bloodfiend · Teron looked deep Ross look, a touch of it comes:

"Your strength, although beyond my expectations, but why would you think that you are qualified and so I speak? "

face Ross, bloodfiend · Teron seemed to restore the dignity of a great lord.

"I am the Demon Race great lords, you're just a fortress alchemist hope, unless it is a beacon of hope · You Nisha personally come, you do not deserve to know any answers from me."

Ross shook his head slightly, finally know why there bloodfiend · Tallon iron daft nickname, even the other Demon Race great lords are not willing to wait to see him.

· Gege Li ashes that old yin beep real smart in front of the real interests of the great lords of majesty but you can always give up something, a few melt the heart of the fire, on the exchange nine acquired doomsday altar Legendary Grade powerhouse.

This two-win transaction it is not fragrant it?

Cang-Salem magic in front of the real interests also chose to bow, only in the case of unprofitable, will step refundable.

Only bloodfiend · Tallon this mind is plasma iron Han Han, to be so illegible form.

Ross adjusted his thinking, for a way, continued:

"under Teron crown, a loss of Avatar does not hurt at all to you, but you, with Avatar fell on my hands, I can do, you can not just kill so simple! "

" see it yet? "Ross touched the dog's head Magmadar "it seems a bit hungry, you think it will get you a meal that you eat with Avatar?"

Magmadar: "! woof"

his flesh it is bad! tastes bad!

Ross: "......"

"Are you threatening me, you threaten a big Demon Race Lord!" Bloodfiend · Tallon eyes flashed a hint of killing intent.

"for many years no one dared to talk to me, you are ......"


bloodfiend · Tallon :( ŎдŎ;)

interrupted by a resounding slap in the face to force loading trip bloodfiend · Teron will he hit Mongolia.

Ross intentionally force transformed into a thousand points, two highly toxic [weak] There is nowhere to dodge effect in the body of bloodfiend · Teron, a huge power gap, directly bloodfiend · Tallon fan all place two turns round!

bloodfiend · Teron's disease, commonly known as: lack of social beatings syndrome, a few ears fan can usually be cured.

Next to see it all, hidden in the fog of the body also stunned, Ross actually hands slapped bloodfiend · Teron slap in the face to bloodfiend · Teron character, if the body knows about it large power tomb dating from the blood to make it hard to find Ross!

bloodfiend · Tallon head buzzing ringing, the people bad moment.

"You actually ......"


again hit two rings bloodfiend · Teron: (╬◣д◢)

"you actually ......"


( "▼ dish ▼)

" you ...... "


(▼ understands ▼ メ)



never received such treatment bloodfiend · Teron reality finally, cover the face and said: "I did not speak, how you fan me! "

" Not good sense of fan fast! "

Ross sincere apology," or else you rearm once ...... oh, say a word to make up? The body subconsciously "

bloodfiend · Talon shook the head, he has been quick slap these fans to collapse.

hidden in the darkness of the fog touched his face, some lingering fear, encounter such a pretty ruthless unreasonable guy, bloodfiend · Tallon this Mangfu have to Renzai.

see bloodfiend · Teron's disease has been cured after Ross asked this:

"talk and see you doing here? "

" Haslem said Cang magic · There are prehistoric relics, which can enhance the good things Demon Race strength, so we will come Avatar over. "

" We? You to a few? "

" all come. "Bloodfiend · Tallon replied.

Ross brow of a challenge, and not much unexpected.

Cang devil-Salem has been killed themselves, where they found bloodfiend · · mists main Tallon and Omid other great lords is here, is not a surprising thing.

"where are the others? "

" We just came shortly after the raid on the face of the enemy, was broken up. "

The Rose subconsciously said:" So how do you waste? "

bloodfiend · Teron:"! ...... "

We are not waste, are you sick ah

Have you ever seen someone you have a trialist this strength!

"this mechanical ...... prehistoric remains, how many of you understand? "

" I do not know ...... Not the face. "

see Ross raised right hand, bloodfiend · Teron subconsciously covered his face, said:" I really do not know. "

" What do not understand, and you dare to send Avatar over the head deliberately send it? "Ross could not help but Tucao to

bloodfiend · Tallon explained:." Cang devil-Salem and dull nightmare Byers should have known that this was mainly to explore both of them proposed ! "

Ross looking thoughtful of said:" So these two old yin beep, Cang-Salem magic of Avatar is dead, it seems I have to go dull nightmare Byers. "

bloodfiend · Teron nodded.

Yes! You see him, do not come to me!

But soon, bloodfiend · Tallon on came back to his senses, and asked:

"how do you know Cang-Salem magic of Avatar is dead? "

Ross glanced at him.

" Of course kill me. After "

· Haslem magic Cang know the cause of death, bloodfiend · Tallon, head down, do not know what to think, he did not doubt the authenticity of this message to Rose's demonstrated strength, Cang-Salem kill the magic of Avatar, it seems not difficult.

head startled mental fog in the darkness, it seems did not expect magic Cang-Salem turned out to be dead in a Human Race trialist hands.

to Ross has shown the strength, the fear of the king of Dirk Reid can deal with it? or, we can join forces to deal with it?

in a question circling my mind, the answer to the problem, Omid is not optimistic attitude.

"there is no way to leave this relic? "Ross asked.

bloodfiend · Tallon again burst into his head.

Ross pain egg at him," you whatever the outcome is a Demon Race great lords, how did have no idea? "

iron realize from this daft mouth she can not find more useful information, Ross shook the head, around the body with a flame suddenly filled.

bloodfiend · Tallon moment Ross realized that want to do, surprised and angry: "I know of has been said! How you have to kill me? "

special What you do not know anything, you say ass ah!

This iron daft now you do not seize the opportunity to kill, wait until you return to the Avatar body, I know you smoke slap in the face of things, you can let go of me?

I do not want to land later in the Northern Domain is chasing you cut!

flame instantly transformed into Power of Thunder , dangerous atmosphere make bloodfiend · Teron could not begin to resist.

at this time, however, bloodfiend · Teron body suddenly a stiff, meritorious eager to bite the Magmadar he calf.

[poison] bite launch!

in bloodfiend · Teron unwilling to gaze, Rose a burst of lightning, he will completely away, and Cang magic · Haslem went reunited.


[you kill the Avatar bloodfiend · Teron obtain a Silver Treasure Chest]

look among the package neat and tidy in a row Silver Treasure chest Ross suddenly delighted.

in the Land of Trial, Hui Ling all trialist and kill, are not broke chest, even Cang-Salem even magic are not, they will only after the death of precipitation heart core.

Wang Ting touches on a lot of mechanical chest, mechanical war beast of Silver Treasure chest junk stuff, but the mechanical Sentinel and bloodfiend · Teron chest is full of fineness.

"If this task again out a prayer crystal, which can open the chest can last an undying bird suit [] it! "Ross could not help but think of.

" If not, I can also scrapping a few, anyway, here's the great lords Avatar full control! "

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