Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 868: Enemies meet

Lu Chen took Zi'er and Ji Yao together to meet. Before Ji Yao inquired, Lu Chen smiled, and then actively introduced Zi Er to Ji Yao.

When Ji Yao learned the real age of Zi'er, Rao was in a state of mind far superior to those of the same age, and was prepared with heart, but was also stunned.

There are many geniuses who have chosen one in a thousand miles, one in a thousand miles, or even one in a hundred thousand million. After all, Tenjin Academy is one of the top forces in Donghuang, but anyone who can become a student of the Academy is not a genius in the world.

Moreover, the four of Ji Yao themselves are peerless geniuses, otherwise, it is impossible to stand out in Tianshen Academy, ranking high in the top of the list, especially Ji Yao and Pei Shaoqing, both of which have top ten talents.

However, the four people at this moment are still deeply shocked by Zi'er's wicked talent.

Venerable Triple Cultivation is not worth paying attention to in the eyes of the four Ji Yao. After all, Liu Wuhai and Li Tianhong, who are the lowest Cultivators of the four, are the six peaks of His Holiness.


The significance of the thirteen-year-old Venerable Triple is quite different. In a sense, the thirteen-year-old Venerable Triple Warrior is more amazing than a half-step saint or even a saint!

At the age of thirteen years old, it is the threefold practice of the Venerable. Zi'er's talents are ancient and modern, and he looks at the huge eastern wasteland. For thousands of years, few people have surpassed Zier's talents alone.

When Ji Yao's four people were shocked by Zi'er's talent, Lu Chen's heart suddenly moved, looking up into the distance, only to see several figures rushing in ...

"It's Tian Chong them!"

Ji Yao they noticed Lu Chen's abnormal shape, and looked in the latter's eyes. After seeing the faces of the silhouettes, they immediately opened their mouths and changed their face slightly.

Because, the heads of those few silhouettes are Tian Chong, the fourth in the list.

Not only that.

The other three were Wei Jietian, Luo Yan, who was tenth in the rankings, and an old eagle-hooked venerable venerable eighth peak.

The two Venerables are eightfold, the two Venerables are sevenfold, and the combination of four is extremely powerful. It can sweep most of the teams present. Even if they meet the Venerables, they are also eligible to fight one!

When Lu Chen set their sights on Tian Chong's group, the latter's group also clearly felt their hearts. Their eyes looked at it, first a little stunned, and immediately, Tian Chong, the head of the group, grinned a few people at Land Chong. The smile was gentle on the surface, but it actually made Lu Chen's several people frown slightly, and an ominous surge came in their hearts.

at the same time.

Luo Yan and Wei Qitian looked at Land Dust with a bad look, especially the latter. The look at Lu Chen was extremely bitter, and he wished to immediately scrape the latter's life!

"Wei Qitian, they are not good at coming, you have to be careful of Lu Chen, this is not an academy, and the situation is chaotic, Wei Jietian they will definitely take advantage of the chaos ..."

Ji Yaoxiu frowned slightly, reminding Lu Chen.

Pei Shaoqing, Liu Wuhai, Li Tianhong looked at the slowly coming Tian Chong, a look of fear crossed the face, the overall strength of the Tian Chong was extremely strong, and they could easily crush them. In this battle, the losing side is out of them.

However, even if they knew they were losing to each other, Pei Shaoqing did not mean to shrink back.

Lu Chen felt a little warm in his heart, knowingly losing to Tian Chong and his party, Pei Shaoqing and they stood firmly on his side, which shows Pei Shaoqing's intentions.

The comprehensive strength of Tian Chong and his team absolutely crushed the ninety-nine teams in the field. Therefore, as soon as the group showed up, the powerful force fluctuations exuded from the four people were to make everyone in this area fear.

At this moment.

Not only did Lu Chen pay attention to Tian Chong's group, but in this area, countless eyes gathered on Tian Chong's group at almost the same time. These eyes were fearful, dignified, and disdainful and provocative ...

"Unexpectedly, the students of Tenjin College have arrived ..."

"Tian Chong at the fourth place of the Tianshen Academy, Luo Yan at the tenth place, Wei Qitian, the son of the Wei family master of the Sixth Pinnacle, and Wei Qiye, the second character of the Wei family ..."

In this area, a strong person recognized Tian Chong's identity as a group, and said slowly.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Tian Chong and his party walked straight to Lu Chen and others.

Looking in the direction of Tian Chong's group, there was once again a lot of restlessness among the crowd.

