Ross and Dekred, the King of Fear, lurked near the energy factory, and saw the four mechanical sentries guarding the door nearby, Rose quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

These mechanical sentries are the same as those previously killed by spikes. They are not equipped with a powerful external weapon platform. You can also deal with them with a few more.

"The affix effect of [undying bird's heart] can also make me waver, if the special effects are really played out, it will be broken!"

Huge energy factory, as if A circular hemisphere is buckled upside down on the metal ground. You can't see the entrance to the door all around. Four mechanical sentries stand quietly in four different directions. Only the mechanical war beast is patrolling around, and the electronic eyes are shooting like a radar. Around, guard against the enemy's sneak attack.

"Under the crown of De Kred, the two mechanical sentries on the left belong to you, how about the rest belong to me?"

The fear king De Kred is silent and nodded.

Ross separated from the King of Fear, Decreed, went around in one direction, and then summon Magmanda out.

"Stay here honestly for me. After we drag all the mechanical sentries into battle, you find a way to give the energy factory a ruin roar. Whether you can open the gap or not, just give me a shot. Run!"

Magmanda didn't yell out of interest, nodded.

After touching Magmanda’s dog’s head, Rose took out a small top grade equipment that reduced damage by 20%, extracted it and added a layer of defense to him, and then opened it. Magic shield.

This kind of damage reduction attribute generally appears on the plate armor, leather armor and robes rarely appear.

Although Rose has harvested a large number of top grade silver equipment, few have enchanted damage reduction attributes.

After all, the Mechanical King Court is ahead of the existence of nearly three versions. Once you do it, you have to face the set fire of two mechanical sentries and a bunch of mechanical war beasts. One negligence is the grass on the grave.

Ross didn't want to die an untimely death here, so he became extremely cautious.

Two crimson's traces of order and fire surround the body. Now that you are ready to do it, it is natural to use your full strength. As long as you can kill a mechanical sentry first, the subsequent battle will be much easier.

The blue thunder flickered, illuminating the dark night sky.

The garrisoned mechanical sentry and mechanical war beast discovered the invading enemy at the same time. A pair of red eyes locked on Rose instantly like a searchlight!

[Lock Target]

[Target Energy Level 890 Crystal]

[Danger! extreme danger! 】

Two humanoid mechanical sentries rushed up instantly, and a total of twenty mechanical war beasts were culled at the same time.

When a humanoid mechanical sentry made a surprise attack, he grabbed it with both hands and instantly appeared two slender red lightsabers in his hands.

The right hand of another humanoid mechanical sentry shook, and a flashing whip appeared in his hand.

Two mechanical sentries, one on the left and the other on the right, have a very fast raid. The speed is even stronger than the previous mechanical sentries.

"It turned out to be an elite sentry, and also prepared energized melee weapons!"

Ross instantly commented on the two mechanical sentries, and their lethality is definitely better than that of ordinary machines. The stronger the sentry, the more powerful the mechanical sentry, the higher the strength of the AT force field, the more difficult it is to kill.

But the stronger the mechanical sentry, the more excited Rose is, because it means that the energy factory may be more important than he thought.

On the other side, the King of Fear, Decreed also seized the opportunity to take a shot, and the remaining half of the defensive force has been attracted by him.

Ross's eyes are Micron, and his eyes lock on the mechanical sentry holding the red lightsaber!

"Thunder · Axis of Death!"

Scar of Order·Fire, the two condensed flame beams, are the first to lasing out, and the target is directed at the head of the mechanical sentry.

The red light flashed in the eyes of the mechanical sentry, and the lightsaber in his hand instantly slashed out against the flame beam.


The lightsaber slashed the flame beam, and two completely different crimson rays of light suddenly burst apart, like a flame cloud explosive bomb detonated, blazing The flames and the diffused thunder instantly tore the void, and violent energy swept all over the place.

Several mechanical war beasts with a faster speed, one end broke into the turbulent flow of energy, and instantly detonated the energy core in the body, turning into one after another bomb volley and detonate.

Seeing a vigorous silhouette rushing out of the bursting rays of light, Rose’s deliberately suppressed lightning beam shot out instantly.

The lightsaber in his hand was broken, and the mechanical sentry with the AT force field rippling like water lines was inevitable, and hit the thunder beam that had blessed [overload] head-on.


There was another thunderous explosion, and the AT force field protecting the body of the mechanical sentry collapsed.

The mechanical sentry flew upside down, and the head made of metal was instantly penetrated into a pothole flashing with electric light.


A long electric whip tore the void rolled towards Rose's waist.

There was a sharp whip in the silence. Before he reached the body, Rose felt a tingling sensation. The magic shield can resist the damage of the elements, but it can’t resist the lightning. Paralyzing effect.

At the same time, several mechanical war beasts were also culled, covering Ross.

Rose's eyes condensed, and he directly reached out to grab the thunder and lightning whip, and at the same time the thunder in his hand condensed again.


The long whip hit Rose's right hand, and the diffuse tip of the thunder instantly entangled Rose's arm.

The rays of light flashed in the eyes of the mechanical sentry, and the energy core was suddenly overloaded. A powerful to the extreme energy current surged along the whip and spread to Rose.

The slender thunder and lightning whip suddenly swelled several times and turned into a violent thunder dragon, biting into Rose in one bite!

"Come and compare whose lightning is stronger!"

Rose gave a grin, and the thunder in his hand detonated instantly.

"Thunder burst!"

The extremely violent Power of Thunder instantly illuminates the night sky, and the tip of the thunder and lightning whip instantly expands dozens of times, and then at an even more violent speed , Spreading along the long whip towards the mechanical sentry.

If the Thunder Dragon that spread from the mechanical sentry is just a young dragon, then the Thunder Dragon that emerges from Rose is a Tyrant Dragon, which is not only bigger, but also more cruel!

Two Thunder Dragons collided. The Thunder Dragon in the hands of the mechanical sentry was instantly swallowed by the oncoming Thunder Tyrant Dragon, and then the mechanical sentry was swallowed in an unstoppable imposing manner. middle.

The overloaded core of the mechanical sentry body is instantly invaded by the violent energy flowing back in.

[Warning! The intrusion of external energy is beyond the safe range! ]

[Warning! The intrusion of external energy is beyond the safe range! 】


The violent thunder and lightning detonated by the trace of order thunder broke out again. Under the continuously backlash of thunder and lightning, finally breakthrough the limit of the mechanical sentry,

[Warning! The invasion of external energy exceeds the tolerance of the matrix! 】


The body of the mechanical sentry suddenly stiffened, and the surface of its body was flashing away, like a mechanical short-circuit failure.

next moment, its body suddenly swelled, and a group of blinding violent thunder and lightning instantly pierced its chest cavity, and then burst open suddenly, a blue sun gradually raised!

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