"Come out, Lizard King!"

With a "bang" sound.

Dean Chen Lin called out his Lizard King.

Lizard King, one of the three grass royal families!

He is one of Dean Chen Lin's trump card main forces, and his strength is very strong!

In Xu Jing's probing eyes.

The rank of this Lizard King is ...... LV.79 level!

There is no doubt that the Heavenly King is high-level!

Just one step away from reaching the championship level!

Ace elves, normal!


The Lizard King popped out of nowhere and put a small branch in his mouth, and took care of Dean Chen Lin.

At the same time, the Lizard King also looked at Xu Jing.

It hadn't seen Xu Jing before.

Looking at this lizard king, Xu Jing feels quite handsome!

The Lizard King used to be one of Xu Jing's favorite three royal families, he felt handsome and able to fight, and he could also super evolve!

"Lizard King, look at this. "

Dean Chen Lin was also in a rare mood.

Spread out the Lizard King Super Evolution Stone in your hand.

"Huh?" the Lizard King's eyes fell on the Super Evolution Stone.

It seems that he has been attracted to it in the dark.

I can't take my eyes off it anymore!

This thing......

This stuff feels very useful to me!

As a high-level elf of the Heavenly King.

The Lizard King has developed an intuition!

Its instincts tell it that this thing is not easy!

"Dean, let the Lizard King get in touch with the Super Evolution Stone at zero distance to complete the absorption. Xu Jing reminded on the side.

Chen Lin nodded.

In fact, his Lizard King has been stuck in the Heavenly King's high rank for many years, and although he is not his most powerful elf, he is an elf companion who has a special meaning for him!

Chen Lin held the stone.

Under the strange and expectant gaze of the Lizard King, he touched the stone to the Lizard King!

In the next moment, the super evolution fossilized into energy, which was quickly absorbed into the body by the Lizard King!

"Let's go, old man!"

"Our bonds will not be lost to others!"

Chen Lin's voice was vigorous and powerful, low as thunder.

"Clipping !!"

The Lizard King roared as well.

Everything went well!

The bond between the two was quickly activated.

The energy starts to connect!


The Lizard King's appearance is starting to change!

The most obvious change is its tail!

Long and thick!

It was also covered with something like sharp thorns.

And the main thing is the attributes!

After the Lizard King Super evolved into the Super Lizard King, the level rushed from the original LV.79 to LV.LV.82!

Above all, the attributes!

Lizard King only has pure grass.

But Super Lizard King has one more dragon!

It worked!

"Hahaha, it worked, this is what the Lizard King looks like after his super evolution? Handsome, old man, you are so handsome!"

Chen Lin really laughed.

It's been a long time since I've laughed like this!

After Dean Chen Lin succeeded, it was Xu Jing's turn.

Seeing Xu Jing call out the fossil pterosaur.

The corners of Chen Lin's mouth twitched......

"Xu Jing, don't tell me, fossil pterosaurs can also be super evolved? It's an ancient fossil elf!"

Fossil pterosaurs have their own topic.

And if you can still hyper-evolve?

Tsk, that's really hot......

Xu Jing just smiled and took out the only super evolution stone that he could find in the Chihe Secret Realm this time that could be used by himself!


The fossil pterosaur looked at Xu Jing inexplicably.

It seems that this stone can't be absorbed, right?

"Come, fossil pterosaur, although you haven't been hatching for long, we've been through a lot of things between us, let's try it too!"

Xu Jing's eyes were scorching, and the fossil pterosaur was not easy to turn a blind eye, so he also looked at Xu Jing, and then, the fossil pterosaur super evolution stone had to be slapped on Xu Jing's body.


How could a fossil pterosaur that had just witnessed the successful super evolution of the Lizard King have imagined that it would be its turn so soon?


The fossil pterosaur was bathed in white brilliance.

On Xu Jing's side, the power of the waveguide in his body urged with all his might, and a mysterious feeling came to his heart.

In an instant, I only felt that I and the fossil pterosaur seemed to be more tacit, and a force was about to come out!

Come out, come out!


Only Xu Jing himself could hear the voice remembered in his body.

The energy chain also appeared on his side!

Connect with the fossil pterosaur in the white light!

The body of the fossil pterosaur is also beginning to change!

Suddenly there were spikes protruding from under its rock-like skin, and the white light turned black, and black hideous spikes appeared on its head, chin, wings, and tail!

There is also a huge spike on the back that breaks through the skin layer!

Super Fossil Pterodactyl!

