Xu Jing on the side is using the Eye of Exploration to check the specific information of this Super Charizard X!

[Elf: Super Charizard X (Fire+)]


[Level: LV.82 (Champion Beginner)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (31) Attack (31) Defense (27) Special Attack (29) Special Defense (29) Speed (30)]

[Trait: Hard Claw (Has a very hard claw, and when using a skill that can touch the opponent, the power will be increased by 30%)]

[Skills: Dragon Dance (Genetic), Reverse Scale (Genetic), Wing Attack, Smoke Screen, Dragon's Fury, Ghost Face, Fire Fang, Flame Splash, Cleave, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Hot Wind, Flame Blast, Flame Jet, Character Flame Explosion......]

It's an absolute luxury for skill learning.

However, the Flame Heavenly King's Charizard only has Heavenly King-level qualifications?

Xu Jing thought secretly in his heart.

But it's normal.

After all, there are really too few elves with champion-level qualifications.

It is already rare to be able to have an elf with a king-level qualification.

Especially, in the era of the rise of the Flame King!

What really makes Xu Jing care is not skills.

It's the level!

Before, Charizard was stuck in the high level of the Heavenly King, and that level was undoubtedly LV.79!

But now Xu Jing will look at it again.

The other party has reached the LV.82 level!

This represents......

After the super evolution, the strength of the elves will skyrocket!

I just don't know if this skyrocket is permanent or temporary?

Also, can this super evolved form maintain this form forever, or will Super Charizard X last for a while like in the elf anime and then change back to Charizard form?

This point is not explained on the stone wall!

"Xu Jing Xiaoyou, hehe, I wonder if the other Royal Three Family Elves also have a "Zero Seven Seven" super evolution form?"

"Can my Mighty Crocodile be hyper-evolved?"

"Xu Jing Xiaoyou, I have a flame chicken, can it also be super evolved like the Flame King's Charizard?"

"Xu Jing ......"

Everyone gathered around at once.

The young man before even found Xu Jing and took the initiative to say: "Xu Jing, I'm sorry for what I said before, this incident you found out is of great significance! It is very important for our entire Dragon Kingdom!"

Then, the young man looked at the others and said, "Don't talk now, we have to hurry up now to be true, they have been gone for a while!"

It can be seen that the status of this young man is really high!

Even if it was the Flame King and the Flying King leading the team.

He can speak easily, and what he says works well for everyone else!

Xu Jing somewhat guessed his identity in his heart!

"Yes, now everyone has witnessed that what I said is true, because I don't know if there will be super evolution stones born in the future, so when searching for treasures in the secret realm of Chihe, I suggest that everything should be based on super evolution stones!"

"As for whether other elves can super-evolve, it depends on whether they can find a matching super-evolution stone in the secret realm!"

"Also, Senior Flame Heavenly King, although Charizard has successfully super-evolved, this super-evolution is not the same as ordinary evolution, and even how long it can last is unknown, so you should pay more attention. "

Xu Jing didn't say much, and it was useless to say more.

He Yan nodded, Xu Jing had done enough!

It's just that there is another point that makes He Yan a little embarrassed.

It's this Charizard Super Evolution Stone......

It's been absorbed by his Charizard!

Such a precious thing is really a treasure against the sky that no amount of alliance coins can buy!

Even more precious than fire-type pure crystals!

Let He Yan offer to buy it, He Yan can come up with the money, but he doesn't have the cheekiness to say that his alliance coins are worth this Charizard Super Evolution Stone.

If you don't buy it, you'll be even more embarrassed!

From the point of view of identity.

He is Xu Jing's elder!

How can there be a reason for elders to take the treasures of their elders for nothing?

Xu Jing smiled slightly, how could he not see He Yan's embarrassment? What about taking out a Charizard Super Evolution Stone, he didn't have a Charizard himself, so he couldn't use it!

Alliance coins, he will not be short in the future!

What does Xu Jing need?


He Yangui is the title of Heavenly King!

He is one of the only 6 titled kings in the Dragon Kingdom!

How wide his connections are and how great his connections are.

There is no need to go into too much detail~

Although Xu Jing already has Dean Chen Lin and Senior Long Jun as backers, who will have too many backers!

"My predecessors don't think much about it, and it's also my blessing to be able to contribute a little bit to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom. "

Think about it, talk about it!

Xu Jing's words made He Yan nod and take a deep look at Xu Jing!

He decided to earn a large amount of alliance coins for Xu Jing after he came out, and at the same time, he also accepted Xu Jing's favor!

No way, Charizard Super Evolution Stone, it's so fragrant!

"Okay, let's go!"

