Eighth Crown

Chapter 991: Use holy spear as primary weapon

The level of [Enchantment] has been improved, and he has also obtained the powerful defensive Noble Phantasm of Avalon. These are all gains in the previous world, and it is not worth paying more attention to.

The reason why [Soul Materialization] became a skill should be the result of the update of the spiritual foundation. The last time he updated the spiritual foundation was when he left the world of shield bravery.

In addition, the most worth mentioning should be the restoration of the holy spear.

After leaving the previous world, after the spiritual foundation was renewed, just as the [two rituals] said, the holy spear, the disappeared Noble Phantasm, reappeared in the spiritual foundation.

It must have been recreated by consuming a lot of mana, but because Liu Xia's mana was inexhaustible, she didn't notice any consumption and recovered without knowing it.

Liu Xia switched the rank to the spear rank, and then took out the holy spear.

There is no difference in appearance from before, it is still the shape of a Rubik's cube the size of a slap, which means that the sealing ceremony has not disappeared.

However, Yard disappeared.

The simulacrum of the seal attire was not reproduced for some reason, and what was left now was just a cold mechanical program.

Liu Xia thought about it for a while, and simply showed the He Dao, and then opened the magic eye of death, and slashed it on the Rubik's cube.

The function of the sealing attire is nothing more than to prevent the erosion of the holy spear and prevent the holder from gradually becoming deified, but this is useless to Liu Xia. If the spirit can never be alienated, being deified by the holy spear will only make him stronger.

After the Sealing Ritual was killed by the Demon Eye of Straight Death, the cube-like shape also shattered, and the true posture of the holy spear was liberated, turning into a knight's spear wrapped in golden tassels.

"Let's just use the holy spear as the main weapon for a while."

Such thoughts even appeared in Liu Xia's heart.

"Even if you can't be deified, even if you get divinity, it's still a good power."

Obtaining divinity is, in a sense, an improvement in personality.

Moreover, divinity itself is also a very advanced skill, possessing a variety of rich abilities, as long as it is obtained, it is absolutely not a loss.

Of course, after obtaining the divine nature, it is not impossible to be targeted by the divine nature special attack, but Liu Xia itself is a demonic monster, and would have been targeted by the demon nature special attack. In that case, there is not much more than one attribute, and one less. Many properties.

With that in mind, Liu Xia simply switched her class to Lancer class.

In any case, switching class is just a thought, and when necessary, switch to another class.

Although it will take hundreds of thousands of years of work to truly achieve deification, time is accumulated, and even if it cannot reach that point, as long as you keep holding it, you should be able to acquire divine skills sooner or later... perhaps.

No, wait a minute, can a holy gun make a man divine?

"Lu Xia, look at that."

While Liuxia was in deep thought, Esdes suddenly made a sound, attracting his attention.

"what is that?"

She pointed to the direction of the distant horizon, with a strange look in her eyes.

Looking at her line of sight, in the blizzard that covered the sky, there was a tree-like thing standing there vaguely.

The blizzard was so intense that people couldn't even see the sky, and the field of vision was extremely obscured, so they couldn't see the real body of the thing clearly. From this side, they could only see a faint shadow.

But that height is a real towering, I am afraid it is at least several thousand meters high.

And at such a long distance, you can still see the thick shadow, and its width must be quite good, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like something on earth.

"It's hard to see clearly."

Even with Liu Xia's eyesight, he couldn't see the real body of the thing in the distance, he pondered slightly.

"Intuitively, it doesn't look like something I've seen before... Forget it, in any case, information is the most important thing. First, find a place with people around you, ask the residents here for information, and then think about it. way to get the job done.”

If it's just a way to complete the task, he can get it through future vision.

But the key is that he doesn't know how strong this Lostbelt is, and what level the power of the King of Lostbelt has reached. To be safe, it is better to integrate into this world first and inquire about the information on this aspect.


Estes nodded in agreement.

"That... Mr. Liu Xia!"

Dotya trembled wildly beside her, her face turning blue.

"Can you give me a rune to resist the cold first? I feel like I'm about to freeze to death!"

Fittoria on the side has simply changed back to her original form. The thick feathers on her body are enough for people to dive in and swim, which instantly relieved her, and a comfortable look appeared on the bird's face.

Among them, only Dotya had the least resistance to severe cold.

Liu Xia didn't say much, she stretched out her hand and wrote a rune that isolates the low temperature on Dotya's body. Dotya quickly became more comfortable.

Then the four of them lifted their steps and gradually disappeared into the blizzard.


This is a city on the border of the country.

It is said to be a city, but in fact it is not large in scale, only the level of a general township, with a population of no more than 1,000 at most. In modern times, it may only be regarded as a large-scale village.

Although the weather is extremely cold and close to minus one hundred degrees, the residents here seem to have long been accustomed to this kind of life.

At the entrance of the village, a young man was standing here, his eyes swept around the villagers who came in and out.

"Hey, Patsch, are you out hunting monsters again?"

After a while, he found the figure of an acquaintance, and then took the initiative to lean over and ask the other party.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

The young man opposite glanced at him and replied with a calm and indifferent attitude.

"It's nothing, just to remind you that the tax has increased by 30%, remember to pay a little more monster meat when you come back!"

He said with a grin, looking superior.

He seems to be in charge of collecting taxes, and there are many stumps of beasts piled up next to him.

"Cut! It actually went up again!"

The young man named Patsch sighed in displeasure, and then walked into the blizzard without looking back.


Seeing that the object of ridicule was gone, the tax collector returned to the village with nothing to do, looking very leisurely.


After a while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at the direction outside the village. Several figures appeared from the blizzard.

"Beasts that I haven't seen before, and... ah? No, no, what's going on? What is that? Why are they naked? They are completely different from us!?"

This young man muttering to himself in astonishment, although he walks upright and has four limbs, he is a werewolf with thick hair growing all over his body and a wolf-like shape!

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