After eating and drinking, Xu Jing returned to the room.

With one of the braised pig ears, after locking the door, he called out Bicchitini.

As soon as the little guy came out, he began to circle around Xu Jing.

"Pini?" Curious eyes blinked, and Biktini sniffed, feeling that the things Xu Jing was holding in his hand should be delicious!

"Don't look at it, it's for you to eat, try it~"

Xu Jing rubbed Biktini's big ears.

He felt like he had little resistance to the big ears.

When I saw it, I wanted to go up and take a slap twice, it was very comfortable~

The little guy does not rejects being touched like this by Xu Jing.

All my thoughts are on eating.

- Wow! What does this taste like?

- It's delicious, it's delicious(▽)

As for the fossil pterosaur, Xu Jing waited for Biktini to finish eating, let it sit on his shoulder in a stealthy state, and then went out with the fossil pterosaur.

Fossil pterosaur is too big.

He is the largest of Xu Jing's elf companions.

Xu Jing naturally didn't plan to let this guy call out at home.

The park in the military community is quite large.

Some elves who are inconvenient to call out at home generally choose to call out here for a walk and a walk.

Xu Jing is in line with the idea of treating everyone equally.

Came to the park with braised pig ears.

At this time, there were already some elders in the park who were walking with elves in the park, well, not all of them lived in the military community.

Some military dependents may have been quite rich in the first place!

These people apply through legal compliance.

If you are eligible.

You can keep some elves as companions!

Elves are not something that can be subdued by a trainer or a person who is engaged in elf-related professions.

For example, not far away.

An aunt who looks relatively wealthy raises a blue, and usually blue is held in the arms of this aunt.

But for the sake of Blue's health.

The aunt will take Blue to walk in the park every night for proper exercise.

The same is true today.

But what Auntie didn't expect was this.

Today, Blue doesn't know why he's not so happy.

Put it on the ground and it lay there.28 It looked different from the usual docile, and seemed a little irritable.

kept humming and chirping at the aunt.

Of course, this kind of elf with relatively low strength generally does not take the initiative to attack his master and others, but this is not a thing~

At this time.

Xu Jing called the fossil pterosaur out of the Poké Ball.


The fossil pterosaur came out with a habitual low roar.

"Be quiet!" Xu Jing patted the fossil pterosaur's leg.

Only then did the fossil pterosaur notice that this was not a secret territory.

You have to be quiet in the city, and you can't make noise to others.

Suddenly, the frightened voice of the aunt came from the side: "This ...... This...... Oh my god, what kind of elf is this!?"

Where did the aunt see the fossil pterosaur with her own eyes, and the fossil pterosaur under the dark night gave the aunt a very shocking visual feast!

The irascible Blue calmed down all of a sudden, obviously frightened by the fossil pterosaur!

Auntie's voice made the other people walking around look at it, and they all noticed the fossil pterosaur and Xu Jing.

"Yo, this seems to be Xu Zhiming's family, right?"

"That's right! This kid is Xu Jing, he's so old!"

"I'm a good girl, I've never seen this elf before, it looks so strong, and its breath is so strong!"

"It's not suitable for a walk in the park with such a big elf......

Xu Zhiming and Lin Huiying couldn't stay idle.

I often chat in the military community, and the photos taken by the husband and wife in Zhejiang Province last time have been "show-off" to many people.

"Xu Jing, I'm sorry to disturb me, can you please help my Blue see what's going on? "

The aunt with Blue also recognized Xu Jing.

So I brought Blue over and wanted Xu Jing to help see what was going on with Blue and why he was more irritable.

In the opinion of the aunt.

Xu Jing is a "top student" of the National Defense Elf Academy.

You should be able to know what Blue is for.

Xu Jing blinked, obviously he didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, but people who can live in the military community have a minimum guarantee of character, he checked Blue a few times, and asked the aunt about Blue's recent situation.

In the end, an embarrassing and embarrassing answer was drawn - this Blue is likely to be in estrus!

"Uh, Auntie, this Blue is fine, you may need to go to a special elf hospital. "

There are quite a lot of people here.

Everyone is a neighbor.

I'm afraid that my aunt will be embarrassed.

Xu Jing didn't say it too clearly.

It's just that the aunt obviously intends to get to the root of this answer, so she doesn't know so she continues to ask: "I'm sorry Xu Jing, I don't quite understand, since Blue is quite normal, why did you go to the elf hospital?"