"Xu Jing, please get in touch with Long Jun Mian as soon as you go out, and inform him of the situation in the Chihe Secret Realm, otherwise I'm afraid that there will be some moths on the side of the United States. The Flame Heavenly King instructed Xu Jing

Then, under the leadership of the two predecessors of the Titled Heavenly King.

The trainers of the Dragon Kingdom began to explore the secret realm of the Red River.

Xu Jing left with Lucario from the Gate of the Secret Realm!

As soon as you leave the door of the secret realm.

A familiar air came to my face.

"Although the air in the secret realm is fresher, I still feel more used to the environment here. "

Xu Jing whispered, and Lucario next to him made a puzzled "click", is there it?

At this time, the Red River Secret Realm had been temporarily governed by trainers sent by many powerful countries.

Poor people don't dare to talk nonsense at all in the city of Kailuo.

Instead, we should welcome everyone with a respectful attitude.

That's the sadness of not having a big fist!

Naturally, the Dragon Kingdom also sent trainers to be stationed here temporarily.

As soon as Xu Jing came out, he saw the familiar flag!

At this time, the person in charge of the Chihe Secret Realm Hall of the Dragon Kingdom in Kailuo City was finishing the task for his subordinates, and he was stunned on the spot when he saw Xu Jing walking out of the gate of the secret realm.

"Classmate Xu Jing, you are actually in the secret territory of the Red River!?"

Naturally, another round of shock followed.

However, there are many people here, and Xu Jing did not say anything about the situation in the secret territory, and after asking the person in charge for a closed room, Xu Jing called out Geng Ghost.

Let Geng Ghost and Lucario double-check, and after confirming that there is no problem, Xu Jing sent a phone call to Long Jun!

"What are you talking about? Good boy, you don't want to die, run so far!" Who knows, after Long Jun heard what Xu Jing said, he was not shocked by the discovery in the secret territory of Chihe for the first time, but shocked that Xu Jing actually ran to Heizhou.

He also reprimanded Xu Jing.

I'm here to make your kid grow up faster.

I didn't let you pull out the seedlings to help them grow!

You're too daring!

"Come back quickly! You have broken into the secret realm in the country, as for the situation you said, I will arrange it here, don't worry! The United States can't make any waves, and I will go there myself if necessary!"


It can be seen that Long Jun is very decisive.

A phone call between him and Xu Jing.

He hung up the phone without saying a word.

Two of the three sentences are talking about Xu Jing.

Xu Jing scratched his head, thinking that he was worthy of being Senior Long Jun, worthy of being the youngest champion of the Dragon Kingdom, and he could feel the domineering spirit of the senior speaking through the phone.

Next it's time to go back!

By car, flight, take-off, home!


Although it was only a few days in the Red River Secret Realm.

But Xu Jing misses his parents very much, and he has to show off two big pots when he goes back! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Well, two large pots are his own amount.

The amount of elf companions is extra!


The words are divided into two ends.

In the blink of an eye, it was half past eight on the evening of December 22nd!

Star City Elf Trainer Airport.

Xu Jing took a taxi here to go straight to the Star City National Defense Elf Academy.

"Yo, young man, why do I look at you and feel a little familiar? Have you seen it before?"

As soon as Xu Jing got in the car, he heard the accosting words of the familiar driver's uncle.

A lot of taxi drivers are bored driving.

I'll talk to the passengers and so on.

Obviously, Xu Jing met it.

And feeling that you are very familiar, as if you have seen it somewhere, is the most popular excuse to talk.

However, the driver's uncle swore to the sky that he used this opening sentence was definitely not an excuse to talk, but really felt that Xu Jing seemed to have seen it somewhere.

It feels familiar, and I can't remember where I've seen it, so I can only be sure that I should have seen it, well, it's a bit contradictory.

In fact, he saw it in today's Huanyu clothing advertisement.

But only a quick glance.

Didn't think too much about it.

Now I'm living in Bengbu all of a sudden, and I really can't think of it.

If this driver uncle had watched the live broadcast of the Elf Championship Cup National Championship, there was a high probability that he would not be so confused.

"Haha, yes, a lot of people say that, maybe I look more eye-catching!"

Although Xu Jing has become a powerful trainer.

But he doesn't have much of a stand for ordinary people.

You can talk to anyone.

After a while, I chatted with the driver uncle without a word, of course, the driver's uncle's driving skills are still very positive, and the eyes never left the front when chatting, and did not forget to observe the left and right rearview mirrors from time to time.

Soon it will be time for the National Defense Elf Academy!

"Yo, you won't be going to school here, will you? Good guy, this is the most powerful and awesome elf academy in our Star City, I heard that there is a big celebrity named Xu Jing, do you know it?"

Uncle Driver felt that chatting with Xu Jing was quite compatible.

Xu Jingdu got out of the car, and he still had to chatter..........