At this time, a prompt suddenly pops up.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, your fossil pterosaur has successfully completed its super evolved form for the first time, the elemental energy in its body is agitated, and the trait of awakening has been successfully awakened - hard head]

Congratulations to the host, your fossil pterosaur has mastered the skill to destroy the death light due to the surging elemental energy in its body]

There is nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get them......

There is no Awakening trait when venturing through the Realm.

I didn't expect to awaken after successfully completing the super evolution for the first time......

Creation makes people!

Probing Eyes!

[Elf: Super Fossil Pterodactyl (Rock + Row)]


[Level: LV.65 (Quasi-Heavenly King Intermediate Rank)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (29) Attack (31) Defense (31) Special Attack (26) Special Defense (30) Speed (31)]

[Trait: Hard Head (With an incomparably hard head, even if you use a skill with reaction damage, your physical strength will not be depleted)]

[Skills: Hasu (heredity), bite, primordial power, wing attack, ghost face, ultrasound, rock avalanche, roar, bite, high-speed movement, slamming, iron head, sharp stone attack, destruction of deathlight]


Xu Jing suddenly realized.

The level of this super fossil pterosaur......

There was a direct rush from LV.60 to LV.65!

Soon Xu Jing figured out why.

"I see, because the quasi-heavenly king elf is lower than the heavenly king level, so when the quasi-heavenly king-level elf completes the super evolution, the level suddenly increases even more"

Skyrocket by 5 levels!

In a normal battle, if both sides are of equal strength.

Not to mention level 5.

A level 2 gap will give one of them a clear advantage!

"Roaring !!"

The fossil pterosaur that had successfully evolved was in high spirits and sent out a dragon-like sound towards the super lizard king of Chen Lin Yuan!

Obviously there is no dragon system, but he uses a dragon-like voice to the super lizard king with dragon attributes, can this super lizard king get used to it?

"Wow!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The two super-evolved elves actually scolded each other with their voices, Xu Jing's face was strange, this guy of the super fossil pterosaur, I'm afraid that because of the success of the super-evolution, the power in his body suddenly skyrocketed and he was a little carried away, right?

Across from you is a Super Lizard King who has reached LV.82!

It's better to take this opportunity to let the fossil pterosaur know that there are people outside the human world, and there are dragons outside the dragon!

You know, the mentality of the elves has a great influence on the battle![]

If an elf has a bad mentality when fighting, it is easy to lose the advantage it has because of despising the opponent, and be killed by the opposite side!

The tutor of the Elf Academy has mentioned this problem more than once when teaching the students, and has also shown the students practical videos in this regard many times!

And right now, Dean Chen Lin is here.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Xu Jing dared to invite Dean Chen Lin to fight!

Dean Chen Lin was stunned.

Good boy, how dare you ask me to fight?

Xu Jing gestured with his eyes.

Dean Chen Lin was also a person from the past, and immediately understood the reason, and nodded that he would cooperate.

So, the two super-evolved elves started fighting!

Before the fight, Dean Chen Lin also called out one of his super elves and asked him to help take a look at the venue!

As soon as the super fossil pterosaur heard it, it was immediately excited to drink the other party's fight, and it had been smooth sailing since its hatching, and it didn't know that it was about to usher in the worst fiasco ever!

Neither side has a trainer in command.

It's all about letting the elves fight freely.

The super fossil pterosaur immediately spread its wings and waved, and the rock spikes that were several meters long formed in the air, which were the sharp stone attacks!

Super Fossil Pterodactyl starts with all the effort!

Super Lizard King cannot fly.

But that doesn't mean it can't do anything about the super fossil pterosaurs that can fly in the sky!

Why are the three elves called the three elves?

The reason is not only because of the problem of the elf race value of the three royal families, but also the exclusive skills that the three royal families can awaken and learn!

Like what.

The exclusive skill of the fire royal three families is called Explosive Flame!

The skill of the three families of the water system is called the water cannon! (also called the cannon water cannon)

And the exclusive skill of the grass system is called Hardened Plant, (there is another translated name called Crazy Machine)

Super Lizard King, as one of the three royal families of the Heavenly King level, has now broken through to the champion level, and of course it will also harden the plant!

Hardened plants use special energy to penetrate the ground, causing the energy to transform into giant thorns to break through the ground and attack enemies!

It's super powerful!

Explosive flames, hydroelectric cannons, and hardened plants can all be up to 150 powerful in the game!

in the sky.

When the Super Fossil Pterodactyl's sharp stone attack landed on the Super Lizard King, the Super Lizard King seemed to be out of sight, and his tail slammed to the ground!


The ground cracked inch by inch.

The furious grass elementals formed hardened plants like giant pythons but full of thorns under the ground, rushing out of the ground one after another, and the sharp stones in the sky attacked, like papier-mâché, and were instantly drawn into powder!


