Eighth Crown

Chapter 971: the right to obey one's own desires

"That... Lancer."

Just when she was thinking about how to help the Master, Grey's voice came into her ears again.

"What do you think I should do?"

How can I do it?

Do you mean chasing men?

When Lancer heard the words, he froze for a moment.

This involves her knowledge blind spot.

She has never experienced a love life once in her life, and belongs to a ten percent lover.

It is true that many of the Knights of the Round Table around her are excellent men, but she has always been followed in her whole life, and there is no spark of affection between her and them.

"...Well, it should take a brave decision?"

Lancer recalled the way the white-haired scumbag pursued noble girls in his memory, and said it carefully.

"Don't care about your face, it's even better to be shameless! That's right, no matter how many times you're rejected, you should be shameless!"

Well, is it a bit too much to do that?

After all, Grey is not the white-haired scumbag. The little girl's skin is very thin, so she definitely can't achieve the level of the white-haired scumbag.

"What are you talking about, Lancer?"

Grey looked up and gave her a bewildered look.

"I'm referring to my situation, whether I should selfishly decide to be myself, or respond to everyone's expectations and become the King Arthur they expect..."

It was this thing.

Lancer couldn't help but blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Even though Grey was able to jump out of the love issue rationally, she accidentally plunged into it and couldn't come back to her senses. She was really ashamed.

Maybe compared with a young girl who has enough money, an older woman who has no love experience is more likely to fall in love.

"Then, which path does Master want to choose?"

Lancer skipped the question of love in a timely manner, and instead asked Grey about it.

"What is the Master's idea? Which path do you want to choose? Be yourself, or be King Arthur?"

She didn't give an answer immediately, but asked Grey's own thoughts very carefully.

"I...I don't know."

Grey hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't give an answer.

"And I carry the expectations of everyone in the village. Everyone is expecting me to become the new King Arthur. I should have no choice... That's why I hate myself."

Grey didn't like her face.

However, that's not because he hates King Arthur's face, but because he hates seeing changes in himself, and hates himself who is still hesitant despite being in the midst of such changes.

Grey longed for people like Rin Tohsaka, Luvia, and Ryuxia.

That's because when faced with a choice, they will give the answer without hesitation, without any hesitation, sincerely face their hearts, and easily find their way and move forward.

Unlike her, she clearly carries the expectations of everyone in the village, but she is still unable to make a decision, and even escapes from her hometown, lingering on the fork in the fate.

"Really...that's proof that Grey is a gentle and good boy."

Lancer was stunned when he heard the words, then reached out his hand and gently stroked Gray's head, a smile of love and pity appeared on his face.

If it weren't for her, such a young girl should still be surrounded by her family and enjoy the warmth of her family and affection. How could she fall into such a dilemma?

Grey's face was slightly red, and she felt a little embarrassed to be touched by Lancer, but this familiar feeling was like the mother who touched her head like this when she was a child, and she didn't want to refuse from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment, Lancer's figure in front of her invisible overlapped with her mother's figure in her memory.

"But, Grey."

Lancer bent down, and a gully-like look gradually appeared on his face.

"There will be such hesitation, which is proof that you have made a decision, and you are still unable to move forward despite everyone's expectations. That is because you want to be yourself."

Anticipation is sometimes a burden.

And if she is still unable to move forward under heavy pressure, it is because she has other ideas, and it is proof that she does not want to step on that path, but wants to walk on other paths.

"So...is that so?"

When Grey heard the words, he was immediately startled.

How simple it is.

But she never thought about it that way, she would only be immersed in difficult choices, feel sorry for herself, and never thought about such a problem.

It turns out that being herself is her true heart?

"But... everyone expects me to be a revived King Arthur..."

But even if she understood her own thoughts, Grey hesitated again, still unable to make a decision.

It's easy to understand what you think, but it's hard to make choices when you know what you think.

"Listen, Grey."

Lancer made his eyes level with Grey's and warned her with a serious look.

"Sometimes, people can't do it if they don't obey their desires."

That's right.

Just like another self.

Just as Saber experienced Lancer's past in a dream, Lancer also saw Saber's past in a dream.

To put it bluntly, it was simply appalling.

She does not have her own desires, and she has never expressed her desires once, just like a machine, satisfying the expectations of the subjects for the king, and she will show what the subjects want them to be like.

As if he was not a living person, but a machine called a king, a device.

It seems that governing a country does not come from one's own heart, or one's own desire, but a function and a procedure.

It's no wonder that the knights will leave the message "The king doesn't understand people's hearts" in disappointment, and then choose to run away.

Man is a creature of desire.

If you keep satisfying the desires of others without showing your own desires, it will make people involuntarily away from and fear.

Therefore, sometimes, if a person does not obey his own desires, it is impossible.

At this time, obedience is a kind of vent, and repression is the seed of the explosion.

"It doesn't matter, you have this right."

Lancer stretched out his hand and took the stunned Grey into his arms, warming her heart with his chest, inspiring her to make a choice.

Grey was silent.

It's just that this warm feeling is really exactly the same as that of a child's mother.


The girl whispered silently.


Lancer looked down at the girl in his arms, and the look in his eyes gradually became firmer.

At this moment, she made a decision in her heart.

"Brackmoya Cemetery..."

There is the birthplace of Grey, and the fate of King Arthur.

Since this bad relationship was left by King Arthur, it should also be cut off by King Arthur!

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