"Haha, I know each other, we are in the same class. "

"Yes, then you have to study hard like others, I heard that Xu Jing can earn tens of millions casually, that's a lot of money!"

"Slow down, uncle!"

Xu Jing felt that it would be endless if he continued to tear it off.

I can only say goodbye to my uncle.

Uncle is still unsatisfied, it is rare to meet a junior who is willing to chat with a middle-aged man, and he can only sigh that time flies too fast!

At this time, Wang Ming and Zhang Tao in dormitory 105 were rushing to school from outside - the 22nd was Friday!

It's not the first month of school, and the two of them are roommates in the same dormitory as Xu Jing, so when something really happens, counselor Han Zhuang can still be accommodating.

The two saw Xu Jing from afar!

Wang Ming, the kid, shouted "Brother Jing" and rushed over, followed by Zhang Tao.

This is at the entrance of the National Defense Elf Academy.

Wang Ming and Zhang Tao's shouts suddenly attracted the attention of the students who were taking the courier at the gate of the National Defense Elf Academy.

also exclaimed one by one!

"It's Xu Jing!"

"Uh, when did Xu Jing go out again?"

"How long has he been absent from school, Le, but the strength of the people is awesome, who dares to say no, only he can be so chic!"

"Looking at it like this, I'm afraid I'm going to break into the secret realm again, I'm really envious!"

Brother Jing?

The driver's uncle was stunned at first.

Immediately came back to his senses, staring at Xu Jing's departing back with wide eyes: "I grass, the young man who just chatted with me all the way in the car, is the Xu Jing who spread the word!?"

The driver's uncle was petrified on the spot.

Immediately, he quickly found a place to pull over.

Turning on Shuangshi, a phone call was made to his son, who was still in his first year of high school, and he shouted excitedly: "Son, son, son! Guess who I just pulled in? You will never imagine!"

I didn't understand what my dad meant, so I didn't just pull someone? As for the fuss, I casually said: "Who, unless you pull my idol Xu Jing, senior! "

"What? How do you know I've pulled Xu Jing?"

"What!?Dad!My dear Dad!Seriously!?You pulled my idol Xu Jing!?Autograph, autograph, Dad, did you ask for autographs for me!!"

Xu Jing came back in shock all the way.

Refusing Wang Ming and Zhang Tao's clamoring invitation to dinner, Xu Jing did not go back to the academy as soon as possible, but went to the military community next to him!

Mom and Dad had already returned from a trip yesterday.

When I was over there in the city of Kairo.

He called his parents.

Hearing that Xu Jing wanted to eat lo-mei, his father Xu Zhiming didn't say a word, and directly called and ordered 30 catties of Xu Jing's favorite - pig ears.

Open the brine directly!

Xu Jingyi opened the door.

Good guys! The rich smell of halogen comes to the nose, which only makes people's appetite move!

"I'm going!Dad!How much are you doing!"4.7

"Xiaojing is back!" Mother Lin Huiying hurriedly came over and took the backpack for Xu Jing, but she didn't know how heavy Xu Jing's backpack was.

"Mom, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself, haha. "

There was a mountaineering bag worth hundreds of millions of alliance coins stored inside, and it was casually thrown in the corner by Xu Jing.

"Dad, I'll give you a hand!"

Xu Jing rolled up his sleeves and prepared to dry.

was pulled out of the kitchen by Lin Huiying, looked Xu Jing up and down for a while, and said distressedly: "Xiaojing, where did you go this time, how do you feel that you have lost weight, you will eat more later!"

There is a kind of maternal love that makes your mother think you are thin!

No problem!

Not long after, two large pots of braised pig ears were served.

Xu Jing called out his elf companions as well.

Lukabio, Geng Ghost and Menas, Xu Zhiming and Lin Huiying have known each other for a long time.

Gerala and fossil pterosaurs, my parents haven't seen them yet.

However, the fossil pterosaur is relatively large, so it is not suitable for being called out in a restaurant.

Seeing Jielaola, her mother Lin Huiying looked at it for a while, and then touched Jielaola's hair curiously.

"Xiaojing, will the Gio lose its hair or something? I think it will be very warm when made into a sweater!"

Gera Ora: "Te Blah ???"

The whole family had a great time and started to enjoy a big meal!

"Eh, Xiaojing, why do you still get two servings to stay, is it not enough to eat? not enough to let your father braise another ten catties!"

Lin Huiying saw that Xu Jing kept two copies, thinking that her son was not full, and Xu Zhiming was also ready to call someone to send materials over.

"Uh, no, no, I still have ...... An elf is bigger, so I'm here for it. "

Xu Jing is not good at what to say.

It's better that Biktini doesn't reveal it for the time being!.

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