There was an explosion in the Super Fossil Pterodactyl.

Fall straight from the sky.

Knocked out of the Super Evolution Form......

Xu Jing used the Poké Ball to retrieve the fossil pterosaur so that it would not fall to the ground, and then released it again.

On the other side, Dean Chen Lin also called out his Menas.

The "blood regeneration" skill of the Life Drop was used on the Fossil Pterodactyl, which immediately woke up the Fossil Pterodactyl from its near-death state.

"Fossil pterosaur, how did you feel just now?"

Xu Jing took out the remaining stamina potion in his backpack and gave it to the fossil pterosaur to drink, while asking how the fossil pterosaur felt.


- Too strong, I'm not an opponent......

The fossil pterosaur was beaten by the super lizard king's trick hardening the plant......

"It's normal to win or lose, our strength is much lower than the other side, what I want to tell you is that you must have a good attitude in the future battle, and never be complacent. "

"If one day the other elf companions have their own opponents, and I am the only one left with you, what do you think will happen if this situation occurs again?"

When the fossil pterosaur heard this, its head immediately shook like a drum wave.

It made up its mind that it would indeed correct its mentality in the future, and it would never let the situation Xu Jing said really happen!

Although the fossil pterosaur lost the battle, Xu Jing was still quite satisfied with being able to make the fossil pterosaur realize his problem!

Next, Xu Jing had to find the counselor Han Zhuang.

Don't ask, asking is asking for leave......

Counselor Han Zhuang was powerless to complain about Xu Jing's leave.

waved his hand and said that he didn't need to tell him if he asked for leave in the future.

If you have something to do, just leave......

What other classes are you taking, Dean Chen Lin has already started to contact people, and he is going to the imperial capital to get the attribute secret treasure!

If you get 6 Attribute Treasures.

Xu Jing's elf companions' strength has skyrocketed again!

In particular, there are fossil pterosaurs that can be absorbed by 4-attribute secret treasures!

If the 2 Rock Treasure and the 2 Flying Treasure are absorbed and digested, its strength will come from behind and directly rush to a higher level than Lucario and Gengre!

Following Dean Chen Lin, Xu Jing rushed directly to the imperial capital!

Imperial Capital!

Dragon Elf Alliance Headquarters!

Dean Chen Lin asked Xu Jing to wander around here, and he himself went to find someone, oh no, he went to brush his face.

As Chen Lin said.

Even if he gives up this face, even if he owes favors, he must arrange these 6 attribute secret treasures that Xu Jing needs!

A spit and a nail!

Xu Jing was idle and bored here, and came to the notification hall to watch the elf news in the notification hall.

At this time, Elf News (Mo Li's) was reporting on the situation of the Chihe Secret Realm live.

"Hello audience friends, I am your old friend Bingbing, and the place we see now is the secret realm hall of the Red River Secret Realm located in Heizhou and Kailuo City!"

"We can see that the trainers from various countries and the elven news media from various countries who are now gathered in the hall of the Chihe Secret Realm have all arrived, all wanting to know the specific situation in the Chihe Secret Realm. "

"So what's next......"

On the screen, an international elf news reporter named Bingbing is reporting on the situation in the Chihe Secret Realm in real time.

"Tsk, I don't know if the two predecessors of the Flame King and the Flying King have fought against those Heavenly Kings of the United States and the European Union inside, I really want to see the battle scene where these bigwigs are going all out to let go of their hands and feet!"

Xu Jing sighed here.

Dean Chen Lin, who left, found him.

"Xu Jing, don't stick here, come with me, someone wants to see you!"

You can hear it.

Dean Chen Lin's voice seemed to be extraordinarily different!

Some...... Dignified!

Xu Jinggang was about to ask.

"Don't ask, you'll know when you arrive, I didn't expect that person to want to meet you in person, it should be that the situation that your kid found in the secret territory of Chihe is too important!"

In the capacity of Dean Chen Lin.

I also want to say that I didn't expect to say such things as I would like that.

It can well be imagined.

Whoever wants to see him, the identity is already about to be revealed!

Xu Jing didn't have any preparations in his heart, so he was taken to his destination, huh, isn't it in the office of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance headquarters?

"The matter of the attribute secret treasure is done, don't rush first. "

"You kid is blessed, you can go to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance to pick an elf egg, I have only been there once. "

"Okay, I'll take you here, get in quickly, don't keep that one waiting. "

Take Xu Jing to an exclusive elevator entrance.

Dean Chen Lin urged Xu Jingduo with some envy!

Exclusive elevator underneath.

It's the elf library at the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance!.

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