Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1238: The disciples of Ziyang Zong

"Aooo ~ Aooo ~ Aooo ~"

At the same time that the blood world tengu was killed, the other four blood world tengu finally slapped, and formed a trend of siege. The scarlet eyes roared, and it jumped up, and the roaring animal mouth was big. , Came to bite the landing dust throat, thigh, arm, and head respectively.

Facing the simultaneous attack of four blood world tengus, the look on Lu Chen's face was still extremely calm. He gripped the sky with his right hand, and the Heifeng sword appeared in his hand. The sword shadow danced, and four fierce sword spirits shot in different directions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of deep cutting sounds came.

The four blood-bound tengus who came from the fierce fighting at the same time flew out at the same time, the blood splattered into the sky, and finally landed on the ground, twitching violently twice, and there was no interest.

One face-to-face, four blood world tengu, die! ! !

This scene made the **** tengu who was besieging the moon shadow cat all stunned. The scarlet beast pupil was no longer cruel and bloodthirsty, instead it was shocked and frightened.

But at this moment, Lu Chen's eyes looked over, and then in the frightened eyes of the blood world Tengu, he took a long sword and strode forward.

The blood world tengu, the enemy of the human race, Lu Chen has the ability, naturally will not let these blood world tengu leave safely.

After a few years of interest, the war started again.

But the battle ended without holding on for long.

At the moment when the battle was over, only Lu Chen and Moon Shadow Cat were left on the scene. As for the Blood World Tengu, none of them escaped, and all the blood fell here.

After the battle was over, Moon Shadow Cat's eyes showed vigilance, and then dragged the seriously injured body slowly back.

"Where are you going?"

Hearing Lu Chen's voice, Moon Shadow Cat turned to watch the landing dust alertly.

The Moon Shadow Cat is a mythical beast. In adulthood, it is at least comparable to a king-level creature. Lu Chen is fortunate to meet here. Naturally, he does not want to miss it. It is best to stay with him.

"I know you can understand me."

The idyllic cat didn't speak, and his alertness remained unchanged.

"I am not malicious to you, otherwise I will not risk my life to save you." Lu Chen said sincerely, trying to take a step forward.

The idyllic cat heard the words and swept the corpses of the tengu in the blood world. If Lu Chen agreed, the alert in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he was grateful instead.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen felt happy, and the alertness in the eyes of the pastoral cat disappeared, which meant that he was grateful to him.

Lu Chen was even more eager in his heart, "It's too dangerous outside, you're injured now, if you encounter a wild animal, it's dangerous, go back with me, let me take care of you, heal you. As long as I live, I will never let it go Others bully you. "

In order to deceive the Moon Shadow Cat, Lu Chen also struggled, the smile on his face should be more kind and kind, he is like a bad uncle who abducted an ignorant girl at the moment.

Moon Shadow Cat understood Lu Chen's words, and was a little bit perturbed by the latter's promise. It seemed to think of Lu Chen's picture of saving his life regardless of the danger of his life. He hesitated, and then walked to Lu Chen carefully and cautiously.

It moves slowly, rather than moving, rather than moving. The reason for this is on the one hand the reason for the injury, on the other hand it is caused by caution and fear and distrust of humanity.

Seeing the Moon Shadow Cat was moved by him, Lu Chen was ecstatic in his heart, and couldn't wait to laugh in the sky. He walked a few steps and came to the Moon Shadow Cat. Under his alert and curious gaze, he bent down and reached out to try to hug it .

"Meow ~"

The Moon Shadow cat instinctively wants to repel, and the hair on the back of the neck is all raised up.

Lu Chen's hand stretched out, "Be good, don't be afraid, let me take care of you, believe me, I won't hurt you!"

Saying that, Lu Chen's eyes and the moon-shaped cat's crescent-shaped eyes looked at each other, showing as much sincerity and kindness as possible.

It took only a few seconds for Lu Chen to look at each other, and the crescent-shaped eyes of the Moon Shadow Cat showed a mild color, and the raised hair also returned to its original state.

After seeing this, Lu Chen picked up the Moon Shadow Cat, which was a little heavy, but the Moon Shadow Cat in her arms could not fit with Fat.

It was slender and well-proportioned, and its hair was supple, just because of the previous fierce fighting, the body was impregnated with blood, and there was a deep wound on the hind leg. The blood had stopped, but the wound was still a bit shocking.

Lu Chen flipped his palm and took out a column of king-level elixir, and sent it to Moon Shadow Cat's mouth. "Come, eat it."

