Emperor of Taikoo

Chapter 1240: Kill the disciples of Ziyang Zong again

In the uproar of the sky, Lu Chen touched the Moon Shadow Cat with a slightly tired look on his shoulder, and stepped up to leave, but at this moment, a slightly icy voice was passed.

"Who gave you the courage to kill the disciples and boys of Ziyang Sect in public ?!"

Lu Chen heard the words and looked up at the entrance to the city gate. There were several figures walking slowly. The head of the person was a man with a smile, but that smile looked slightly cold.

Under the watch of countless people outside the city, a group of people came to Lu Chen, his eyes sharp as a knife.

Lu Chen looked at the group of people on the opposite side, and finally his eyes fell on the head of the person, with a sharp corner of his mouth, saying, "You are also disciples of Ziyang Sect?"

The headed person said lightly, "Liu Daotian, the core disciple of Ziyang Sect!"

After he finished speaking, his tone was suddenly cold, "Boy, that question, who gave you the courage to dare to kill Ziyang Sect disciples in public?"

Lu Chen directly ignored the sense of prosperity in Liu Daotian's words. He looked at the core disciple of Ziyang Sect in front of him, and suddenly smiled, "The saint's ninth peak is cultivated. It seems that Ziyang Sect is not as bad as I thought. After a saint's nine-fold peak cultivation, I just wonder if there are disciples at the half-step king level? "

Liu Daotian narrowed his eyes, the cold light surging in his eyes, "Boy, it seems that you haven't realized your situation yet."


Lu Chen pretended to be surprised, looked around and said, "What is the situation?"

One of the disciples of the Ziyang Sect who immediately followed Liu Daotian, one of them finally couldn't help but said, "I pretend to be crazy and sell silly brother, what kind of tongue is wasted with a dead man, let me kill him."

Liu Daotian ignored the words of the people behind him. He stared at the landing dust and raised a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth. "I'm really curious. You are a saint seven-legged ants. What kind of anger is rampant in front of me? It is knowing that it will definitely die, so How dare you be so arrogant? Or, you pretend to be an unusual person and think I dare not kill you? "

People outside the city, seeing Lu Chen confronting Ziyang Sect disciple, all pinched a cold sweat for Lu Chen. Compared to Zi Yang Zong disciple, they undoubtedly prefer Lu Chen and hope Lu Chen can win, but it seems that this I hope it is not realistic. Lu Chen is only the Seventh Cultivation Practice of the Sage. What can we do to contend with Ziyang Sect?

After listening to Liu Daotian's words, Lu Chen was not only afraid, but exposed a trace of sarcasm, and then pointed to the headless body of the disciple of Ziyang Sect, saying: "He just said the same thing just now, thinking that cultivation is above me, If you can shoot me to death, you will see it, so you do n’t have to say it. ”

"It's really a dude ..."

Liu Daotian was irritated by Lu Chen's words, and his murderous intention was not concealed.

"I also want to give you this sentence." Lu Chen was not afraid, and said in a confrontation.

Liu Daotian narrowed his eyes, apparently did not expect that Lu Chen dared to say such a thing, the expression on his face was gradually cold, he looked at Lu Chen coldly, and then turned to look at the person behind him, said lightly.

"Brother Yang Xu, since this person is in a hurry to find death, then it ’s up to you. That ’s right, do n’t kill him easily, abolish his cultivation, and then hang it on the city gate and expose it to the sun for three months to deter those irregularities. The disciple ... "

As soon as Liu Daotian's words fell, the man, known as Yang Xu, could not wait to take a step forward. The majestic element of the body rose up, and a strong and coercive force that belonged exclusively to the saint's ninefold was also diffused.

People outside the city felt a breath like Yang Xu, and they were all slightly surprised. The sages of the nine heavy martial arts were not much placed in the huge sky cloud **** city, and once this person shot, would n’t the young man who confronted the Ziyang Sect be mortal? ?

For a while, people outside the city began to worry about Lu Chen. Although they had nothing to do with Lu Chen, compared with the disciples of Ziyang who rejected them outside the city, from the bottom of their hearts, they were undoubtedly more inclined to Lu Chen. dust.

However, when they saw the slightly immature face, there was no fear at all, these people sighed and couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Not only do I have to abolish my cultivation, but also hang the city gate for three months? You are really overbearing!"

Lu Chen pursed her lips, and the gaze that looked at Liu Daotian and others gradually became cold at this moment.

"I didn't want to be an enemy of Ziyang Sect, but you seem too self-righteous."

He shook his head and continued to say slowly: "I said at the beginning, is Ziyangzong strong? You don't want to provoke me, just provoke me, then I don't mind the killing ..."


Yang Xu snorted coldly, "Seven saints of the sage, who dare to underestimate Ziyang Sect, kid, who gave you the guts?"

After speaking, Yang Xu no longer wanted to waste his tongue, and with a big hand, Yuan Li screamed out and turned into a mountain. When even the sweeping momentum swept through, he rushed away at the landing dust.

