Eighth Crown

Chapter 993: Lostbelt King Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible.

The first tsar in Russian history, also known as "Ivan the Terrible", although he carried out a centralized reform of Russia in his life and made Russia gradually stronger, he was also condemned for being too tyrannical.

According to records, he killed more than 10,000 nobles in just one revolution, created an exclusive killing force, carried out a highly dictatorial rule, even killed six wives, and even his own son was wronged by him kill and die.

But here comes the problem.

Ivan the Terrible was a figure of the sixteenth century. According to normal history, he died of a stroke as early as 1584 at the age of 54.

But according to the young werewolf just now, it is now 2018.

"Mayor, how long did Ivan the Terrible live?"

Liu Xia asked the old werewolf.

"You really don't know anything?"

The old werewolf cleared his throat and said in awe: "Lei Di became emperor more than 400 years ago, and he has been ruling this country since then. I'm afraid he has lived for nearly 500 years, right?"

Live from the sixteenth century to the twenty-first century?

If it is true, it is probably because of some special transformation of himself that has extended his life.

Combined with the fact that the anonymous spirit base will transmit him to a relatively accurate time and space every time, so the king of the first Lostbelt is this Ivan the Terrible?

If the life of the Moon World has lived for nearly five hundred years, there are generally only two outcomes.

Either it has decayed to the limit due to the decay of the soul, and life is extremely fragile, or it has a powerful mystery due to the accumulation of too long, and its strength is extremely powerful.

Judging from the throne that has not been shaken for hundreds of years, the situation of Ivan the Terrible is mostly the latter.

"However, is there still a country out there?"

The mayor murmured in a low voice, "I thought all the countries outside had perished long ago."

"What does it mean?"

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly and continued to ask: "Why do you say that the countries outside are perished?"

"Eh? You don't even know this, do you?"

The mayor looked at several people in amazement, and after deliberation for a while, he responded honestly.

"Well, maybe the foreigners are really different from us... You should also know that more than 400 years ago, around 1570 of the Western calendar, there was a sudden cold wave that swept the world. , the whole world has cooled down..."

More than 400 years ago, a sudden cold wave swept the whole world.

The cause has not been verified, but it is widely circulated that the meteorite fell, causing the world to enter an ice age.

Because the arrival of the cold wave was too abrupt, and the temperature dropped so much that it exceeded the limit of human endurance, so the countries outside perished one by one.

However, because Russia is in the icy world all year round and has a certain tolerance for extremely cold weather, it barely survived, but more than 90% of the population died in the cold wave.

In order to cope with this great cold wave, Ivan the Terrible gathered a large number of magicians in the territory and developed a technique that combines humans and monsters.

He extended this technique to the whole country, so that all the survivors in Russia became a new species of wolf and human, which is today's werewolf - "Yaga".

Because Yaga has extremely thick fur and physical strength far exceeding that of the old human beings, it is extremely resistant to cold. Even in the weather of minus one hundred degrees, it will only feel a little cold.

At this point, the fragile old humans almost ceased to exist, and the entire world was replaced by a new species called Yaga. In the current world, there is only Yaga.

But having said that, the old man is not completely absent.

"It is said that magicians with the appearance of old humans are enshrined in the emperor's palace."

The mayor recalled for a moment and said honestly: "Seeing the appearance of several of them, we thought that you might be a palace magician, but we didn't expect people from outside, but are there really still fragile old species alive outside? "

Because he thought he might be a court magician, the mayor didn't dare to neglect him, and his attitude was so low.

Judging from the style of Ivan the Terrible in the Pan-Human History, most of the Thunder Emperor in this Lostbelt was also a tyrant, fearing his authority, and ordinary commoners would of course avoid court magicians like snakes and scorpions.

The mayor was relieved until he knew that Liu Xia and the others did not come from the palace, but the magician is a legendary figure after all, someone who can invent synthetic techniques, and they can't tolerate them being disrespectful, so he answered sincerely. All Lucia's problems were solved.

Of course, he could not tolerate not answering, otherwise, what awaited him would not be a kind inquiry, but means such as hints and torture.

Lucia nodded thoughtfully.

From this point of view, the difference between this Lost Belt and Pan-Human History is that the great cold wave over 400 years ago caused the extinction of 99% of the human beings in this world, thus bringing the world into a dead end.

In this way, it is much easier to judge the basic situation of the world.

Now Ivan the Terrible's palace should be in Moscow, the capital, and then go there and test the strength of the king of the Lostbelt.

If it is too strong, run away, and then find a way to kill him, if it is not strong enough, kill him on the spot.

Although the mission requirement is to defeat, but if you want to cut the Lostbelt, the King of the Lostbelt is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed. Compared with defeat, of course, killing is more conducive to completing the mission.


At the entrance of the village.

After only half an hour or so, Patzhi returned to the village.

Not only that, but there are also two figures behind him, because they cover their bodies tightly, people can't see their faces and figures clearly.

"Is there not the gatekeeper?"

Patzig glanced at the chair at the entrance of the village, and thought inwardly that it was strange, but he still obeyed the rules and put down most of the animal meat, and put it there as a tax paid.

"Listen to me, don't expose your looks, or I will ignore you."

Patzig turned his head, and in a cold tone, he warned the two people behind him in a low voice, and after getting their nods in response, he led them into the village.

Generally, unidentified outsiders need to be approved by the mayor, but if they can't see their faces, they won't attract too much attention, and they may still get through.

"Hey, have you heard? Several old species came from outside the village just now, with very strange monsters!"

"Really? What did the old seed look like?"

"I don't know either. It is said that it is a man and two women. The man is very beautiful! The two women can't tell what they look like. They only know that one is tall and the other is short..."


After hearing the discussions of the people around, the two men in black robes behind Patzi couldn't help but bump into each other.

"Senior, the villagers said that some old species have come here?"

From under the black robe, a few strands of short cherry-pink hair were exposed. If you looked closely, it was obviously a girl of the old breed. At this moment, she was overjoyed.

"Is it a human being like us? Would you like to find them?"

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