Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 867: remains

Thousands of sword anger came out.

At this moment, heaven and earth are eclipsed by this.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ..."

Jian Qi shot out at a speed as fast as lightning, wherever it passed, the ground cracked and the space exploded.

After feeling the power of this sword, the dozen of Venerables scattered and fleeing felt despair.

The sword qi is extremely fast, flashing past the dozens of people who have run away with a speed that is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Puff puff puff puff puff ..."

Suddenly, a deep sound of cutting sounded one after another, and I saw the dozens of people. None of them were spared. They were chopped by sword gas, and their bodies exploded on the spot.


Put the sword into the sheath.

Lu Chen withdrew his gaze, the cold meaning in his eyes gradually disappeared, turned to look at Zi'er, smiled at the latter, and said, "Zi'er, are you okay?"

Zi'er shook his head obediently, his mouth narrowed, and his mood was low. "Zi'er was useless. He almost let these bad guys disturb his elder brother's cultivation."

"Don't talk nonsense, this time, if Zi'er didn't involve these bad guys, the big brother wouldn't be able to break through ..."

Lu Chen rubbed Zier's little head with a smile, and then looked straight.


Zier tilted his head, his eyes filled with joyful hope.

Lu Chen nodded seriously.


In the next few days, Lu Chen and Zier gradually went deeper into the chaotic sea.

With the gradual deepening into the inner sea of ​​the chaotic sea, there are more and more human warriors met around, and the strength of those who can come to this place with no danger is not to be underestimated.

Fortunately, most people who venture into the Chaos Sea seek the Thousand Kings Palace as their ultimate goal, so most warriors are more restrained.

Of course, it is only the majority of the warriors who are more restrained. For example, those notorious warriors take advantage of this opportunity to raid and rob resources.

To some extent, the warrior is more dangerous than the monster.


The terrifying noise came from a huge canyon. At this time, Lu Chen was in the center of the canyon, holding a sword on his right, the sword around his body was vertically and horizontally, and the momentum was extremely amazing. The sword marks are flat and smooth. Among the sword marks, three people lie on their sides. Two of them have broken bodies. The dead ca n’t die anymore. The last one is covered with blood, but the chest is slightly undulating. Seriously injured but not dead.

Two dead and one injured!

You should know that the cultivation practices of the three people are the Seventh Level of Venerable Lord, but they are planted in the hands of Lu Chen.

The three are fierce villains. They are extremely powerful. Moreover, they have mastered a combo technique. Together with the long-term cooperation of the three, they have met the Eighth Power of the Venerable, even if they are not enemies. Qicheng grasped the whole body and retreated.

However, today, they met Lu Chen, with almost no resistance, they were defeated by the sword with a thousand swords.

With that sword, the three of them could not hide, the unstoppable. In the end, in despair and helplessness, two of them died with unwillingness, and the other one ended in a serious injury.

Lu Chen put his sword into the sheath, took two long legs and walked slowly to the seriously injured dying warrior.

"Cough cough cough ..."

Perceiving Lu Chen's approach, among the ruins, the severely wounded dying warrior coughed violently, and the red hot blood came out of his mouth and nose.

He widened his eyes and looked hard at the dust. In addition to fear, his eyes were unbelievable. He did n’t understand and could not accept it. The person in front of him was obviously a venerable five-peak peak cultivation, showing The outstanding strength is more terrifying than Venerable Eightfold.

Indifferent eyes, just glanced at the seriously injured dying man on the ground, Lu Chen raised his left hand, the next moment, Yuan Li surged, the palm of the sun was bright ...

"No, don't kill me, me, please, don't kill me ... I, I don't want to die ..."

Seeing that, the warrior knew that Lu Chen was ready to reap his life, and he begged quickly.

Lu Chen's expression on his face remained unchanged, and he was not moved at all. Since the other party had made a move to rob him, he had to be prepared to be killed.

Thinking of this.

There was a killing intention in Lu Chen's eyes, and then, the fierce Jianguang shot out, flashing from the warrior's throat at a speed as fast as thunder.


Blood shot!

