storm. The ninth heavy or half-step saint is affected, and it is also a nine-death life.

Lu Chen was alert and careful to avoid space cracks that appeared from time to time along the way.

After such a vigilant flight for a distance, a figure appeared in front of him. After seeing Lu Chen, his face suddenly changed dramatically.

Obviously, this person recognized Lu Chen.

Outside the ruins, Lu Chen and Wei Qiye fought against each other, and the resulting movements were not small. The warriors who entered the ruins recognized him five or six out of ten.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the person in front of him recognized Lu Chen at a glance.


Under Lu Chen's stunned eyes, the man turned around and fled without hesitation. It seemed that he was in a state of panic and embarrassment.

Seeing this, Lu Chen touched his nose after stunned. What's special, am I so scary?

Don't you know that Lu Chen is the most upright person in the world, and he never voluntarily kills and robs goods.


The man's luck was very bad. As soon as he turned around and flew a distance, he was affected by a crack in the thick space of the arm. The terrible tearing force easily tore the person's body strength and then swallowed it.

Witnessing this scene throughout, Lu Chen's heart tightened slightly, his face more dignified.

Peace of mind.


Lu Chen continued to hurry, and as he gradually went deeper, his movements suddenly stopped, looking up to the front, three hundred meters away, on a hill, with a bone.

His eyes stayed on the bone for a moment, Lu Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and then, his figure moved, walking slowly towards the bone.

This skeletal body is crystal-clear, like the finest jade, crystal-clear.

Feel carefully.


A trembling breath emanated from the bone.

Xu's breath is very weak due to the erosion of the bones over time. If you don't feel it carefully, you won't even notice it.

"This is ... the woody mystery, and not the half-step mystery ... this breath of woody mystery is too pure, not to mention the half-step mystery, even if it changes, it can't be compared with it, at least ... At least it ’s the meaning of Erzhuanmu, and even three or four revolutions is not impossible. ”

Lu Chen was shocked all over his face. After a while, he slowly recovered his mind and ecstatically said: "At least it is the meaning of Erzhanmu. So, this bone was ... a saint ..."

Lu Chen's breath was short, and his eyes were ecstatic and fiery.

But soon. He shook his head, regretting the tone, "The saint's bones are not fake, but they haven't condensed the original meaning of the original meaning, it's a pity ..."

His eyes moved away from the saint's bones, and fell on a long sword beside the bones. Along with this, reach for the long sword.

Look carefully.

The color of ecstasy poured out again in Lu Chen's eyes, and the pure elemental force poured into the long sword. Then, the crackling crackling sounded, and the silver-white thunder snake rushed out, covering the long sword ...

"Huh? It turned out to be a six-star warrior, but also an extremely rare thunder warrior!"

Just as Lu Chen urged the sword, an undisguised surprise came from behind him. At the same time, Lu Chen's complexion changed slightly, a cold sweat started, and he said something intently.

Because of the acquisition of Lei Zejian, in ecstasy, he forgot to be alert all around, until the person behind him voluntarily uttered his voice, he was not aware ...

Lu Chen holding Lei Zejian, turned slowly, only to see that, 200 meters behind him, was standing a man in a green shirt and carrying a long sword. At the moment, the man in the green shirt looked greedy and gazed. Fiery, staring at Lei Zejian without blinking.

To the man in the blue shirt, Lu Chen was very vigilant and did not dare to look down on it at all.

The other party can approach him within two hundred meters in silence, although part of it is due to his negligence, but it also proves that this person is not simple.

"who are you?"

While speaking, Lu Chen was quietly preparing to put the saint's bones in the storage ring. However, as soon as his fingers touched the bones, the original crystal-like bones were turned into ashes directly.

Seeing this, Lu Chen shook her head a little pity, although the sage bones, although there is no treasure of the original meaning, but it is also a rare treasure.

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