Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1239: Killing the disciples of Ziyang Sect

Feeling the murderous intention emanating from the person on the opposite side, Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and he stepped out with one step, raising his hand to slap.

At the same time, the man looked at the slap sweeping through the air, not only not afraid, but a sneer and a killing intention from Sen Han appeared in his eyes.

The man sneered in his heart, but he was a saint's eightfold cultivation practice, more than enough to deal with the saint's sevenfold martial arts.

"Boy, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!" He said with a sneer.


The next moment, his face changed abruptly, because he found that he was wrong, and that it was very ridiculous.

He couldn't avoid Lu Chen's attack, he could only watch the slap sweeping through the air, and zoom in quickly in his sight ...

To the end.


Crisp and loud.

A sturdy slap directly made his cheeks swollen, ears deaf, dizzy, and dark in sight.


When everyone outside the city saw this scene, they were also dumbfounded. Obviously, the scene before them had exceeded their expectations.

How could anyone dare to shoot the disciples of Ziyang Sect?

Moreover, it was successful!

Under everyone's shocked gaze, the Ziyang Sect disciple lifted up his red swollen cheeks, and looked at the dust with a bitter look, and his voice contained uncontrollable anger and humiliation.

"Dare you hit me?"

Lu Chen was expressionless, looking at the vicious eyes of the disciple of Ziyang Sect, his eyes flashed sharply, and he slapped his hand again and slapped it hard!

"How about hitting you?"

"Ziyangzong, is it amazing?"

A cold voice came with this slap.

This time, the disciple of Ziyang Zong had already been prepared, but he found sadly that even if he had already prepared, he could not avoid it.

what happened?

He was shocked and angry in his heart. You know, he is a real saint, the eighth samurai ...

At the moment, in the face of the slap from the roar, he found that his body seemed to be extremely slow, but he could not avoid it.


With a powerful palm, the disciple of Ziyang Sect stumbled back one step, then slipped under the eyes of everyone, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Seeing the extremely embarrassing scene of the disciples of Ziyang Sect, everyone outside the city was unable to hold back, with a chuckle and a laugh.

Hearing the low laughter from all around, the laughter was so harsh, the disciple of Ziyang Sect only felt his chest feel stuffy, and the flame of anger ignited in his eyes.

He was a disciple of Ziyang Sect, the saint's eightfold warrior, and the ants who were only in front of him and who did not dare to breathe in the atmosphere. At this moment, he dared to laugh at him. What this means, he knows best.

And all of this is the person in front of him, and he let himself sweep the ground with majesty!

If you don't find the place today, you will lose not only his face but even Zi Yangzong will be laughed at.

What's more, he has remained in Tianyun God City.

"Boy, you succeeded in angering me, let me die!"

Under the anger, the disciple of Ziyang Zong leaped up, drank loudly, and clanged loudly. The long sword hanging from his waist had been drawn by him, and the sword was chopped out during the force surge.

As the sword was cut out, he was swept out of his body with unreserved force. Above the sword body, there was a thick and fierce sword.

Jianmang broke through the air, with an unmatched fierce momentum, and slammed down at the landing dust.

Lu Chen looked at the thick swordman's raging down, and his eyes were calm. When he saw that Mengmang was about to come, his body turned into a residual image, but he avoided the sword easily at an incredible speed. Mans attack.

As soon as the sword fell, the disciple of Ziyang Sect was shocked, and the vitality in his body was running wildly. When he was about to continue to attack, he saw Lu Chen took a step forward and deceived him directly in front of him. Then he raised his palm and slammed with lightning. On his wrist.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

The disciple of Ziyang Zong pained and screamed, and the long sword fell off in response.

Lu Chen's eyes flicked, his right hand looked forward, and he grasped the long sword accurately, and then in the frightened eyes of the disciple of Ziyang Zong, his wrist shook, and the long sword turned into a cold light, flashing across his waist.


The tearing of the cloth sounded.

The scabbard hanging over the waist of the disciple of Ziyang Sect flew up, and then was caught by a big hand.


Put the sword into the sheath!

Lu Chen carefully played the long sword in his hand. Although this long sword is not a Seven Star Divine Soldier, but in terms of quality, it is above the broken cloud sword. It is a long sword with a good handle. Although he ca n’t use it, he does not treat Pei Shaoqing and others. Still the most suitable.

Holding a sword in his hand, he looked at the disciples of Ziyang Sect who were pale and stiff in place, and said: "You should shoot your sword at me, I should have taken your life, but today I am in a good mood, and I will spare you for the time being, But death sins can avoid escape from living sins, and I will keep this long sword, right to be your life money. "

The disciple of Ziyang Zong was not angry but rejoicing, and there was even a sense of happiness in the rest of his life after the disaster. Just now Lu Chen stabbed that sword, and he really smelled the smell of death. He had no doubt, as long as Lu Chen was right He was tempted to kill, and he may now have fallen into the pool of blood.

And when the disciples of Ziyang Zong rejoiced that they were lucky, he heard Lu Chen's indifferent voice again, "Don't provoke me, otherwise, the next cut will not be a belt, but your head."

The disciple of Ziyang Zong couldn't help but shivered, only to feel that his body was chilling, and his body was even colder. He looked down and found that his belt was cut off by Lu Chen, and his pants lost their belts and had fallen silently. At the bend of the leg, two hairy thighs are exposed.

He hurriedly put on his pants and heard the low chuckles around him. His face suddenly turned red and he was shy and angry. A blood burst into his head. The fear of Lu Chen was also diluted by his anger at this moment.

"Today, I am not as good as others. I can't say anything about your wanton humiliation in public. But before I leave, I need to remind you that Sky Cloud God City is a bit chaotic recently. It's best to be careful after entering the city ..."

Putting a ruthless sentence, the disciple of Ziyang Zong only felt comfortable in his heart. The sense of humiliation seemed to be diluted with this sentence. However, he did not find that Lu Chen, who was about to leave with Moon Shadow Cat, also followed in his footsteps. A slight meal.

"You know, I didn't plan to kill you, but your words made me change my mind."

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the disciples of Ziyang Sect, with a hint of killing in his tone.

Feeling the murderous intention emanating from Lu Chen, the disciple of Ziyang Zong jumped in his heart and took a step back. Sei Li said: "Boy, I am a disciple of Ziyang Zong, do you dare to kill me?"

"I said before, is Ziyang Sect very powerful? You want to take Ziyang Sect to crush me, you are wrong, and the mistake is very ridiculous, so you should die."

After finishing, Lu Chen quickly drew his sword.



This sword is very fast!

The disciple of Ziyang Zong split his eyes, and his heart was horrified, because he could not hide.


The sharp blade cuts the sound of the flesh.

The disciple of Ziyang Zong only felt his neck cool, and then he felt that he was flying high, saw Lu Chen with a cold look, and saw ... a headless body.

The headless body, so familiar, seems to be ...

Realized that it stopped abruptly here!

Next, there is endless darkness.


Put the sword into the sheath!


Outside the Heavenly Cloud God City, the noise suddenly disappeared, becoming deadly silent.

Needle drop is audible!

After a shocking gaze, he stared blankly at the headless corpse.

Ziyang Sect disciple, dead? !

Someone really dared to kill the Ziyang Sect disciple ...


Under the horrifying gaze of everyone, the headless body shook and then fell to the ground.

It was at this moment that the atmosphere of the original silence was broken, and the noise rose to the sky.

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