The violent energy not only destroyed the mechanical war beast, but also spread to Rose.

The extremely violent power exploded, strikes were above the magic shield, and Rose's mana value dropped crazily like a flood.

Seeing that the magic value is about to bottom out, and the magic shield is on the verge of collapse, Rose has to use the magic blood diversion to maintain the fragile magic shield without breaking.

The aftermath of the explosion has not subsided, and Ross suddenly felt a sharp murderous intention coming from behind him.

It was too late to look back, and a picture of murderous intention overflowed naturally in Rose's mind.

There is a hollow-piercing mechanical sentry in the middle of the eyebrows, holding two sharp scarlet lightsabers, taking advantage of the moment when he is attracted by the explosion, he rushes up from the periphery of the explosion, and sprints close in an instant. The two swords pierced out like a poisonous snake, and the target pointed directly at the back of his heart.

The first mechanical sentry was not killed in seconds!

Damn it, its key is not the head, and the energy matrix in the chest cavity!

The battered magic shield was completely unable to resist the assault from the mechanical sentry. Two sharp energy lightsabers pierced the magic shield directly and at the same time pierced the back of Rose's heart.

[Blood Contract] and [Elemental Cells] are in effect at the same time, as well as the 20% damage reduction provided by Cui Mo's weapons, which makes his damage reduction breakthrough by 50%, strong defense Under the blessing, Rose decided to use his body to resist this fierce backstab.

The lightsaber enters the body, and the undying bird feathers spread out a crimson ring of fire, but it did not resist the damage of the lightsaber. Under the halo of the non-chief, there is a 20% probability of [Flame Body 】Unexpectedly, it was not triggered.

Under the scorching of thunder and lightning, the flesh and blood made a zi zi sound, the pain in the heart spread, and Rose let out a painful snoring.

The pain not only didn't make Rose afraid, but it aroused the fierceness in his heart!

A very ruthless color flashed in Rose's eyes.

A mechanical sentry, you think you can kill me!

Do you really want to fart!

The blazing flame burned, Rose instantly turned into a burning fireman, with the lightsaber pierced into the body, Rose angry roar.

"Lava bursts, go die for me!"

Ross turned around abruptly, directly pasting a surging lava fire on the chest of the mechanical sentry.


The fiery flames rose up, and a group of terrifying mushroom clouds lit up the night sky again.

Under the various flame damage blessings of the [Flame Affinity] and [undying bird] suits, the formidable power is more terrifying than the thunder burst.

[Fatal Element] will be triggered.

The AT position, which has been crushed by Ross once, could not withstand such a violent flame explosion, and was instantly shattered.

The fiery flames licked the body of the mechanical sentry, and the extremely hard body showed signs of melting.


The mechanical sentry roar is trying to break out of the flames!

bang! bang!

Two ball lightnings bombarded the body of the mechanical sentry one after another, instantly destroying its last resistance.

The mechanical sentry stiffened, and the current zi zi on his body made a sound, the lightsaber in his hand disappeared, and the red rays of light in his eyes also disappeared, stopping the final struggle in the flames.

Looking at the night sky that was repeatedly illuminated, the dull nightmare Byers complexion slightly changed, but he soon came back to his senses, staring at the entrance of the machinery factory, guarded The mechanical sentry sentry is still completely motionless, and there is no sign of going for reinforcements.

On the other side of the machinery factory, the Everburning Flame Morales and Omid, the Lord of the Mist, gathered together, guarding the nearby mechanical sentry, while waiting for the Dark Nightmare. Byers' order.

"How can there be such a terrifying formidable power!"

Eternal Burning Flame Morales looked at the light spots in the night sky, his face looked a little gloomy and uncertain, In that dazzling flame, even if it is thousands of meters away, he can feel the violent energy in it. Unless his body comes, the Avatar can't withstand such a terrifying explosion.

More importantly, this time he truly felt the aura of the abyssal hellfire. Although it has not completely transformed, it is indeed the abyssal hellfire he is most familiar with.

Rosgo has mastered the abyssal hellfire!

With the strength of Rose, he will never be willing to keep the flame in its current state. He will definitely find a way to complete the complete transformation to the abyssal hellfire.

As for the entire eternal continent, there are only two places where Rose's flame can transform into an abyssal hellfire, one is Demon Race Holy Land-the mouth of the abyss, and the other is the Demon Flame Fortress.

Unless the Demon Race is completely defeated, Ross is absolutely impossible to have a chance to get involved in the mouth of the abyss, so Ross will definitely choose Demon Flame Fortress.

The abyssal hellfire is the foundation of the power of the eternal flame, the demon flame fortress is his throne of power, and the eternal flame will never allow Rose to step into the demon flame fortress.

This also means that there must be a life and death battle between the two of them.

Eternal Burning Flame Morales clasped his hands tightly, and the killing intent towards Rose in his heart became more and more blazing. This kind of unlimited potential will inevitably erupt the enemies of Life and Death Battle. He lives back to the eternal continent!

Even if he is as arrogant as Morales, he has to admit that Rose has the potential to threaten his life.

Omid, the lord of the mist, also realized this, said solemnly:

"Don’t worry, he is impossible to go out alive. The return star gate here is closed, unless it is Luminous Nightmare Byers uses Perpetual Core·Fraud to help him open the Star Gate, otherwise he is absolutely impossible to go back alive."

Eternal Flame Morales said with a gloomy look: " Slar doesn't have a perpetual core, but he went back alive."

"He is different." Omid, Lord of the Mist shook the head.

"Slar must have a problem with him. How could an existence that can become an eternal great priest be bought so easily! You can think carefully about his past cooperation with the Dark Demon Lehm."

Eternal Burning Flame Morales's eyes flickered. Although Blue Demon Lemu may conceal something from them, in the cooperation with Slar, many things require the cooperation of others. He couldn't hide it from the other high lord at all. He hadn't found any problem before. After the reminder of Omid, Lord of the Mist, Morales vaguely discovered a problem.

All the cooperation of Slar is to provoke the battle between the three races!

Lord of the Mist Omid said in a low voice: "We all thought that Slar was just trying to avenge the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress, but his methods are not only affecting the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress. , He used the power of the eternal priest to almost push the entire eternal temple to the opposite of Human Race, which has exceeded the scope of his revenge."

"Look alone, maybe you can’t see anything, but If you unite with the Mechanical King Court, you can discover Slar’s ​​problem. I suspect that he has been secretly controlled by the Mechanical King Court!"

The Everburning Flame Morales was also taken by the Lord of the Mist. · Omid speculated that it was shocked.

The eternal priest of the Eternal Temple, the Abyssal Servant of the Mouth of the Abyss, and the Blade Insect Adept of the Brood of Blades all have special meanings.

Demon Race No one has ever doubted the Abyssal Servant, and no one dared to doubt it.

If the eternal priest will betray, will the Abyssal Servant be like this? The consequences of an Abyssal Servant's betrayal are even as great as the fall of a Demon Race lord.

What makes people have one's hair stand on end even more is the role played by the mechanical royal court in it. A long silent mechanical royal court has such terrifying power, if it is true as Omid speculated, The Mechanical King's Court set off a three-clan civil war in the dark. Once the Mechanical King's Court fully awakens, I am afraid that the entire eternal continent will be overturned in an instant.

The Everburning Flame Morales suddenly whispered: "The civilization that Matte Nightmare Byers guessed is so powerful that the Void Insect Clan and the Abyss Demon Race close the plane channel at the same time. Could it be this mechanical palace?"

Lord of the Mist Omid sighed and said slowly: "I hope not!"

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