Eighth Crown

Chapter 992: A village full of werewolves

Although he has a torso that is indistinguishable from a human, his exposed face has furry hair, his nose and lips are all bulging outwards, and there are two symmetrical erect ears on both sides of the top of his head, similar to the head of a wolf. same.

He was wearing a tight sweater, and in order to prevent the cold air from entering, he tied the cuffs and hem of the clothes with belts. In this cold weather of minus 100 degrees Celsius, he seemed to be moving as if nothing was happening.

Not only him, the hunters patrolling in the distance and the civilians talking in the distance were all werewolves, as if they had entered a werewolf village.

"Is this the Lostbelt?"

Estes looked at these werewolves with interest, "Isn't this even the species changed, it can be said to be a different world? If it is so cold, I don't know how strong they are to resist torture? "

"Let's spy on the information first."

Liu Xia took the initiative to step forward and walked towards the village entrance.

"Slow... Slow! Don't come close!"

The young werewolf was suddenly startled, and quickly picked up the musket on the side and aimed it here.

"Who are you? What are you doing in our village?!"

Although Liu Xia and the others had seen various creatures for a long time, it was not surprising, but the werewolf here seemed to be quite frightened.

Theoretically speaking, ordinary human beings cannot survive in such ice and snow. Humans in this world may have long since become extinct. In the eyes of these werewolves, human beings may even be an enigmatic species that has never been encountered before. , so I was frightened like this.

"Calm down, we're not malicious."

Liu Xia glanced at the musket in the opponent's hand, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"We're just here to ask the bot lane. Where is this place? What time is it now?"

Such a beautiful presence.

As they got closer, the werewolf youth saw Liu Xia's appearance. In just a moment, his heart was shaken, and the barrel of the gun in his hand was unconsciously put down.

The highest level of charm, if you are not vigilant, even outsiders cannot avoid being charmed.

"That's it... This is Yaga Smolensk, it's about eight in the morning."

The werewolf youth subconsciously answered Liu Xia's question, and then said in awe: "You guys, is it Colton?"


This is the country's word for beings called "Magicians".

And Smolensk, if nothing else, should be the name of a city in Russia... So, this is Russia?

"We do have something to do with magicians."

Noticing his slightly respectful demeanor, Liu Xia half-admitted it along the way.

"It is AD now, or how many years in the Western calendar?"

Looking at the stone houses scattered in the distance, it should not be a very developed era, but considering that there are muskets, it is not far from modern times, but if it is a Lost Belt, this common sense may not be useful at all.

"It's March 30, 2018 in the Western calendar."

The werewolf youth looked at a few people strangely. This kind of question didn't seem like a normal person should ask, but the other party might be an honorable magician, so he didn't dare to ask more.

"Can we go into the village and have a look?"

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly, and then continued to ask.

"In this case...I have no opinion."

The werewolf youth was a little uneasy, but he didn't dare to refuse, and hesitated for a while.

"But if outsiders want to enter the village, they need the approval of the mayor. I'll call the mayor here!"

After he finished speaking, he left the village entrance as if he had fled, and ran towards the direction of the village. He didn't seem to have the courage to interact with unknown things.

"Doesn't magic follow the principle of concealment?"

Estes keenly noticed the abnormality, "Why is it here, it seems that any villager in any village knows magic? Besides, the musket used by the werewolf just now seems to be a bit weird?"

"Well, the musket he used just now has traces of magic, and it should be a firearm transformed by magic, but he doesn't seem to be conscious at all."

Liu Xia nodded and concluded: "It seems that because the history of the Lost Belt and Pan-Human History are very different, common sense of Pan-Human History is not applicable here."

Not just the werewolf just now.

Liu Xia looked far into the distance. Many people in the village were carrying similar muskets, and each of them seemed to have undergone magic transformation. Such weapons seemed to be wholesale, almost everyone had one.

The muskets that have been transformed by magic are naturally much more powerful than ordinary muskets, but the villagers seem to be completely unaware that they are using muskets that have been transformed by magic.

Not only that, although the people here know magic and use muskets transformed by magic, they don't seem to use magic themselves, and there is no trace of magic other than that in the whole village.

"I have seen a few magicians, and I am the mayor here."

Under the leadership of the previous werewolf youth, an old werewolf with gray hair came to the entrance of the village and smiled apologetically to Liu Xia, "It's a sin to keep a few of you waiting, please come in, I'll show you the way!"

His attitude can almost be said to be cautious, for fear that Liu Xia will be angry, and his demeanor is extremely humble.

Liu Xia didn't speak, just followed behind him and walked into the village.

Said to be a village, but this old werewolf just called himself the mayor.

It seems that this village with a small population is actually quite high-scale in this world.

in the village.

Perhaps seeing the mayor's humble appearance in front of Liu Xia, or being attracted by their distinctive appearance, the werewolves on the side of the road cast fearful glances here, and a few werewolf children turned back. The original Fituria cast a curious look.

"Mayor, I want to ask."

Liu Xia ignored the gazes of the people around her, just stared at the difference between this village and Pan-Human history, and asked.

"The king, or the leader, who is leading this country now, who is it?"

In addition to cutting the Lostbelt, the task is only to defeat the kings of the Lostbelt, and he naturally cares more about this.

"Eh? Don't you guys know?!"

It was obviously just an ordinary problem, but the old werewolf suddenly turned pale for some reason, and the eyes of Liu Xia and the others became strange.

"Obviously a magician, how come you don't even know this?"

"We are magicians from other countries."

Liu Xia replied calmly: "Because I just came here, I don't know much about the situation here, so I wanted to ask the mayor."

"So this is ah!"

The old werewolf was suddenly stunned, and after looking at the werewolf youth next to him, his expression relaxed, the fear disappeared, and his waist was straightened a lot.

"There's nothing that can't be said. The one who rules this Russia now is the great Ivan the Terrible!"

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