Eighth Crown

Chapter 939: In return with sincere trust

A huge machine god, standing on the ground.

Liu Xia is staying inside the machine god, the center of the core of the brain, through various maps, quantitative maps, and surveillance images around, controlling this protector of the country machine god.

No experience is needed, because it is his Noble Phantasm, and with A+ level riding skills, he can drive this machine **** like an arm.


In the sound of the strong wind, Liu Xia controlled the machine **** to bend down, stretched out his steel arms, spread his fingers with both hands, and grabbed towards Gorgon on the ground.


Gorgon's cheeks twitched rapidly, only to feel that everything in front of him became extremely fucked.

After making a cut, although she hesitated for a moment, she immediately swung her tail and tried to swim towards Weiyuan River next to her.

As long as she reaches Weiyuan River, she can hide in the river, and then enter the Pacific Ocean not far away through Weiyuan River. In this way, she still has the possibility to survive.

Although not reconciled, the gap in body shape has already decided everything.




But at this moment, the cloak on the shoulders of the machine **** suddenly opened, and more than twenty gun muzzles in total were exposed from the shoulders, and a scarlet light was condensed from it.

Immediately, under the rapid humming of the air, twenty laser cannons shot frantically one after another, all targeting Gorgon who was about to escape.


Before she could escape into the nearby Weiyuan River, these laser cannons all hit her body, leaving blood holes one after another on her shoulders, chest, waist, tail, and even her wings. Blood suddenly spilled all over the river bank.

The severe pain and the impact of the laser cannon made Gorgon's escape to Weiyuan River immediately blocked.

The next moment, Jishen's hands fell from the sky and grabbed her waist and abdomen.

"Damn...! Let me go!!"

Gorgon's face suddenly turned hideous, his arms were firmly pressed on the hands of the God of Machines, and he frantically squeezed the magic power from the Master, trying to escape from the hands of the God of Machines through the strength of the muscles beyond the limit.

The muscle strength on her panel is A++, which is higher than Liuxia's normal value.

Moreover, she also has strange power skills, and her level is also the highest A+ level.

Coupled with that huge body, under the full force of the explosion, its muscle strength is bound to reach an immeasurable level. Even Liu Xia, who used the blood ghost technique, can't take it lightly in a short time.

Under her reckless outburst, even the arms of the Machine God could not help being stretched a little.

But that's about it.

The difference in body shape is too great.

In front of the Machine God, even a legendary monster like Gorgon is essentially no different from a python.

And, don't forget, the power of the Machine God is equally terrifying.

With all kinds of engines crammed into his body, although the speed of movement of the machine **** is impressive, the power and the power of artillery bombardment are beyond imagination.

For example, the God of Machines has two stunts, namely "Supreme Fist" and "Supreme Cannon".

The Supreme Cannon naturally refers to the pitch-black ball of light fired from the chest, and a single blow is enough to wipe Fuyuki City off the map, while the Supreme Fist is a pure physical attack. Fuyuki City-Scale Earthquake!


Seeing that no matter how hard Gorgon tried, he couldn't break the shackles of the gods, so Liu Xia controlled the gods, lifted Gorgon and threw them into the sky.

The slender body, which was 100 meters long, was grabbed by the spirit of the machine without any resistance. Like a weak pet cub, it was spun and thrown into the air.


Immediately afterwards, the chest of the machine **** opened with a clanging sound of steel, and a super-heavy cannon with a diameter of more than 20 meters emerged from it.

As the rays of light circulated, the power engine in the machine **** also gathered all the power into the heavy artillery in his chest, causing a pitch-black light ball with a diameter of more than 20 meters to be released from it.

It looks delicate and fragile, but in that sphere of light, there is hidden the power of Mechanicus's whole body, which is also the reason why Mechanicus is rated as an A+++-level Noble Phantasm against the country.

The pitch-black ball of light quickly caught up with Gorgon, who was thrown into the air, and hit her in the chest.

Immediately, under Gorgon's horrified and ferocious eyes, the pitch-black ball of light flickered and wriggled, and then exploded abruptly.

First is light.

A dazzling light burst out from the sky, shrouding the entire Fuyuki City in it.

"Rumble rumble rumble ---------!!!"

Then came the thunder that sounded like a sound in the ear, dull and long, not breaking the eardrums, but making people's internal organs vibrate endlessly, at a loss, flustered, and stood on the spot.

Finally, the roaring hurricane erupted from the sky with a shock wave like a typhoon passing through, causing the atmosphere to whizz past, and the clouds in the entire sky were forced to be expelled.

Looking from the sky, a hole appeared over the entire Fuyuki City.

If it is released at the ground, the entire Fuyuki City will be destroyed with this blow, leaving no trace, and it will become a complete history.

After a while.

The aftermath of the light, the storm, the roaring sound, etc., was completely passed.

When the people of Fuyuki City came back to their senses, the huge machine **** standing by the river bank disappeared without a trace.

After a brief and depressing calm, the entire Fuyuki City boiled like a frying pan!

This day is destined to shatter the three views of many people.

Of course, the troops of the Magic Association or the Church that deal with the aftermath probably all want to die, right?


[Spiritual base upgrade task II - limited skill value upgrade]: Defeat five followers (4/5)

After such a change in the lower right corner, Lucia finally confirmed Gorgon's death.

In this way, all that needs to be defeated is the last horse - Solomon.

Or backstab directly against the water, and it is not impossible to kill the King of Conqueror or Lancer.

But Lucia didn't want to do that.

Of course, there are calculations from the point of view of interests, but it is more because of Liu Xia's changes in his own inner thoughts.

After walking through Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm, many thoughts in Liuxia's heart were subtly changed.

What about other people who are irrelevant, how all mankind is, how the world is... These, as always, have nothing to do with him.

But if it is someone who trusts him wholeheartedly and loves him, Liu Xia doesn't intend to disappoint them.

If they gave Liu Xia their whole-hearted trust and sincerity, then Liu Xia would return their sincere trust.

He dragged Gorgon to the surface, indeed, so that the Second World would save people, because he knew that the Second World would definitely want to save those people - in essence, he still didn't care about the lives of those passers-by.

"Extreme desire will give birth to true love."

Liu Xia may not believe this sentence from Shakespeare.

But that doesn't prevent him from trying and taking the first step in gaining affection.

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