The warrior collapsed to the ground with unwillingness.

After collecting the three people's storage ring, Lu Chen beckoned to Zier. The latter understood and jumped up and down.

But at this moment, Lu Chen's expression suddenly moved and looked up to the east. At the next moment, his eyes were slightly fixed, only to see the eastern sky, a beam of bright energy rose into the sky, that momentum, mighty, hundreds of thousands of miles apart , And it cannot be ignored ...

"This, this is ... the ancient ruins are here? Or, it's the Qianwang Temple ..."

Lu Chen could n’t be sure because of his violent separation, but, at one point, his incomparable confidence was able to release such a pure beam of energy.

"Go, look over."

Whether it is the Thousand Kings Palace or the ancient ruins, Lu Chen has no reason to miss it.

The sound was still circulating in the air, Lu Chen disappeared from the spot, appeared in front of Zi'er, and took the latter to the east to plunder.

at the same time.

Out of the chaotic sea, countless warriors were attracted by the beam of energy, and then, the sound of breaking the sky sounded one after another, and the shadows of people gathered towards the beam of energy like crazy.


Lu Chen swept along with Zi'er all the way. About half an hour later, Lu Chen landed on a mountain peak and looked forward. There was a valley. There was a dark cave in the center of the valley, and the pillar of energy was from there. Soaring into the cave!

"It's not the Palace of the Thousand Kings." There was a trace of regret in Lu Chen's voice, but the regret was instantly swept away, and he was pleasantly surprised: "The ancient ruins are born, look at the energy leaked out, this ruin is absolutely extraordinary ..."

Looking at the beam of energy rising from the sky, Zi'er was eager to try: "Big Brother, this is an ancient ruin eh, when will we enter?"

The treasures contained in every ancient ruins are amazing, and from the beam of energy beams rising from the sky, the ancient ruins in front of you must not be simple, as long as you can get a little benefit from it, it is endless.

"It's not time!" Lu Chen smiled gently and explained: "The ancient ruins are opening, the entrance is not yet completely stable, so you need to wait here until the beam of energy disappears ..."

Zier heard the words, revealing a thoughtful look, and then nodded.

"Oh, uh ..."

At this moment, the sound of breaking the sky sounded, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the Quartet. At this moment, there were constantly silhouettes coming from the sky. After a few minutes, hundreds of silhouettes had appeared around the ancient ruins. Obviously, these people were also The energy beam is attracted, and these are only the first people, and more and more people will follow.

as predicted.

In just half a quarter of an hour, this area is already full of human voices, full of silhouettes, roughly counted, at least thousands of people.


And when Lu Chen looked at the martial arts around, there was again the sound of breaking the sky in the distance, and only a few figures rushed in.

Lu Chen looked slightly happy after seeing the coming person, because those people were none other than Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing. They entered Chaos Sea for many days, but did not expect to meet Pei Shaoqing here.

When Lu Chen saw Pei Shaoqing and his entourage, they also seemed to feel that they followed their eyes and found Lu Chen on the mountain peak.

Pei Shaoqing was a little startled, and it was an accident that Lu Chen could appear here. The team of several people walked along the way. The dangers encountered were countless, and even a few times were dangerous. , Can come here safely, half is strength, half is luck.

However, to their surprise, Lu Chen even broke into here alone, no, no, no one, beside him, the little girl, hiss ...

Pei Shaoqing and his party only noticed Zi'er beside Lu Chen, which shocked them even more. From the appearance, Zi'er was only a 13-year-old girl, but her behavior was genuine Venerable triple.

Thirteen-four-year-old Venerable Triple is unheard of!

Shocked with Zi'er's sinister talent, Pei Shaoqing and his team realized again an amazing problem, that is, Lu Chen not only broke into this place alone, but took a little girl ...


Several people looked at each other, and all saw a deep shock in the other party's eyes.

Lu Chen went here alone, and brought a little girl here, on the surface, there is not much difference, in fact, the difference is very big.

Imagine that when you encounter a strong enemy and are not enemies, a person running away and running with a ‘cumbersome’ will not be a bit worse than that.

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