Eighth Crown

Chapter 972: Strengthening and training for Shirou Emiya


Emiya Shirou had just finished warming up when Ryuxia came here.

"I'm ready."

After seeing Liu Xia coming, Emiya Shirou nodded, and then became a little curious.

"Speaking of which, Liangyi, how are you going to strengthen me? It's difficult for ordinary people to defeat Servants, right?"

more than difficult.

Even with all kinds of talents and skills superimposed, ordinary people still may not win even third-rate Servants, let alone the backbone of Servants.

Although the Heroic Spirit Palace is not a top-level heroic spirit, it is still a guardian of the restraint force, and a senior worker who is specially used to protect the survival of human beings, and his strength is still there.

Moreover, the opponent is still in a state of full mana. If he loses his master and his mana is exhausted, he may still have a chance to win, but in a state of full mana, it is almost impossible to win.

"Compared with ordinary humans and Servants, the first and biggest difference is physical fitness."

Lucia replied calmly.

"So, in the first step, I will use magic to strengthen your physical strength. I dare not say anything else, but it is definitely no problem to increase your physical ability tenfold."

How many?

Tenfold increase?

Is it so scary?

Emiya Shirou was stunned for a moment.

Although he is a half-baked magician, he is not without concepts. It is not bad that an ordinary magician can double or double his physical strength.

Tenfold increase? That's not just a question of magic power, but also a problem of spells. It's impossible for ordinary spells to achieve this level of increase.

Even an enhancement technique that claims to be stronger with more magic power has its upper limit of enhancement. After all, it is only a basic level of magic.

Rather, the magics extracted from concepts in the Moon World are themselves limited by concepts, because concepts themselves are born from human beings, so the upper limit will not exceed human concepts.

Of course, the magic of the Age of Gods, which is completely different from the principles of modern magic, is not included.

What Ryuxia was going to use against Emiya Shirou was the original rune, one of the gods' magic.

Original Rune.

This is not even magic in essence, but the power possessed by the Nordic **** Odin, which itself is not inferior to any magic of the age of gods, or even exceeds.

It's just that the original rune is something that can only be used by gods, and existences other than gods cannot exert the full power of the original rune, so Liuxia's current magic level is not comparable to Solomon, otherwise it will never be worse than him. At least not being crushed by him.

But even just using the rune at this stage is enough to strengthen Emiya Shirou more than ten times. After all, his basic physical strength is very weak, and it is not difficult to strengthen it.

The second step of strengthening is -

"These are for you."

Liu Xia switched the rank to the bow rank, and with a stroke from the sacred bow, he took out dozens of potion bottles, and even a hill was piled up on the ground.

"Uh...is this?"

Emiya Shirou looked at the pile of red and blue potion bottles in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing.

"The red one is a healing potion. It can recover any injuries other than a broken limb in the moment of taking it. Even a broken limb can be recovered intact as long as it is connected in time. In short, even if there is only one breath left, You save."

"The blue one is a magic potion. In terms of your magic power, you can restore half of your magic power in one sip. With one bottle, you don't need to care about the magic power consumption in a short period of time."

"These potions can be given to you. It's nothing to me, but you have to keep in mind that your wealth is not revealed. Even if you search the clock tower, you can't find one. Once exposed, you will be targeted 100% of the time. ."


Emiya Shirou took a deep breath.

Just like those red and blue bottles in RPG games, it sounds like a very cheating thing. Every bottle is priceless, and all these dozens of bottles of potions are actually given to him?

"Aren't you too kind?"

The young Emiya looked at Liu Xia with a love that was beyond words.

nice people?

Have it?

The same potion, Liu Xia has stored thousands of bottles in the sacred bow, and there are even enough herbs to make hundreds of thousands of bottles of this potion, and he can take out tens of thousands of bottles at will.

A mere dozens of bottles were nothing to him at all.

"The last step is also easy."

Liu Xia ignored Emiya Shirou's demeanor, but stretched out his hand, causing the two Hexian swords to appear in his hand at the same time.

"No, for you, perhaps this step is the most difficult one - fight. If you want to understand the true meaning of projection magic, it is more appropriate to understand it by fighting."

Such a beautiful sword.

Emiya Shirou stared at the two knives in Liu Xia's hands, his eyes slightly dazed.

No matter its shape or color, or even the smell emanating from it, as well as its material and skeleton, this splendid pair of knives attracted his attention in an extraordinary way, making him unable to look away.

This is the knife that Qianzi Village is helping Liu Xia to build. It has been with him for half a year. It has the power to cut off old grievances and misfortunes. It also contains Liu Xia's swordsmanship.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou subconsciously began to analyze the basic skeleton and material of the two swords, identified their creative concepts, and shared the experience and skills of their holders.

It works!

It was probably the appearance of Archer, which accelerated the development of Emiya Shirou's talents. The red-haired boy closed his eyes and tried to project the two knives in front of him.

"Trace (projection) - on (start) -!"

In the shrouded magical light, Shirou Emiya stretched out his hands. Under the violent trembling of his five fingers and even his whole body, he clenched his teeth tightly, and his hands gradually grasped two pairs of luxuriant pairs that looked exactly the same. Knife!

"Oh? Choose to project my knife?"

Liu Xia raised her brows slightly, and there was no anger on her face that her weapon was pirated, but she continued to speak calmly.

"However, the power of projection magic does not lie in the appearance of the weapon, but in the illusion contained in the weapon. The stronger the illusion you put in, the stronger the weapon you project... Come on, let me Come rate your fantasies."

The strength of the projection weapon will be one level lower than the real level.

For example, Liu Xia's double sword level is A, and the double sword projected by Emiya Shirou, no matter how perfect it is, can only reach B level at most.

However, the strength of the projection weapon does not depend on the level of the weapon, but depends on the fantasy in the weapon.

In short, depending on the strength of the idea he injected into it, the imagination he gave to the sword determines the strength of the sword.

Well, that is to say.

If the fantasy given to the sword by oneself is comparable to or even surpasses the real one, then the projected fake will even have the power to surpass the real one!

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