"I can't even see it personally. What use is there for you besides making dog meat hot pot?"

Ross angrily gave Magmanda a crash. This is the key. The habit of dropping the chain at times is really unreliable.

"Remember the smell, chase it for me!"

For such a fat sheep who got it, just slipped away, Ross was obviously a little unwilling. Fortunately, here is the mechanical king's court. , Bloodfiend Talon doesn鈥檛 have many places to go even if he wants to hide.

Under the joint search of the mechanical war beast and the mechanical sentry, bloodfiend Talon must not be far away.

Second murderous intention The weapon sentry gave Rose a general idea of 鈥嬧€媓is own strength. This mechanical king's court was not as dangerous as he imagined.

The most important thing is that the mechanical force blessing of the Mechanical Sentinel is incredibly weak. If it is not because of the insufficient energy reserve of the Mechanical King, it is the suppression of the Mechanical King.

Magmanda followed the bloody smell left by bloodfiend Talon. Rose rode on Magmanda's back, guarding against the sneak attack of the mechanical war beast.

After a patrolling mechanical war beast found Magmanda's trail, it roared and slaughtered it, trying to hold the two of them.

Rose didn't turn his head back, just a blow to thunder 路 axis of death to completely destroy it.


[You kill the mechanical sentry and get a Silver Treasure Chest]

Although it easily destroyed a mechanical sentry, Ross He didn't swell to the point that he could sweep the Mechanical King's Court. Right now, the Mechanical King's Court was obviously in silence. Not only did there not appear Destroyer, but even the Mechanical Sentry didn't appear much. The main defensive power amount turned out to be only the mechanical war beast.

After the mechanical frenzy began, mechanical war beasts, such as cannon fodder, did not even have the qualifications to set foot in the mechanical royal court.

Magmanda, who wanted to commit crimes and meritorious service, took out her housekeeping skills, followed all the way, and along the direction where Bloodfiend Talon fled, the towering metal spire was getting closer and closer. Rose has some vague guesses about the Mechanical King Court.

"Although the Mechanical King Court was in silence, it was not completely abandoned. Judging from the fact that it sent mechanical sentry to clean up the intruders, it should be disconnected from the main body's will now, and only part of the defense has been opened. Function"

"After the first battle, the degree of threat to me by the Mechanical King Court should have increased a lot. To deal with a high lord Avatar, he sent a mechanical sentry and a dozen mechanical war beasts. Combination, once I鈥檓 dragged down, I鈥檓 likely to face two or more mechanical sentries, and even more mechanical war beasts."

"I can use this mechanical sentry It kills in seconds, half because there is no other mechanical sentry cover, so that I can quickly attack the body after defeating the AT force field, and the other half is because it is not loaded with high-level attack weapon platforms, such as particle cannons, searing rays, and various energy weapons. , Even a powerful attack component such as metal storm, as long as any one is loaded, its attack power will be doubled."

"Mechanical war beasts should also pay more attention, although they have obvious weaknesses. , You can kill at will, but their attack power is not low, and you have to worry about them being assembled into a mechanical destroyer, that is the most dangerous thing!"

"[Destroying the Mechanical Palace] This task The completion method is also a bit weird. The task completion degree provided by the mechanical war beast is negligible, and a mechanical sentry only provides one percent of the task completion degree. Perhaps those important core areas should be destroyed to greatly improve the completion. Degree."

"The question I need to consider is where to find the core area. The area of 鈥嬧€媡he mechanical palace is too large, and the metal buildings here are too strong. If aimless is destroyed, it will definitely not work. , You must find the right target."

"The steeple where Pandora is located should belong to the core area. The entire metal palace is only the tallest. I don鈥檛 know how much mission completion can be improved by destroying it."

"But the defense in this place should be stronger. If the core area is threatened, more mechanical sentries will definitely appear. This task is still a bit difficult!"

"woof ! "

Magmanda's low growl interrupted Rose's contemplation.

Rose lifts the head surprised.

Have you caught up with bloodfiend Talon so soon?

This product is not good!

Isn't it entangled by the mechanical sentry again?

Magmanda quickly approached with Rose, and she saw bloodfiend Talon surrounded by a group of mechanical war beasts.

tsk tsk! This luck!

Ross sighed and quickly rode Magmanda into the battlefield.

"I will solve the battle quickly and will not give the mechanical sentry a chance to intervene! If you let him run away again, you can order a torch and stew it yourself!"

See Rose The moment he approached, bloodfiend 路 Talong's expression became visibly stiff!

This can also be found!

The angry Magmanda rushed to bloodfiend Talon's side and bit his arm regardless.

The poisonous bite is activated!

bloodfiend 路 Talon's body stiffened, and the broken arm caused the strength to drop. He failed to pass the judgment of strength, and at the same time fell into the dual control of [Poisonous Paralysis] and [Poisonous Weakness].

"The thunder burst!"

Ross jumped high from the air, and a ball of lightning fell suddenly in the center of the mechanical war beast, and a group of dazzling blue spots suddenly appeared. Illuminated and dark sky.

Not far from bloodfiend Taron, the immortal flame Morales and the lord of the mist, Omid, who were rapidly approaching, stopped at the same time, Omid. The fog body is also hidden with the dark fuse together.

Looking at the flashing and bursting thunder, Omid, the lord of the mist, convulsed.

"We are still a step late!"

The Everburning Flame became silent. Only by seeing Rose's magic up close in this way can you feel his horror.

"Let's go, there is only one chance, bloodfiend Talon himself wasted the chance to survive, he can only blame himself for being stupid!"

The two never looked back. Turning to leave, although they need the power of bloodfiend Talon, they will never put themselves in danger for him, and the bloodfiend Talon, who has a broken arm, has plummeted in utilization value, and it is not worth it for them to go. adventure.

The thunder dissipated and turned into a ball of fluff. Magmanda shook her body, and the erect fluff came up with it.

Ross clicked on the attribute panel, confirmed the identity of bloodfiend Talon, and signaled Magmanda to drag him away to avoid being found by the chasers behind.

Magmanda dragged bloodfiend Talon's arm, not daring to let go for a moment, until Rose motioned to stop, still biting his arm firmly.

Ross glanced at the stiff bloodfiend 路 Talon and said: "Don't bite, bite again and you will kill you!" .

The duration of [Poisonous Paralysis] is too long, bloodfiend Talon has passed a full one minute before the stiff body can barely move.

"Talong's crown, I have saved you twice, I don't think I need to introduce myself, you should know me too!" Rose said directly.

bloodfiend Talong stood up, moved his body, looked at Rose with a complicated expression, although he didn't want to admit it, but if Rose hadn't been there, he would indeed be dead.

"I am Demon Race, you are Human Race, you should kill me! Not save me!" said bloodfiend 路 Talon.

Ross laughed and said: "It's just an Avatar. It doesn't make much sense to kill it. It makes you weak for a while."

"Compared to killing you, I I want to know, why are you here?"

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