The Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress is too huge. After watching the cold wind whistling wall of war at the top of the castle under the company of Sarin, it was already late at night.

Salin led Ross to the room arranged by the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress.

The two chatted for a while. Before leaving, Sarin took out two black wooden boxes and handed them to Rose.

"This is a piece of creation that my father seized. This one is a gift I asked you to give to you. I hope you can sleep well and won't be woken up too early tomorrow!"

"Thank you!" Rose smiled and took the wooden box.

Ross closed the door after Sarin turned around and left.

The main body of the entire Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress is made of rock, and even the beds are made of rock. Although the room is covered with a thick dark red carpet, it still cannot stop the cold air from radiating from every corner of the room. Coming out, there is a faint blood-reeking qi in the air, reminding the people who live here all the time, this is the battlefield!

Ross sat down at the stone table, playing with two wooden boxes casually.

"This packaging level, bad review!" Ross couldn't help but vomit.

Only the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress will keep such precious things at will.

Opening the wooden box containing the fragments of creation sent by Salin, Ross suddenly complexion changed, only to hear a powerful roar from the box.

Later, there are layers of illusions before Rose, and he sees a powerful insect race powerhouse leaping toward him, as if it is not a piece of creation, but a lord of the insect race!

Ross vaguely saw that a powerful life whose body was too large to describe in words floated towards him from the void.

It has a larger body than the entire plane, and a casual breath can set off endless storms in the void.

On the head of the incomparable gigantic, there is a throne of flesh and blood, and on the throne is a woman who is sleeping to the extreme.

It sits on the throne, and its long purple hair softly falls on its body, as if asleep.

The moment this woman appeared, she immediately attracted all the eyes of Rose, and even Void Behemoth, which was larger than the plane, could not hide her existence.

Rose watched the giant beast approaching, watching this weird woman get closer and closer to herself, and when she was about to collide together, she suddenly opened her eyes and locked her eyes on the one who was close at hand. Rose.

A deep roar suddenly echoed in Rose's mind.

"I am the destroyer of the plane! I am the mother of myriad insects! I am the Void Lord! Is the end of life! Is the twilight of all things!"

All of the consciousness, Rose seemed lost, his eyes lost focus, and his body was motionless in the air.


A slender palm suddenly pressed on the wooden box, closing the opened wooden box again.

After the crisp sound, all the roaring stopped.

Ross slowly came back to his senses from his absence, only feeling that his whole body was almost drenched, as if he had just experienced a Life and Death Battle.

Ross looked pale and opened the battle information panel, but found no abnormalities.

"What happened to me?" Rose asked.

Pandora retracted the palm of the wooden box and said softly: "You just opened this wooden box, the whole person lost consciousness, the whole person froze here, and then I closed the box. "

"This wooden box?"

Rose frowned and looked at the wooden box with the fragments of creation in front of him. His eyes were a bit solemn. Although everything that appeared in front of him just now was only an illusion, it was also Let him get a glimpse of the truth of the creation fragment. If it is as good as what you have seen and heard in the illusion, then the origin of this creation fragment is really a bit scary.

Destroyer of the plane! mother of myriad insects! Void Lord! The end of life! The dusk of all things! These titles sound very awesome.

If these titles appear on a player, the side effect of each title must be attack*100 times, or HP*1000 times. So many titles appear on the same person, and they The enhancements and bonuses that come are enough to turn a pig into a Tyrant Dragon.

Not to mention that horrible woman, who actually took Void Behemoth as the throne, the battle strength must be MAX!

"I just glanced at the fragments of the creation, and this hallucination appeared. I can’t stand it!"

Ross suddenly had the urge to return this wooden box. He used to I haven't started the creation fragments, but I have seen other players hold them, but I have never seen anyone trigger this kind of cutscene, otherwise this special plot item will definitely be noisy in the game forum.

"Judging from the triggered illusion, this creation fragment should be obtained from a certain insect race high lord. Salin’s father certainly did not have the strength to kill the high lord. The whole iron-blooded battle Flag Fortress has this strength, only Annabel, so this creation fragment should be Annabel’s collection?"

"But if it’s Annabel’s collection, why didn’t she give it to me directly, but through Salin’s hand, turn around and give it to me?"

"What is the difference between a high-lord-level creation fragment and an ordinary creation fragment? What is the purpose of Annabel giving it to me?"

One by one thoughts surfaced, and one after another dissipated, destined to have no answer.

"Forget it, don’t want to! It’s important to improve your strength first. If Annabel’s injury is leaked, the Lord Demon Race will attack the city tomorrow, I might just get cold, I think so much. Some of them are useless!"

After making a decision, Rose once again focused on the wooden box containing the fragments of creation.

"The ordinary creation fragment can increase the lucky value by one to three points. The effect of this creation fragment should be very powerful. With the lucky rabbit's feet and the four-point lucky value from the eternal temple mattress, it should be enough Let me break into Europe!"

Ross held his breath and slowly opened the wooden box again. There was no illusion, no auditory hallucinations, only a piece of gray like a rock fragment came into view.

Remnants of creation!

It was a little cold at the beginning. Rose observed carefully for a while and found that there were obvious broken marks on the edge of the fragment, like a fragment knocked down from a sculpture.

"This thing is a piece of creation?"

Rose was a little puzzled and clicked on the attribute panel.

[Creation Fragments]

[Class:? ? ?

[attribute:? ? ? ]

[Use:? ? ? ]

[Taboo:? ? ? 】

[Remarks: The creation fragments are contaminated with the breath of mother of myriad insects, giving the holder's lucky value +4]

Ross automatically omitted the long list of question marks , I fixed my gaze on the lucky value +4 at the back.

"It’s another four points. The blessing of the eternal will also adds four points. The lucky rabbit’s feet adds two points, and I also have ten points. Lucky value of Luck Emperor!"

"It's up to you to open the treasure chest and complete the task!"

Ross sat aside and put the fragments of creation aside with satisfaction. Opened another box presented by Annabel.

A colorful stone came into view, and Rose's eyes suddenly lit up.

[Chaos Stone]

[Class: Silver]

[Purpose: After use, there is a certain probability to merge mutually compatible skills]

"Tsk, Annabel is really magnificent! Shot is a silver chaos stone!"

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