"Meow ~"

Moon Shadow Cat screamed gratefully, and the last trace of alert to Lu Chen also completely disappeared at this moment.

After eating the king-level elixir, the injuries on the Moon Shadow Cat recovered at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the slack breath also slowly increased. However, the speed of healing of the injuries on the hind legs was extremely slow.

Lu Chen also noticed this, and when he looked closely, he discovered that the abnormality appeared. The wound on the hind leg of the Moon Shadow Cat seemed to have corrosive energy left, and the shape of the wound was not like that caused by claws and teeth, but more like Caused by the sword.

In other words, it wasn't the **** tengu that injured the Moon's hind leg, but someone else.

So, who hurt the Moon Shadow Cat?

Reminiscent of Tengu in the blood world, Lu Chen had a rough guess ...

Moreover, judging from the fighting power displayed by Moon Shadow Cat, at its peak, it was at least stronger than Sun Tianchi, and the people who could damage it were at least half-step warriors.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen was reluctant to stay here. After simply cleaning the battlefield, she left with Moon Shadow Cat.

Shortly after Lu Chen's departure, a residual image came out of the air. The figure was tall, wearing a black robe, and his eyes were very scarlet. He looked at the broken ground below, frowned, and his voice was cold and hoarse. Floating out.

"It's still a step slower ..."

"I don't know who rescued Moon Shadow Cat."

"No matter who you are, I will find you and make you regret today's move ..."


Out of the barren mountain, Lu Chen kept flying towards the sky cloud **** city.

It took only a few hours to rush on the road, and the majestic Sky Cloud City was in sight.

But as he moved closer and closer to the Heavenly Cloud God City, he discovered the difference. Outside the Heavenly Cloud God City, there were actually a lot of people gathered. These people looked embarrassed, and they looked dare and angry. .

Seeing this, Lu Chen felt a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't have any thoughts left to find out. He set foot on the bluestone ground and walked towards Tianyun God City.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of him.

Lu Chen stopped and looked at the figure in front of him, a man in his thirties, with a trace of arrogance on his face.


Lu Chen looked at the man and asked indifferently.

The man on the opposite side proudly glanced at Lu Chen, and said condescendingly: "Everyone needs to pay an Arcane Origin Crystal to enter the Sky Cloud City, each of you and a beast needs two Arcane Origin Crystals."

"I have the Tianyun God City identity token!" Lu Chen frowned.

In the past, as long as the identity token was held in and out of the Sky Cloud City, there was almost no need to pay the city fee.

When the man heard Lu Chen's words, he replied coldly, "If you have an identity token, you also need to pay Aoyi Yuanyuanjing. If you can't pay the entrance fee, you will stay outside honestly."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: "When will the sky cloud city need to pay the original source crystal when entering the city? And, even if it is included in the city fee, why should it be paid to you? Who are you, and what are the qualifications for receiving the city entrance fee? "

"Boy, I am a disciple of Ziyang Sect." The man suddenly angered when he heard Lu Chen's words, and said coldly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, even if you are a half-step king, don't pay the city fee, and don't want to step into the sky A half step in the **** city! "

Lu Chen heard the words, his face suddenly cold.

So arrogant tone.

Ziyang Zong, he has heard, is a king-level force. The sect master is a subordinate king. Looking at the large extraterritorial battlefield, Ziyang Zong is also a big force.

But what puzzled him was how did the disciples of Ziyang Sect appear in the Heavenly Cloud God City?

And how dare they charge for entering the city with great fanfare, why do the warriors and the slaying gangs sit idly by?

Are you afraid to manage it, or are there other reasons?

Questions filled the mind of landing dust.

"Boy, if you don't have the origin of mystery, let me roll as far as you can!" Seeing Lu Chen fell silent, the man's face showed a touch of impatience, and said coldly.

Lu Chen looked up, looked at the man opposite, and said indifferently: "If I don't pay, will I not roll?"

"Don't pay or leave?"

The man sneered, and then looked up and down at the landing dust. The sage was repaired seven times, and he placed it in the Heavenly Cloud God City. It is also a strong party. It is no wonder that he dared to be brazen in front of him.

However, the seven saints in the area are in front of the Ziyang Sect, and even the ants are not counted. Without the high-level shot of the Ziyang Sect, he can squeeze it to death.

"Don't pay or die, die!"

Between the words, there was a terrible murderous intention in the man.

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