The wind in the Northern Domain was icy and bitter, and even outside the crystal windows of the alchemy airship, there was a thin layer of frost.

Ross looked at the scenery outside the window through the window. Suddenly a line of ridges covered with pure white snow appeared on the horizon. You could not see the edge at a glance. Under the snow, there were dark and black rocks, and under the rocks. It is the surging clouds.

This is the mountain of the moat. It is the magnificent Divine Vestige that divides the entire eternal continent into two halves. It is also the location of the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress.

This sky-grass mountain is also known as the sky-grass wall. If it hadn't blocked the expansion of the Insect Devil clan, even if Annabel was strong, it would be impossible to guard the portal of Human Race.

Even though I have seen the mountain of the moat, when we meet again, Rose is still shocked by its grandeur.

Salin also leaned over, standing by the window, looking at the magnificent mountain.

As the distance approached, the airship slowly lowered its flying height. The mountain of the moat was like a black curtain, suddenly enveloping all the scenery outside the window, except for the black rocks. Can't see other things.

"In front is the Valley of Fallen Stars, and the only passage through the mountains of the sky. At the end of the Valley of Fallen Stars, there is the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress!" Salin said softly.

Ross stared out the window, the light suddenly dimmed, as if it was dark.

Ross knew that this was the airship that had flown into the Valley of Falling Stars.

With a tremor, the airship finally landed, and the dark window suddenly lit up.

That is the magic lamp of the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress. Even the sun can't shine in the Valley of Falling Stars. The magic lamp is the source of light.

Here is the interior of the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress. On the dark rock wall, several white magic lights are like searchlights, locking the landing airship from different angles.

ka ka! ka-cha!

With the sound of a magical mechanical collision, the door that had been closed was opened, and the chill and dazzling light of Northern Domain poured in at the same time.

Ross squinted his eyes, only to see a vast expanse of white. It took a few seconds before his eyes came back to his senses from the sudden change of light.

"We are here." Sarin's voice came from behind.

Ross took a deep breath, the cold air entered the body with the breath, making the consciousness that seemed muddleheaded because of the long ride in the airship suddenly became clearer.

Salin did not walk in front, but silently waited for Rose to go in the back. This was a respect for Rose.

In the battle of Land of Trial, Rose still won the respect of Sarin.

Ross walked out of the airship slowly, stepped on the metal ladder, and finally stepped into this war fortress guarding the portal of Human Race Northern Domain.

As soon as he walked out of the cabin, a few young faces came into view. It was the trialist that Rose saved in the Land of Trial.


The young face was filled with a sunny smile.

Ross responded with a smile, his eyes finally falling on an embarrassed face.


Hope that the former genius trialist of the fortress, and now the traitor of Human Race, Jin, also took the airship and came to the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress together.

Jin lowered his head, not daring to look up at Rose, once his comrades-in-arms, now one has become a hero, the other has become a prisoner of the ranks.

"Let's go!" Sarin walked down, hugged Rose's shoulder with one hand, and said:

"According to the usual practice, the Insect Devil clan should organize an attack tomorrow. In the city, other people are taking time to rest or patrol outside the city, so there is no one to meet you when you come back today. I hope you won’t mind."

Ross shrugged and said: "Annabelle doesn’t mind. , What do I mind."

After several trialist greeted them one by one, they pressed Jin down, and Sarin accompanied Rose and Pandora alone to tour the entire Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress.

The Iron-Blood Banner Fortress dominates in the north of the Valley of Fallen Stars. It uses a hard rock city wall to seal off the entire Valley of the Fallen Stars. In the center of the black canyon, it is like a merciless knife. Enemies who want to cross the canyon will be cut off here.

The left and right ends of the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress not only clung to the cliffs of the Tianma Mountain, but also dug deep into it. There is still a huge space inside the mountain.

In addition, the height of the city wall is more than 3,000 meters. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the height of the moat mountain, it is indeed a proud and independent existence among all the war fortresses.

The iron-blooded banner fortress built on the mountain is not only the most powerful fortress among the three clans, but also the most magnificent fortress.

Salin took Ross and Pandora all the way up the top city wall of the fortress.

The howling cold wind blew across the canyon, beside the huge rocks taller than humans, Rose felt as if he had become a tiny ant walking in the royal court of giants.

Salin took a breath of cold and stood on the edge of the city wall, looking down at the ground below.

"Isn't it spectacular?"

"I still remember the first time I stood here when I was a child, looking at the Chonghai Siege below, I was almost scared from here After falling down, I saw Mianxia rushing into the sea of ​​insects and monopolizing the three major insect race lords with one person's power. I suddenly became not afraid."

"I climbed to the battlement. Go up, cheer for Mianxia loudly, and even want to jump from here and fight like Mianxia. If it weren't for the soldiers patrolling nearby with quick eyesight and quick hands and hugged me down, I might have fallen to death!"

Ross looked down, and the to-and-fro warrior below was as tiny as an ant and couldn't see clearly.

Because of the eternal will, there is no Insect Devil from the bottom of the city. During the opening of the Eternal Conference, it belongs to the period of truce protected by the eternal will. Even the Insect Devil does not dare to be here. At this time, there was war, so Annabel could leave the fortress and go to the eternal temple.

But starting tomorrow, the eternal meeting ends, the Insect Devil two clans will always use a siege to announce the end of the asylum.

"In the trial at this time, the trialists of the Insect Devil tribe were killed and wounded. They may give up the siege tomorrow." Salin said.

The whistling wind was loud, and Sarin’s words were blown away in the wind as soon as he spoke.

Ross raised his head and glanced at the gloomy sky, and then at the endless Northern Domain, slowly said:

"Insect Devil will not stop attacking, and the offensive will be better than It used to be more violent!"

"Why?" Sarin was a little strange.

"Every time the Insect Devil races attacked the city, the most casualties were themselves. They died so many trialists this time, why did they come here to die?"

"Because they need to use this method to tell us and tell their own clansman that even if the trial fails miserably, they are still very powerful, they are still the active side of the war, and they can still burn the war to the iron-blooded fortress!"

After Sally was silent for a moment, said solemnly: "No matter how many people from the Insect Devil clan come, we will definitely win the final victory!"

"Of course! Because we have Annabel crowns Down." Ross smiled and patted Sarin's shoulder.

"Will there be high lords in the previous battles of Koucheng?" Rose asked.

Compared to ordinary Insect Devil, the High Lord is the enemy that Rose is worried about.

Annabel is not healed from serious injuries. Although Barres’ companion angel is in charge, once there is an attack by the High Lord, Annabel will not be able to play, which will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the other party.

The support of the Warsong Fortress and the Dawn Fortress has not arrived yet. Once multiple lords attack the city, the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress may not be able to defend it.

"No!" Sarin gave a reassuring answer.

"Each time the battle of Koucheng, although there will be a great lord, they will not take action, only supervise the battle, they dare not face the crown here!"

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