Xu Jing was speechless, but he could understand.

After all, the other party is not a professional trainer.

After the average vocational trainer sees Blue's situation, there is a high probability that they can guess the reason.

The aunt looked like she broke the casserole and asked the end.

Xu Jing didn't hide it.

He bluntly said the answer: "Let's see if I can meet other blues of the opposite sex there, auntie, your blues are most likely spring!"

The aunt was dumbfounded on the spot and stammered, "Ah, this...... Hair...... Hair...... It's spring?"

The people around me also heard it.

Immediately ridiculed one by one.

This made Auntie's face blush.

"Ah, haha, thank you Xu Jing, I'll just say what's going on with this blue, it turns out that this is the reason, then I'll take it tomorrow to see." "Aunt is from here.

After his face turned red, he didn't leave directly.

Instead, I thanked Xu Jing first.

"Well, it's just a high probability, and other reasons are not ruled out, after all, I'm not a professional either, so it's better to go to the elf hospital to have a look. Xu Jing was just guessing.

"Hello, what's going on?"

The military trainers who are responsible for the security and guarding of the military community stationed in the military department noticed the abnormality here, and the captain on duty today also came over.

"Huh, Xu Jing?"

This time Xu Jing recognized it again.


After a peaceful night on the 22nd.

In the early morning of December 23, an overwhelming stream of elf news finally swept the domestic field.

"Shocked! The secret realm of the Red River in Heizhou was shocked to see a new type of attribute stone that had never been seen before! Maybe the attribute treasures will have another classification from now on!"

"An unprecedentedly new type of energy stone!An unprecedentedly new type of energy stone!An unprecedentedly unseen secret realm fusion!What is the reason for the mountain rain to come and the wind to fill the building?"

"After many years, the two titled kings shot at the same time, what important event will it cause in the world this time?"

Recently, an elf reporter photographed Xu Jing, the most popular young genius in the Dragon Kingdom, at the trainer special line airport, with pictures and truths......


"I'm going, what's the situation, Brother Jing, you're going abroad?"

After the morning class of the third class of freshmen.

With this heavy elf news message popping up. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The students were all discussing these "national events".

As a result, one of the messages actually mentioned Xu Jing!

This stunned Xu Jing, who was also paying attention to these news.

Good guys, you elf reporters can really be found, I went to the trainer line and wore a hat, very low-key, this is recognized?

Xu scenic spot to take a look. []

Well, not the front or even the side.

was just photographed in a distance.

That's okay, acceptable.

The exclamation just now was Wang Ming.

"it, how could I run that far. "

Xu Jing casually vetoed Wang Ming's exclamation, and then changed the topic: "The two predecessors of the Title Heavenly King shot at the same time, I really want to see and understand that scene!"

"That's right, that's the Title Heavenly King, there are so many students in our National Defense Elf Academy, and none of them will necessarily be able to reach that level in the future. Zhang Tao also sighed beside him.

Something immediately sounded, and he added: "Except for Brother Jing." "

"Brother Jing must be fine, tsk, when the time comes, when Brother Jing becomes the title king, I will casually go out and yell at me and say that I am Brother Jing's classmate and roommate, and I have a face!"

"That's a good idea. "

"Isn't it?

Xu Jing also smiled beside him.

Titled the Heavenly King, it won't be long before that!

"I won't talk to you, I still have some problems. "

After Xu Jing said goodbye to his three roommates.

I went back to the dormitory, put on my backpack, and found Chen Lin's dean's office!

"Xu Jing, you kid can really run, and you can go to places like Heizhou?"

Seeing that Xu Jing finally came over.

Chen Lin immediately blew his beard and glared, glaring at Xu Jing angrily, the sky was pitiful, when he knew that Xu Jing actually went to a place like Heizhou and Kailuo City, his heart almost jumped out!

Too bold!

"Haha, dean, don't be angry, I'm here to give you a gift, this gift is guaranteed that you will like it after reading it, and your strength will go to the next level!"

Among the super evolution stones collected by Xu Jing.

There is one that Dean Chen Lin can use.

Dean Chen Lin has helped Xu Jing a lot.

Let's just say that Dean Chen Lin got Xu Jing 3 copies of the attribute secret treasure (2 copies of metal film, 1 part of mysterious water droplets), although Xu Jing also gave money, but he knew that it could only be bought by Dean Chen Lin's face.

