Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 866: Can you escape

"How could it be you ..." The old man's face changed drastically, almost subconsciously exclaiming.

However, he quickly recovered from his panic, his face gradually stubborn, and Sen Leng's voice came out from his mouth, slowly spitting out, "It's just you. I thought I would never be able to revenge on that day. , Haha, God treats me well, so I met you here ... "

Speaking of the last, the old man laughed out loud and unscrupulously, and his killing intentions also climbed to the extreme.

However, at the next moment, the old man's laughter suddenly stopped abruptly, and his eyes shrank sharply, only to see the depth of the cave, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes.

"Dog-like things, disturb me to practice, and leave you alone."

Lu Chen spoke, the sound of coldness in his voice, and then, under the horrified eyes of the old man, he slowly stood up.

"You, you ... how could this happen, aren't you seriously injured? How ... how ..."

Being watched by Lu Chen's eyes, the old man only felt that the whole body was cold and cold, his lips were trembling, and he was chattering.

"Severely injured? Who said I was seriously injured?"

Lu Chen spoke indifferently.

The old man's body shook hard, his mind blank.

"The entrance to the Chaos Sea that day, I think you are not easy to practice, so spare your life, and you, you do n’t know how to cherish, your interests are shining, and you are looking for your own death ..."

In the voice, the murderous intention was full. Under the old man's frightened eyes, Lu Chen reached out his right hand, and then grasped the five fingers with nothingness.

The old man turned to God and wanted to turn around to escape, but he was shocked to find that a terror force entangled him so tightly that he couldn't move, and that force was exploding rapidly at a multiple speed.


Finally, his body couldn't bear it, and he began to crack, and blood spewed out along the wound. The whole person was like a sieve, spraying blood everywhere.

The bones shattered.

"no, do not want……"

The old man was terrified and begged for mercy.


As a muffled noise came, the old man's flesh broke apart completely, blood mixed with minced meat, pattered and splashed out, staining a large area of ​​soil.

at the same time.

Zier's face was pale, her footsteps were staggering, and she almost fell to the ground. The dozens of figures from behind chased a few times, seizing the opportunity to catch up and encircle Zier.

"Hey, little girl, keep running, why not run?"

A venerable triple-faced man with a long face looked at Zi'er, who was besieged by everyone, and smiled yawningly.

Zier looked around and saw that all the escape routes were blocked. All of a sudden, her small mouth was deflated and her big eyes were slightly red.

"Late changes, everyone, don't waste any more time, let's go together, solve her, we can go back and join the captain."

"Yes, kill her ..."

"Revenge for the dead brother."

Everyone shouted, but for a moment, no one dared to take action. These people were not fools, and each was pregnant with ghosts, knowing the danger of killing Zi'er.

At this moment, although Zi'er is on the verge of seemingly weak and has no power to parry, these people are very clever. They know that with the fighting power that Zi'er showed before, at least a group of people can be buried before he dies.

Therefore, everyone who knows this point has become extra cautious and dare not take action at will.

The two sides confronted each other in a weird atmosphere. Time passed slowly. Finally, the people did not want to continue to stand still any longer. They looked at each other, and immediately, in the eyes of the respectable triple man, he shouted, "Hands! "

The voice fell, the Venerable Triple Man directly shot without hesitation, and the palm was surging with great force, and then there was a bright light burst above the fist, which directly bombarded Zier.


At the moment when the fist came out, a dull sound resounded through the area, and a wave of Yuanli force visible to the naked eye spread out from above his fist.

This punch, this person has no reservations, His Holiness is triple-trimmed, and he is used to the extreme.

In the past, with Zi'er's wicked talent, she was naturally not afraid of this person's attack, but at this moment, her power was on the verge of exhaustion, and her fighting power remained intact. In the face of the offensive before her, she felt a threat.

"Booming ..."

At the same time, other people did not hesitate, and shot one after another. Suddenly, the power surged, and dozens of powerful attacks came over the sky to Zier.

"Who dares to move Zier when I am here?"

And when Zier's heart was desperate, a voice of anger came from the distant mountains and mountains, and then, a long and tall silhouette came quickly and thunderously.

"who is it?"

The people who besieged Zier felt the murderous intention of Ling in the voice, and their faces changed in unison.


The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

next moment.

Everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and a figure was like a ghost, quietly appeared in front of Zi'er.

The palm of the hand is empty.


The void trembles, and the world trembles fiercely.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the scene in horror, and saw a Yuanli big hand formed by Yuanli condensing, appeared out of thin air, and then swept the Yuanli, and moved forward suddenly.

"Puffy Puffy ..."

A deep explosion sounded one after another, and the dozen or so attacks that shrouded it were directly shattered by Yuanli's big hands.


"So strong!"

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, dozens of people who besieged Zier almost exclaimed subconsciously. Then, these people seemed to think of something, and their faces were full of panic.

"Big brother."

Contrary to these people is Zi'er. After seeing the familiar figure in front of her, she was suddenly surprised and immediately red eyes, "Big brother, those people are bad people, they are going to kill Zier ..."

"Bad guys are all damn, Zi'er, Big Brother helps you out."

Lu Chen smiled at Zi'er, and immediately looked at the dozens of figures in the opposite side with cold eyes, as if looking at the dead.

"Are you with her?"

The venerable triple man stared at the dust with a dreadful face, and as soon as his voice came out, he realized something, his face changed slightly, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his tone.

"Yes, the Venerable Quartet has already made your way."

Lu Chen's answer broke the last hope of the Venerable Triple Man, and left the rest of the people ashes.

After hearing Lu Chen's words, the Venerable Triple Man's body shook like a chaff, and he pursed his lips, wanting to ask for mercy.

"If you do something wrong, you should pay the corresponding price. Now, you should also pay for your greed and stupidity ..."

The cold and ruthless voice slowly spit out from Lu Chen's mouth.

Wen Yan.

The blood on the faces of more than a dozen people faded and became extremely pale.


"Yes, you can't sit still and wait for everyone to die."

With a single blow, it was easy to defeat their joint attack. Lu Chen's strength has made them unable to resist at all, so when they learned that Lu Chen had moved to kill his heart, they were the first Made a distracted move.

Lu Chen's strength is indeed very strong, no one doubts this, but no matter how strong you are, can you still leave them all unsuccessful?

Ten of the Venerables fled and fled. Even the Sixth Venerable Venerable, and even the Seventh Strongest Venerable Venerable, could not guarantee to keep them all.

Lu Chen stared at the dozen or so figures who fled, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Flee away, can you escape?"


Lu Chen's thoughts moved, and the majestic elemental force erupted from his body, rushing to the sky like a smoke, the strong strength of the elemental force, so that all the warriors who fled hastily, their faces suddenly changed dramatically, and then, again Dare not have the slightest reservation, madly urged Yuan Li, ran away to the distance.

Lu Chen felt the majestic force of the body in his body, and a trace of joy could not help but flow in his heart, absorbing the essence of refining and prosperity, even with the cultivation of the behavior, he went further and entered the five peaks of the Venerable. The feet can break through to the Sixth Level of Venerable.

With joy, Lu Chen shook his right hand and only heard the sound of Qiang, the Black Abyssal Sword appeared in his hand. During the surge of the elemental force, the sword gas was like a rainbow, and the snorting sound turned into a thousand sword gas. , Punctured the void, and then, as soon as Ben Lei was facing the scattered dozens of shadows who fled and cut off.

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