The sage ninth-level warrior does not hesitate to exert its strength, and the condensed Yuanli mountain peaks cannot be underestimated. During the roar, even the air exploded in inches, and a vacuum area was formed wherever it passed.

Faced with such an offensive offensive, Lu Chen did not dodge, and quietly looked at the roaring Yuanli Mountain.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and everyone outside the city sighed and shook his head. In their view, Lu Chen stood still, not a manifestation of self-confidence, just the opposite, but was shocked by this trick. Stayed, and to be straightforward was scared and stupid.

In the next scene, everyone who raised this idea was stunned. I saw the roaring Yuanli Mountain peak, and when he was about to come, he seemed to burst out a punch.

This punch did not use any moves, just a simple straight punch, and the punch was not obvious, there was no magnificent force, and there was no earth-shattering momentum. Ordinary is ordinary.

Seeing Lu Chen want to use this punch to resist the roaring Yuanli Mountain, everyone outside the city shook his head and sighed, and Liu Daotian and others also sneered. As if looking at a corpse.

However, the sighs of people outside the city had just come out, and the sneer of Liu Daotian and others also maintained for a moment. The next scene made everyone present stare.

I saw that Lu Chen's punch with no force fluctuations collided with Yuanli Mountain in mid-air, and the scene of Lu Chen's **** flight did not happen in the conjecture. What appeared to everyone was the amazing Yuanli Mountain. At the moment when Lu Chen's fist touched, it was a bang, crashing into a sky full of rain and disappearing invisible.


The scene in front of me was beyond everyone's expectations. The noise outside the city was suddenly quiet, and a pair of eyes were filled with strong shock.

"Wow ~"

The silence didn't last long, and it was broken by the noise of the sky.

Liu Daotian's eyes are also fixed, but there is no panic. His face is still very calm. Lu Chen's strength may exceed his expectations, but he is confident that the latter's strength is no longer strong, and it can't turn the waves.

His tone was indifferent, "Sister Yang Xu, this kid is a little weird, don't be careless, try your best to scrap him!"

Liu Daotian's words fell into place, but Yang Xu hadn't answered the call yet, and Lu Chen took the initiative to attack, only to see him stomping violently.


The air exploded suddenly under my feet,

Lu Chen's figure was almost like a teleport, and suddenly appeared in front of Yang Xu.

"Be careful ~"

Liu Daotian's pupil shrank and reminded loudly.

When Yang Xu heard Liu Daotian's reminder, he just wanted to respond, but finally he was slowed down by half a beat. I saw Lu Chen slap and waved.

This slap, waved **** Yang Xu's face, during the surge of Yuan Li, this Ziyang sect, a sage ninth warrior, half of his face exploded directly, his brain also buzzed, and his thinking fell into a short Stagnation.

The sound of his body flew out, and in the eyes of everyone's consternation, he hit the ground heavily and set off a handful of dust.

And Lu Chen stepped out and appeared in front of Yang Xu. He didn't wait for everyone to react from the horror. His right foot was trampled on Yang Xu's chest.

This foot is as heavy as a mountain, and Yang Xu's chest is slightly depressed, and there is a crackling bone crackling.

He suffered heavy losses one after another. Yang Xu had already killed nine of his ten lives. At this moment, his life was like a candle in the wind and could be destroyed at any time.

As long as Lu Chen stepped up his strength by three points, Yang Xu would definitely die.

Seeing this scene, the people outside the city were stunned, their faces full of disbelief.

The disciples of Ziyang Zong, headed by Liu Daotian, were also shocked by the scene before them. However, they responded quickly and quickly suppressed the shock in their hearts.

Liu Daotian's face was dark, and he said in a deep voice, "Boy, let go of Brother Yang Xu, I will give you a decent way to die."

Lu Chen heard the words, looked up at that Liu Daotian, and raised a sarcastic arc at the corner of his mouth, "Give me a decent way of death? It seems that you still do n’t understand the reality."

"Ziyangzong, is it really strong?"

He didn't know how many times he said it.

After he finished speaking, he withdrew his gaze from Liu Daotian and looked down at Yang Xu like a dead dog at his feet.

This sentence was not suppressed, and it came to everyone's ears with the wind.

The disciples of Ziyang Sect headed by Liu Daotian, each one looks somber as if to drip water. If Yang Xu was not in the hands of the other party, they might not be able to take the shot now.

In a trance, Yang Xu raised his head with difficulty, with a hint of threat in his weak voice, "You ... I ... I am ... Ziyang Zong disciple ..."

"At this time, you still stupidly thought that the identity of Ziyang Sect disciple can save your life?" Lu Chen's sarcasm sounded.

"Okay, don't struggle, I will send you on the road."

The strength under his feet suddenly increased by three points, and with a click, Yang Xu's chest collapsed completely.

Yang Xu, still struggling, at this moment, his body suddenly stiffened, and his head, which was difficult to lift, was also banged into the dirt.

Yang Xu, a disciple of Ziyang Sect, died!

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