After witnessing the death of bloodfiend Talon Avatar, the fog body of Omid, the lord of the mist, quietly left and returned to the body.

Such a big kill Pi, cannot afford to offend! cannot afford to offend!

Eternal Flame Morales became silent at the same time, and it was not until Rose left that he whispered: "Hurry up, go and meet De Cred. Only he can fight Rose. "

Lord of the Mist Omid is nodded. Although he does not have much confidence in this kind of speculation, the only one among them who has the hope of fighting against Rose is the King of Fear. .

Ross walked in the direction of the steeple tower, while Morales and Omid quickly left in the direction of Decred.

After avoiding a few waves of mechanical war beasts, the two finally found the lurking fear king De Kred and the Dark Nightmare Byers near a magnificent metal building. .

After the four joined together, the Matte Nightmare Byers asked in a low voice: "Isn’t bloodfiend Talon with you?"

Morales and Ao Mead glanced at each other, and finally Omid whispered: "bloodfiend Talon is dead."

"Dead?" Matte Nightmare Byers frowned, "This Although the idiot's ability is restrained, he shouldn't be so useless. He can't beat it, won't he still run away?"

Lord of the Mist Omid said embarrassingly: "bloodfiend Talon did not die in the hands of the mechanical monster, but in the hands of Rose."

"Rose?" The Matte Nightmare Byers was obviously a little surprised, "The Human Race trialist who has been in the limelight recently? He also entered this mechanical palace?"

I heard the words of the mechanical palace in the mouth of the Matte Nightmare Byers, the lord of the mist Omid and the eternal flame. Morales glanced at each other, and the two realized in an instant that Wuguang No. Byers had concealed a lot of things.

After indulging in a moment, Omid, the lord of the mist, told the story of Ross crushing the mechanical sentry and bloodfiend Talon again, but deliberately ignored the story of Ross educating bloodfiend Talon.

This kind of thing happened to a Demon Race lord. After all, it was too humiliating. What was lost was not only the dignity of bloodfiend Talon, but also the face of the entire Demon Race.

"The above group of trash, hundreds of them joined forces. Not only did they not kill him, but didn't they also prevent him from offering sacrifices?" Matte Nightmare Byers said angrily.

"Whether the Blue Demon Rum brought out the doomsday train summon, how could he break into the ruins!"

Lord of the Mist·Omid said quietly: "Cang Demon Rum also died in his hands!"

The Matte Nightmare Byers was speechless for an instant, killing two high lord Avatars one after another, and this Rose was considered a fierce person.

"This is troublesome!" Matte Nightmare Byers muttered to himself:

"We only have four people. There are four machines in the factory in front. The mechanical sentry, and forty mechanical war beasts, with the strength of the four of us, it is very difficult to obtain the data stored in it through the blockade."

Machinery Factory! Mechanical sentry! Mechanical war beast!

The lord of the mist Omid silently recollected the information revealed by the dull nightmare Byers, took a deep look at him and asked: "Before this, you didn’t seem to tell These things of us!"

Seeing the dubious gazes of the two, Matt Nightmare Byers pondered for a while, and explained:

"I’m just telling you these things now, it’s not I deliberately concealed it, but I only know it now."

"Since stepping into this mechanical palace, the Perpetual Core·Fraud in my hands has been actively unblocked and released a lot of new information. "

Lord of the Mist Omid was sneered in his heart. He didn't believe in the explanation of the Matte Nightmare Byers at all, but it was not the time to turn his face, he suppressed his sullenness and whispered Said:

"I just want to know now, what exactly is in this machinery factory that you are talking about that requires us to join hands to take risks!"

This time, a dull nightmare· Byers did not hide it, saying: "There are blueprints of mechanical war beast and mechanical sentinel in it!"


Lord of the Mist Omid lost self-control's mouth opened wide.

Only by personal experience, will you know the strength of the mechanical war beast and the mechanical war beast, and forget about the mechanical war beast. The mechanical war beast is the highest cutting-edge battle strength no matter which fortress is in, even if it is a fortress of hope. The war giant beast may not be as good as a mechanical sentry.

I hope that the fortress will support the war giant beast of the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress, so that their Legion has suffered. If they can master the blueprint of the mechanical sentry, let alone a Iron-Blood Banner Fortress, even Human Race Teaming up with insect race can't stop Demon Race's offensive pace.

After a long time, Omid, the lord of the mist, came back to his senses from this shocking news.

Since there is this thing in it, it must be taken down. No matter how big the price is, it is worth it!

"Although these mechanical sentries are difficult to deal with, they are not without their weaknesses." Omid said solemnly.

Although they were beaten up by the mechanical sentry before, they have seen the scene of the murderous intention of Ross’s second murderous intention. Omid, who has a keen combat experience, has found the weakness of the mechanical sentry.

"The protective power around the mechanical sentry—"

"The name of that power is AT position." Matte Nightmare Byers suddenly added.

Lord of the Mist Omid took a look at him and continued:

"Although the AT force field around the mechanical sentry is very strong, it also has weaknesses. Its recovery It takes time!"

"After breaking the defense of the AT force field, it takes at least two seconds for the mechanical sentry to recover it. As long as we seize this opportunity to attack, the body of the mechanical sentry will not compare How powerful is the mechanical war beast."

The Matte Nightmare Byers browses slightly wrinkle, seems to be thinking about the plan of action, after a while he still shook the head, and said:

"We need two people to work together to achieve murderous intention weapon sentry in the fastest way."

"But there are four mechanical sentries here, even if Drakered can drag two mechanical sentries at the same time, We are also missing one person. The defensive power of the immortal wreck, Dikry’s Avatar, has died in the bottomless abyss. Except for Dikreide, our Avatar can hardly withstand the attack of the mechanical sentry, and here There are also forty mechanical war beasts. Once surrounded and unable to solve the battle quickly, they will inevitably attract the attention of other mechanical sentries."

Eternal Flame Morales said: "We You can clean up all the defensive power of the nearby patrol first, so that you can buy us some time."


No Light Nightmare Byers shook the head , He pointed to the front right: "In that direction, there is also an energy factory. The entrance of the energy factory has the same strong defensive force. If we attack the machinery factory rashly, we will surely alarm the defensive force there. The distance between the two sides is not Far, at the speed of mechanical sentries, if we can’t solve the battle in one minute, we will be surrounded."

"Can we actively attract these mechanical sentries to leave and defeat them separately?" Lord Omid said.

"It is difficult. The defense mechanism of these mechanical sentries is difficult to deceive. Unless the energy factory is threatened, they may leave the mechanical factory and go to support, otherwise they will never leave the established defense range."

Just when a few people were frowning, the King of Fear, Decreed suddenly looked towards the shadow not far away, said solemnly: "Ross, since you are here, why hide it!"


The subconsciously moving body of Omid, the lord of the mist, stood behind De Cred.

Rose’s murderous intention, the weapon sentry and bloodfiend Talon’s impact on him were too great.

There are also the loud slaps that slap bloodfiend Talon one by one. When Omid, the lord of the mist heard Rose’s name, he felt a little pain in his cheek, as if those slaps On his face.

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