The hurried end of the eternal meeting made the stormy atmosphere even more tense.

Especially the four major war fortresses that advocated letting the Insect Devil tribes go south, and after the information leaked that the Insect Devil tribes murdered the Human Race trialist, not only other fortresses were filled with outrage, but the inside of the four fortresses was also rumored. All around.

There are even many discouraged Legion soldiers who retire voluntarily and refuse to continue fighting for the fortress.

On the contrary, the five fortresses with heavy casualties on the original timeline have become relatively calm.

With the help of Rose, the survival rate of the five fortresses far exceeds every trial in the past, and they have gained the powerful power of the Altar of Doom. It is foreseeable that in a few years, wait until This batch of trialists has grown up completely, and Human Race will add a batch of top powerhouses.

Hope Hall.

Light of Hope Eunisa leaned against the throne and closed her eyes to rest.

A group of high-level fortresses gathered together and looked at the people returning from the trial in disbelief.

"You actually gained the power of the Altar of Doom!"

The Chief·Destroyer·Eric looked at Ramirez standing erect, his eyes full of shock Joy.

The military has not seen a real top powerhouse for many years. Fernando, who had high hopes, was hit hard by West and had to accept the strength of the temple warrior’s strength of Inheritance. He had already failed to test this time. Holding any hope, didn't expect actually got an unexpected surprise.

"It is because Rose frustrated the enemy's conspiracy, so we can survive and gain the power of the Altar of Doom." Ramiri said in a low voice.

Eric the Destroyer patted Lamiri’s shoulder, slowly said: "Jin’s betrayal, don’t blame you, it’s my responsibility."

"Under the crown!" Eric the Destroyer bends deeply to the light of hope.

"Because of my dereliction of duty, I did not notice Jin's betrayal, which led to Juliel's death. I asked to step down as the head of the army and go to the territory of the Northern Domain Protector as an ordinary soldier! "

Light of Hope·Annabel opened her eyes and slowly said: "This matter is not your fault alone. The entire military is responsible, and we will discuss it later when she steps down as the head of the military." "

"Ross has gone to the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress. Since the military has colluded with the Demon Race traitor, the military itself will send people to wash away the shame, and let Fernando go to the Northern Domain and kill enough. A Legendary Grade Demon Race come back again!"

"As you bid!" Destroy Eric responded in a deep voice.

Divine Oath Di Maria took a look at Erik the Destroyer, and probably guessed what Eunisa meant by this arrangement.

The companion angel of Barres has gone to the Iron-Blooded Battle Standard Fortress. Fernando inherited the title power of the temple warrior, but at the end, his bald head attracted the power of the holy light plane to come, making the Holy Flame Knight's title.

Holy Flame Knight Fernando stepped into Legendary Grade soon, but the upper limit of power is very high. Because of the coming of the power of the holy light plane, his potential is even higher than that of Dark Breath Nelson. If he can accept the four With the guidance of Wing Angel, the power will surely usher in a leap.

Neosis opened his mouth and was about to volunteer to go to the Northern Domain. Chief Dum suddenly held his shoulder and stepped forward, said solemnly:

" The Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress is facing strong war pressure. Lab One is also willing to send two studios to the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress to accept Ross’s command!"

At the same time, people projected their gazes, and even the Light of Hope Eunisa glanced at him.

Although Dum said that he was supporting the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, everyone knew in their hearts that it was Rose that he really supported.

The alchemy studio that can make Dom take the initiative to speak will not be an ordinary studio, it must be a studio in the hands of members of the alchemy committee.

Lab No. 1 has always been Dumu’s private land. Even Eunisa never intervenes in the work of the laboratory. Although the military's desire for alchemists has reached its extreme, Dumu has not sent it. In the end, the large-scale studio had no choice but to set up the military alchemy laboratory.

However, adding up the power of all military alchemy laboratories, it may not be comparable to an alchemy committee's studio.

Not only because the military does not have a top-level Master Alchemist, but also because of the overall alchemy strength gap.

There are only nine members on the Alchemy Committee. Now Dumu dispatched two studios to obey Rose's command in one go. Equivalent to the military department sent two complete Legions directly to Rose.

old fox!

Eric the Destroyer looked at Dum sourly, and he was crazy about Lemon!

You are so generous, but you have a permanent studio for the military department!

You are so reluctant to give us a silver alchemist at ordinary times, but you are willing to send some stinky fish and shrimps to Legion to sit in the town. How come you talk about two studios today!

Ross is also an alchemist himself, he does not need your studio, you give us the studio!

However, even if Cha Lemon fills his stomach, Eric the Destroyer knows that Dumu will never give him a studio.

Let’s not say that Ross saved the life of Nyosis. This is a great grace that can’t be reported. The current strength of Ross and Pandora is enough to shock people. If Ross can be safe Returning from the land of Northern Domain, there may be a chance to become the next lord of Hope Fortress.

"I remember Rose, also set up a large screw workshop, what is the situation now?" Dum asked suddenly.

Eric the Destroyer looked at him vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

The Big Screw Studio has gone deep into each Legion and served as a battlefield cultivation gold master. Becoming an indispensable part of the nine Legion, with the full support of the military, these strangers who are not afraid of death perfectly make up for the vacancy of the Legion alchemist.

Lab No. 1 has always been dismissive of these alien alchemists, and now Dumu took the initiative to mention it, so that Eric the Destroyer had to be vigilant.

Dum coughed and said, "I have no interest in alien alchemists. I just want to know what is the status of Marcellus?"

Eric the Destroyer Somewhat surprised.

"Marcellus? You mean the alchemy apprentice of Rose?"

"That's right!" Dum said with a smile: "Rose is going to the Northern Domain I don’t know when he will come back. Marcellus’s current strength is not suitable for Northern Domain, so he can’t let him simply delay his future."

"I want Marcellus to enter Studying in Lab No. 1 is the alchemy apprentice that Rose can admire. The alchemy aptitude It shouldn't be bad!"

Eric began to ponder, although he knew that this was also the way Dumu invested in Rose. But he really couldn't stop it.

Marcellus’s alchemy aptitude is really good, but limited to his dark iron mage’s magic level, alchemy’s improvement space is very limited, and he often interacts with the schizophrenic strangers in the big screw studio. At the same time, it is very dangerous for Marcellus, and is in danger of violent death at any time.

If Marcellus can die in Legion, the military will not be able to explain to Rose in the future, it is better to let him go to Laboratory No. 1, not only is safety guaranteed, but also in Dum’s Teaching, maybe there will be a surprise to Rose in the future.

After pondering for a moment, Eric the Destroyer said solemnly: "This matter, you go to negotiate with Marcellus, and the military will not interfere with his decision."

Dum is slightly nodded.

"Marcellus is a smart man. He knows how to choose. With Rose's current strength, if he doesn't make some changes, he will lose the qualification to follow."

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