A venerable quintuplet, with a slightly changed complexion, pointed at Ji Yao and said: "I know her, she is Ji Yao, a student of Tianshen Academy, Venerable Seventh Peak Peak Cultivation, ranking seventh in the sky list, strength Compared to Luo Yan, it's also worse than ... "

"That's Pei Shaoqing. According to rumors, this person realized the mystery of the wind not long ago. His Holiness the Seventh Cultivator is that the general master of the Sixth Grade Force is far behind him."

"The two parties are both students of Tenjin Academy, and the two sides are one, but the two are one. Then, can anyone present be able to check and balance ..."

After the initial shock. The warriors in this area realized that they were deeply afraid of them, so they could not help but start to worry.

These people are not unfounded. When the ruins below are about to open, a team suddenly overwhelms the forces of all parties. Then the question is coming, the treasures in the ruins, and their share?

Just when everyone frowned slightly, the next scene made everyone sighed with relief while they were puzzled.

I saw Tian Chong and his group of four people stopped ten meters in front of Lu Chen and others. Tian Chong's gaze was ridiculous, but he glanced at Lu Chen lightly, then he didn't pay attention. He looked at Ji Yao and laughed Tao: "Ji Yao, I didn't expect to meet here, what a coincidence."

Ji Yao snorted coldly and didn't answer.

The smile on Tian Chong's face did not diminish, but there was a cold flash in the depths of his eyes.

"Seven Lord, he is Lu Chen. He relies on someone to support him, rampages in the college, and actively provokes Wei Feng. In the end, he made a disagreement, and abandoned Wei Feng's cultivation behavior. The same feeling. "

At this time, Wei Jietian's eyes were cold, staring at the dust, thin lips opened, and a cold voice wafted out, and the voice was mixed with an unabashed bitterness.

"Wei Qiye, Brother Tian Tian is right. Lu Chen's son is extremely abhorrent. Since he has some strength, he bullied him in the academy. Brother Wei Feng only had a quarrel with him, and he was abolished. Luo Yan added oil and vinegar.

Luo Yan, Wei Zhetian, Tian Chong, and Lu Chen are both disciples of Tianshen Academy. Under the eyes of everyone, it is not easy to shoot Lu Chen directly.

However, Wei Qiye is not in this list.

Wei Qiye, the No. 2 character of the Wei family's pinnacle power, Wei Zhan's eight-fold pinnacle cultivation, was more than enough to kill Lu Chen. Moreover, Wei Qiye is the elder of Wei Feng. The latter was abolished by Lu Chen for repair, and there are reasons for him to kill Lu Chen.

Therefore, at this moment, even if Wei Qiye shot Lu Chen in front of everyone, the news was sent back to Tianshen Academy, and the senior officials of the college had nothing to say. Furthermore, it is impossible for the top of the college to resent the Wei family after the nine forces for the sake of a dead person ...

Wei Qiye obviously understood the meaning of Wei Qitian's words. He gazed with a hint of joking, staring at the landing dust, and after everyone's nervous gaze, he finally spoke.

"Boy, I know you understand the mystery of fire, and you have the strength to not lose to the Seventh Level of the Venerable, but the Seventh Level of the Venerable Warrior insists on three strokes in my hands, so your strength is not enough to look at. For the sake of the students of Tenjin Institute, I will give you a chance to live ... "

Speaking of which, Wei Qiye didn't deliberately continue. He stared at the dust playfully, as if he wanted to see a panicked look on the latter's face.

But, let him down, the expression on Lu Chen's face was consistent.

What's more, he had an illusion, and a trace of taunt appeared in Lu Chen's eyes ...

ridicule? !

Mocking yourself?

Thinking of this, Wei Qiye's face was getting colder, and his cold murderous air exuded from his body. Obviously, he made a murderous attack on Lu Chen.

"I also give you a chance to live, now, immediately get out of my sight, otherwise, die!"

Lu Chen didn't seem to feel Wei Qiye's murderous opportunity. His face suddenly became cold and his voice cold.

As soon as this remark came out, not only Wei Qiye, but also Ji Yao and others were slightly stunned. The expressions of the people watching the drama around them were even more exaggerated. Looking at Lu Chen's eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot.

Sovereign Five-fold Peak Cultivation is, well, his strength is indeed good ... However, his opponent is not A Mao and A Gou, but Wei Qiye, the No. 2 character of the Wei Family of the Sixth Grade Crest Power, and His Eighth Chong Feng Chong Xiu.

With respect to the five-level summit repair of the Venerable Lord, he dared to scold Wei Qiye in the eyes of all eyes and let him get out immediately. At this point, Lu Chen was already dead.

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