Ross thought about it, and soon thought of the reason why Decree was so refreshing.

"Dr Cred is also a master of vicious and merciless. He promised me so readily that he probably didn't intend to let me go out alive."

"That's right, I Killed two high lord Avatars. If I were to go out alive, they would lose the face of these high lords. These two [Abyss Magic Stones] are my last supper!"

"However, if you want to eat black, it depends on who you eat! If you want to eat me, if you don't die here, how can I mess around in Northern Domain in the future!"

After thinking about the key, Rose quickly had an idea.

I absorbed these two magic stones first, and I will play with you later!

[Discover the abyss magic stone. Quickly, do you absorb it? 】

Ross used the attribute transformation skillfully to adjust the agility attribute to 833 points, and chose 【Yes】.

The moment you click to select, the enhanced information starts to refresh like a waterfall.

【Abyss Magic Stone. Quickly absorbed! ]

[Agile attribute determination begins! ]

[Current agility attribute value of 833 points]

[Expected to strengthen agility 166 points-167 points]

[Agile attribute enhancement start]





The agile attribute kept going up to nine hundred and ninety-nine before it stopped.

Ross took the [Abyss Magic Stone. Intelligence] in his hand.

[Discover the abyss magic stone. Intelligence, whether to absorb it? ]


[Abyss Magic Stone. Absorbing intelligence! ]

[Intellectual attribute determination begins! ]

[Current intelligence attribute value of 833 points]

[Expected to strengthen intelligence at 166-167 points]

[Intelligence Attribute Strengthening Start]





Two consecutive attribute refreshes have increased Ross’s attribute by 332 points.

This wave of mattress wool directly increased Ross’s intelligence, agility, The sum of the naked outfit values ​​of the Force Three Great Attribute is close to two thousand points.

Fat sheep!

Ross sighed and asked:

"Byers, before you start, can you tell me how to leave here and return to the eternal continent."

Dull Nightmare Byers narrowed his eyes slightly, then pointed to the towering spire, and said:

"Along the tower, there is a A Void Star Gate, through the Void Star Gate, you can return to the Temple of Eternity."

I believe you a ghost!

Do you really think I don’t know anything about Mechanical King Court?

At a glance, that tower is the core of the Mechanical Royal Court. Who will place the Void Star Gate in the core area?

Even if it is opened in the arsenal, it is impossible to put it in the core tower!

I really want to believe you, go to the spire and high tower, I am afraid that it will not attract the mechanical destroyers, then it will be really cool!

After realizing that he got the answer he wanted from Luminous Nightmare Byers, Rose stopped making useless temptations and said:

"I have no problem with the mechanical sentry. , But we must first say that if the enemy is too strong, I will run away. Two [Abyss Magic Stones]. I am only responsible for two mechanical sentries. If you want to deal with more enemies, please add money!"

"There is no problem." Matte Nightmare Byers said readily.

"There is a machinery factory nearby. There are four mechanical sentries and forty mechanical war beasts outside. We need you to quickly solve the two mechanical sentries. The fighting time cannot be too long, otherwise it will Is there any problem with the defensive power of the nearby energy factory attracting it?"

Perhaps it is thought that Rose is dead, and the Matte Nightmare Byers did not hide anything when explaining it. Not only did he make a virtual projection, Pointed out the location of the machinery factory, even the energy factory, and even the location of the machinery warehouse.

After listening to the explanation of the Matte Nightmare Byers, Rose looked strangely at the key defense areas of the three mechanical sentries he had marked.

This is not the direction indicator to complete [Destroy the Mechanical King Court]!

Destroying all these three places, it should be able to improve the completion of a lot of tasks, right?

Thinking of this, Rose suddenly coughed and interrupted the explanation of the Matte Nightmare Byers’ battle plan, saying:

"Your method is dangerous!"

Among the suspicious eyes of several Demon Race lords, Rose pointed to the three key points and said: "These three places are too close. Once we start at the machinery factory, the other two sides will definitely close. According to the information, even if we can do it quickly and solve the defensive force of the machinery factory, the other two mechanical sentries still choose to come and support, what should we do?"

"It is indeed possible." Wuguang Nightmare Byers said solemnly: "But this is our only way. In order to win the machinery factory, we are willing to take a certain risk."

Ross glanced at him and said slowly: "If, Should I take the initiative to attack the energy factory?"

Dull Nightmare Byers was taken aback.

You take the initiative to attack the energy factory?

What do you mean?

Soon, Matte Nightmare Byers guessed Ross's thoughts.

"Do you want to attack the energy factory and attract the defensive power of the machinery factory?"

"Of course!" Ross said cogently, "If I can take the defense here Power attracts the past. You sneak into the machinery factory here, even if you want to steal something, isn’t it safer?"

The Matter Nightmare Byers looked at Rose suspiciously. This plan is for them. It is indeed safer, and the real need to bear the danger is to attack the energy factory and attract the defensive force.

If the plan fails, they will not bear the loss. If the plan succeeds, Rose will definitely bear more attacks from mechanical sentries.

Will you be so kind to help us take risks?

Dull Nightmare Byers doesn't believe it, Omid, Lord of the Mist, doesn't believe it, not even the King of Fear, Decred.

"If you do this, you will endure more danger!" Matt Nightmare Byers said.

Ross waved his hand indifferently, putting on a very sophisticated look.

"It's a trivial matter, if you really feel sorry for it, you can give me another [Abyss Magic Stone]!"

Nightmare Byers laughed, tentatively said: "If your plan is successful, I can settle with a [Abyss Magic Stone] as a mechanical sentry, but I have to wait until I get what I want."

"Then it's a deal!" Ross Suddenly he said to the King of Fear, Dr. De Cred:

"Under the title of Dr. De Cred, it would be dangerous for me to deal with those mechanical sentries alone. If you can help me hold the two mechanical sentries, Leave the rest to me, and I can tear down this energy factory!"

The King of Fear, Decree said slowly: "I can hold two mechanical sentries."

Finishing the King of Fear, Decred, this plan is half of the success, Rose turned around and said to the remaining three high lords:

"Under the three crowns, let’s do it here. If the sentry of the garrison machinery factory leaves, please seize the opportunity!"

The three looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Although they didn’t know why Rose was suddenly so enthusiastic, but This plan is indeed safer for them.

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