Without these 3 attribute secret treasures, Xu Jing's strength would not have grown so fast, so naturally he would have no chance with Biktini this time, and he would not have a chance with those super evolution stones!

Therefore, there is one of the super evolution stones that Dean Chen Lin can use, and it is understandable for him to take out one, and he must understand Entu Bao as a person!

"What can you kid ...... Huh?" Dean Chen Lin subconsciously wanted to refuse, but after he saw Xu Jing's smiling expression, he thought that Xu Jing had returned from the Chihe Secret Realm, and a bold thought suddenly appeared in his heart, and he took back the words that came to his mouth.

"That, haha, Xu Jing, tell me, what gift did you prepare for me, is it a specialty of Heizhou or something?"

As the dean of the National Defense Elf Academy, Chen Lin was an absolute high-level in the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

So, he knows about the super evolution stone!

Xu Jing said so, right?

"Yes, Dean, it seems that you guessed it, I know that you have a Lizard King, and this super evolution stone is the Lizard King's. "

"But the dean didn't seem interested just now, so I'm still ......"

After Xu Jing took the Lizard King's Super Evolution Stone out of his pocket, he was about to put it back again, but he only felt a gust of wind in front of him, and then the Lizard King Super Evolution Stone in his hand was gone.

When I looked at it again, Dean Chen Lin had already left his seat.

Stand under the light.

Take the Lizard King Super Evolution Stone and look at it!

"Okay, good, good, hahaha!"

I looked at it for a while, but I didn't look at it.

But he knew that Xu Jing was the first person to know about the super evolution stone, and he had also seen the murals about super evolution in the ruins, so Xu Jing said that this was the 080 super evolution stone of the Lizard King, then it must be, it wouldn't be wrong!

"Hehe, what's that, Xu Jing, I like this thing very much, haha, you kid, you have learned to tease the dean, naughty. "

Dean Chen Lin felt that he was slapping his face too quickly, so he casually slapped the topic and said with a big wave of his hand, and said in high spirits: "I know that the Super Evolution Stone is very precious, is there anything else I can do to help you kid, just say, you're welcome!"

What Dean Chen Lin means is that I accepted your gift, the Lizard King Super Evolution Stone, and I won't take advantage of you, if you have anything difficult to solve, I will help you solve it!

Xu Jing smiled.

Isn't what he was waiting for with Dean Chen Lin's words!

Remove the backpack on the spot.

Take out the same attribute treasures!

"Then you're welcome, Dean, look. "

As Xu Jing took out everything like that, Dean Chen Lin almost gasped on the spot!

Attribute essence forget it.

Why are there so many attribute stones!?

And there are so many treasures in the secret realm?

What is this?Fire Secret Treasure Charcoal!?

You Xu Jing went to the Chihe Secret Realm to buy the goods!

Everything is done, and the last one is the same, fire-based pure crystal!

When the fire-type pure crystal was taken out of the backpack by Xu Jing.

Dean Chen Lin couldn't sit still at that time.

"Not ......"

"Xu Jing, you even got the fire-type pure crystal!?"

Dean Chen Lin felt that he was shocked more than the whole year of this year!

Pure crystal!

This is something more precious and rare than the Secret Treasure.

Even Chen Lin himself is extremely difficult to get his hands on!

Xu Jing actually got it?

"Luck, luck, it's all luck. Xu Jing didn't explain much, just went out one by one of the things he still needed.

1 Fighting Treasure, Black Belt!

1 Ghost Treasure, Cursed Talisman!

2 Rock Treasures, Hard Stones!

2 Flying Treasures, Sharp Beaks!

Of course, Xu Jing didn't think that his Lizard King Super Evolution Stone was worth 6 attribute secret treasures.

He also made it clear that the excess can be paid!

Xu Jing is not short of money now!

"Pay, you kid sincerely bury your dean, right?" Hearing that Xu Jing was still thinking about paying for himself, Dean Chen Lin didn't do it on the spot.

"Don't worry about these 6 attribute secret treasures, I owe you a favor and have to make it up for you, the Lizard King Super Evolution Stone is useless to you, but it is a priceless treasure to me!"

Dean Chen Lin made a decision directly.

Then he took Xu Jing to the exclusive venue of the Elf Academy, and he couldn't wait for the Lizard King to try super evolution!

Thinking of this, Xu Jing was also a little looking forward to the super evolution of his fossil pterosaur, so he just tried it with the dean!.

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