Eighth Crown

Chapter 969: The opponents they decide (four more!)

The so-called "projection magic" refers to magic that materializes mirror images and imitations of objects that exist in reality or that have existed in the past.

Because it is formed by magic, these projected items cannot be manifested for a long time, and when the illusion of the projector is broken, these items will also disperse.

For the above reasons, in the magic world, projection magic is considered a very inefficient practice.

If you really want to get a replica of the original, it is more efficient to use similar materials and process with similar techniques to obtain imitations with similar performance.

However, Emiya Shirou's projection completely overturned this.

The objects projected by ordinary magicians can only exist for a few minutes at most, and then they will be forced to correct and disappear, but the objects projected by Emiya Shirou can exist for a long time.

It's a very scary talent.

If it is known by the clock tower, 100% will face the seal designation, and if the seal designation cannot be sealed, it will be killed.

Because the essence of magic is equivalent exchange, and Emiya Shirou broke this principle and can create something out of nothing, so any magician will have killing intentions against him, and all magicians will absolutely not mind to obliterate this cheating guy who breaks the rules. .

Of course, Emiya Shirou cannot project anything.

Basically, most of the items he can project are sword-like weapons, even if it is the Noble Phantasm of Heroic Spirits, as long as he can understand it, he can project it.

For other items, such as shields or armor, the projection is a bit reluctant.

If it is a simple daily necessities, it not only has the disadvantage of extremely high magic consumption, but also becomes the same as ordinary projection magic, and will soon disappear.

Why he can do this, Liu Xia doesn't know, maybe he is a natural "abnormal", or maybe he has a very special "origin".

In short, as long as he can master the way of projection, then he is not without the capital to compete with Archer.

However, that will have to wait until tomorrow.

"Okay, let's start the battle meeting now!"

The second stood in front of the table in the living room, clapped his palms, attracted the attention of everyone present, and then his expression became solemn.

"So far, the magic king Solomon should have completed all his formations, and there is no doubt that the time for the final battle is next!"

Taking away Sakura's body is equivalent to taking away the evil of this world. His purpose has been achieved, and the remaining servants have completely entrenched in the two camps, and there is no longer any third party.

In other words, there is no other action that can be done next, only the final battle between the two camps is left.

"However, there is a huge gap in the number of Servants between the two sides."

The second world looked calm and a little excited, clenching his fists, trying his best to calm himself down.

"There are five cavalry servants, Solomon, King Arthur, Heroine Guard, Hercules, and Gilgamesh, and even if we add two ceremonies here, we only have three cavalry, so we must no matter what. Just assign the enemy well!"

The number of Servants on both sides of the enemy is indeed very large.

But Liu Xia felt that with the lineup on the opposite side, he might be able to beat everyone by himself.

However, looking at the inexplicably excited expression of the second generation, he still did not say this.

To say why-

"Speak up first."

A fearful but fearless smile full of contradictions gradually appeared on the face of the second generation.

"King of Heroes Gilgamesh's opponents are me and Rider! In the last Holy Grail War, we were defeated by him, and this is a good opportunity for revenge!"

That's right.

Jiro is excited that he can take revenge on that hero king.

Last time, Weber Velvet and Rider, the conqueror king who could have obtained the Holy Grail, finally faced Gilgamesh, the hero king.

And after trying his best, the King of Conqueror fell under the sword of the King of Heroes in the end, and only he let Gilgamesh let him go because he abides by the way of loyal ministers.

Even so, the lord's revenge cannot but be avenged!

He thought that he would no longer have that chance, but after hearing the news from Liuxia that the King of Heroes was still alive, his fighting spirit was rekindled.

It is true that the King of Heroes has lost his Noble Phantasm, but isn't that just right?

He is here to take revenge, not to learn from each other. The two sides are not knights, so there is no need for a proper competition. You come and I go, you die and I die, that's all.

Moreover, now that Gilgamesh has been taken away by Solomon, it is difficult to say that Solomon will not find a way to strengthen him. At that time, they may not be facing the extremely weak hero king.

"If Archer, leave it to me and Emiya-kun!"

Tohsaka Rin raised his hand, and his face also showed itchy teeth.

"After all, that guy is my Servant, I have to deal with him, especially when he left, he dared not say a word to me...! Emiya-kun is the opponent he named, we originally There is no escape."

But then again, why did she summon Emiya Shirou, who became a heroic spirit?

Could it be because she had an intersection with Shirou Emiya before her death? But if that's the case, isn't it more likely that Sakura will summon him... I really can't figure it out.

"If that's the case, then the black King Arthur will be punished by me!"

Immediately after, Lancer also made a declaration, and she responded with a dignified expression.

"If I can't break the figure of myself who has fallen into darkness, I can't go back to my seat with peace of mind."

Everyone chooses their opponents by fate.

II, the King of Conquerors, and perhaps Grey, will face Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, in a battle of revenge.

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou will face the blackened hero Emiya. This is a battle of the self.

Lancer King Arthur, will face the blackened Saber King Arthur, this is the battle of kingship.

"In this way, only Solomon and Hercules are left in the end..."

The second murmured and calculated.

"give it to me."

Liu Xia finally took the initiative to speak at this time, her expression indifferent.

"You're welcome to say, if it wasn't for me, none of you would be an opponent of the champion heroic spirit."

Strength is second.

The most important thing is that that guy has EX-class clairvoyance and is best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Without Liu Xia, they might not even be able to touch the leftovers of his clothes.

"That's really rude... But seeing the future is really cheating, and Yu can only admit it."

The King of Conqueror scratched his cheek, and a helpless smile appeared on his face.

"Then it's all decided!"

Shiji waved his hand excitedly, and the whole person seemed to be ten years younger.

"Next, prepare for the battle with all your might! Wait for the time of the final battle!"

Chapter 970 No girl doesn't like someone like that

But having said that, the disparity in combat power is still obvious.

Not to mention how the two ordinary magicians, Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou, faced the fully-fledged Heroine Emiya, there was a visible gap between the two King Arthurs.

Although Lancer's hard power is indeed better than that of the blackened Saber, the magic power gap between the two is too great. To face the black Saber with infinite magic power, if he can't crush it with absolute strength, he will basically win. No.

There is also the second generation and the hero king, what kind of hero king they will face, strong or weak, it is difficult to say.

In view of this, if they want to win this war, they must try their best to think about everything.


Fourth day.

Lucia came out of the room early in the morning.

While entering the kitchen to prepare breakfast, he was also using the sacred bow, constantly replicating the bow-type Noble Phantasms in the King's Treasure.

The sacred bow has the ability to copy all bow weapons it touches, not only its performance, but also the liberation of Noble Phantasm.

The King's Treasure contains a large number of bow-type Noble Phantasms, and these Noble Phantasms are undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to expand the heritage of the Sacred Bow.

Although the level of the sacred bow has now reached the EX level, its power has not yet reached its limit.

For the sacred bow, the more forms it has, the stronger the disguise, so no matter how many forms, Liu Xia is happy to see it.

Having said that, because the King's Treasure itself is an infinite treasure house, the bow-type Noble Phantasms stored in it are naturally infinite.

From the lowest E rank to the highest A++ rank, there are everything, even Liu Xia glanced at it roughly, and there might be an exceptional EX rank bow Noble Phantasm.

Liu Xia planned to use her spare time to copy the bow-type Noble Phantasms in order from EX to E, from high to low.

After the sky brightened.

Everyone got up and went to the living room. After washing, they began to eat.

However, among the crowd, Rin Tohsaka was the only one who did not see him.

"Tohsaka seems to have the air of getting up, and it's hard to get up in the morning."

Emiya Shirou explained to everyone: "You don't have to wait for her, just save her a breakfast."

That eldest lady has a lot of attributes.

Everyone knew it, so they didn't care too much. As long as people didn't disappear unknowingly, there was no need to interfere in other people's lives.

After breakfast.

Emiya Shirou went to the yard, ready to warm up.

Lucia took this opportunity to come to Grey and Lancer's side.

"Maybe it's me being nosy, but have you guys made a plan to deal with the Black King Arthur?"

Lucia asked the two of them.

"No, sorry."

Lancer shook his head, and there was a little trouble in his expression.

"To be honest, if the black me is really connected to the Great Holy Grail and has infinite magic power, then it is difficult for me to be her opponent now."

It is true that she has a powerful holy spear, but usually the holy spear under liberation cannot defeat the blackened holy sword blessed with infinite magic.

And if it is planned to be fully liberated, because both sides are King Arthur, it may be difficult to liberate the restraint of the holy spear to the level of more than seven.

If there was only one leader, the knights of the round table would definitely be loyal and firmly support the king's decision in all directions.

But if the king splits, from one king to two kings, then the knights of the round table will definitely be caught blind, so no matter which king they allegiance to, they are rebelling against the other king.

This sucks.

For the knights of the round table, it is undoubtedly a big problem.

In this way, Lancer wants to defeat the black King Arthur, the risk becomes unknown, not without the possibility of failure.

"In that case, I have a way."

Lucia understood Lancer's difficulties, so she took the initiative to propose.

"Because of some special encounters in the past, I also possessed infinite magic power. As long as the magic power supply channel and the causal line are separated, Grey is still your master, and the magic power is provided to you by me, you and Hei Saber's conditions are equal."

This is a very simple operation.

In the world of the Holy Grail War, even the Yog Domirenians could hand over the supply of the slave's magic power to the androids, so of course Ryuxia could do it more easily.

"You actually possess infinite magic power?"

Lancer's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Liu Xia.

Infinite magic power is a very complex and high-end technology. Even in the era before her death, she had never seen a few people with that kind of power. I didn't expect to participate in a Holy Grail War and encounter so many beings with infinite magic power.

Moreover, compared to a Servant who is simply a beneficiary, the existence of Liu Xia who has obtained infinite magic power by himself is even more worthy of admiration.

"If it doesn't affect you, please lend me your power!"

Lancer did not stick to the rules, but made a sincere request to Liu Xia.


Liu Xia agreed without hesitation.

Of course, it has no effect. Although there is a limit on the output power, the magic power in his body has already exceeded the upper limit of the number, and he will not feel tired if he provides magic power to dozens or hundreds of followers.

After that, Liu Xia quickly performed some small procedures to connect the magic channel that Lancer and Grey originally connected to her body.

At this point, it was Lucia who provided Lancer with magic power, and Grey was her master in the sense of the contract and the Command Spell.

After doing this, Liu Xia also left here and walked towards the front yard.

Next, he had to fulfill his promise and help strengthen Shirou Emiya.

"You can really draw magic power at will."

Lancer carefully experimented and found that the magic power sent from Liu Xia was indeed as limitless as the stars in the universe, and then he showed a shocked expression, but he was relieved immediately.

In this case, with her power over the Black King Arthur, if she faces the other self again, she will never lose!

"It's really amazing, Mr. Liangyi."

Grey looked at the back of Liuxia's departure in a trance, until she disappeared from her sight.

"The strength is very strong, the brain is very smart, and he never hesitates. Anything will be solved by him..."

With Liu Xia standing by her side, she always felt very secure.

All things will be solved by him, as if all the troubles will be gone, and you can always enjoy that safe tranquility.


Lancer glanced at Grey and saw her longing look, with an unfathomable look on her face.


No girl would dislike such a person.

Moreover, even the well-informed she has to admit that the guy's face is indeed superb and good-looking.

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