Eighth Crown

Chapter 940: Master of Imaginary Shadows (3/3)

river bank.

Because of the ravages of Gorgon and the appearance of the God of Protection, the nearby river bank has become tattered, cracks of various shapes and scorch marks from flames can be seen everywhere on the ground, and the embankment on the bank has also been destroyed. most of the time.

Liuxia stood on the bank of the near-destroyed river and glanced around.

It was confirmed that there was no scent of intruders, and the smell of Gorgon was completely eliminated. Neither Solomon nor the imaginary shadow came out to disrupt the situation.


After a while, a roar of bulls followed.

With a flash of electric light, the King of Conqueror drove a chariot pulled by two divine oxen to Liuxia's side.

That chariot was his Noble Phantasm, and Liuxia had seen that thing in Faker's hands before, and even fought head-to-head, so he knew it.

Because of the instability of the second, he was lying in the carriage.

The two of them transported the people out of the underground caves in batches. The living people could still find ways to save them, but the dead people whose vitality had been drained would really not be able to return.

"Oops! What an eye-opener!"

The big red-haired man jumped from the bullock cart and came to Liu Xia's side in admiration, "I didn't expect there to be such a bizarre Noble Phantasm, I've never heard of it, it really makes me wonder where you come from as a heroic spirit. Hahaha……!"

"Seriously, don't you think about it anymore? As long as you are willing to join Yu's subordinates, Yu is willing to treat you with the etiquette of the King of Tongqing!"

His face was full of eager anticipation.

Not only because of the super handsome Mechanic that Liu Xia drove just now, but also because of Liu Xia's previous record of defeating Hercules.

He was a great hero with the same fame as Achilles, and for the conquering king who almost regarded Achilles as an idol, Lucia had no doubt that he had the right to be equal to him.

"Let's talk about this after you have fulfilled your desire to receive flesh."

Liu Xia turned around, ignoring the whim of the Conqueror King, but looked at the second generation on the ox cart.

"Has Gorgon's Master been rescued? Where is he now?"

"...Is that really the legendary basilisk in Greek mythology?"

The second world tremblingly got up from the bullock cart and tried to light a cigar, but with his hands trembling, he could only reluctantly give up the idea.

There is no doubt that it is a terrifying monster that is enough to make people fight with each other as long as it appears.

Even if it is his king who uses the strongest Noble Phantasm, even if he wears the idol filter, I am afraid he is not the opponent of that demonic god.

But now that I think about it, Liu Xia, who blasted Gorgon with a single shot, is the one that terrifies the most.

"It's on the grass over there."

The Second World pointed in the direction from which he came, with a complex and authentic expression.

What exactly happened this month?

Why has the fighting style of this guy Liangyi changed so much?

Because Liu Xia's record was amazing every time, the second became more and more concerned about his experience in the past month.

"I gonna go see."

Liu Xia nodded, and then walked in the direction pointed by the second.

The II remained in place.

He looked at the tragic battlefield around him, thinking of the storm caused by the appearance of the God of Machines before, his stomach twitched, and he felt a headache like never before.

Liu Xia was still his servant in name.

Letting the Servant make such a big noise, there is no doubt that he is not good at control. He is obviously a monarch, but he actively destroys the principle of concealment and mystery. I really don't know how much the association will fine this time.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the students he taught did not have a fuel-efficient lamp.


The master of the Matou family, the purple-haired girl, and those who were rescued were all placed on the grass by the river bank one kilometer away from here.

When Liu Xia came here, everyone was asleep.

The purple-haired girl was placed in the corner of the group of people, and there was a student next to her, about the same age as the purple-haired girl, with a blue sea-headed boy.

Both of them were undoubtedly in a coma.

The purple-haired girl was even more miserable. The magic power in her body was almost drained by Gorgon without mercy, and she was forced to faint.

Liu Xia stretched out her hand and placed it on the purple-haired girl's arm, and the magic power penetrated into her body.

However, as soon as Liu Xia probed the magic into her body, her brows raised slightly.

"This is really... such a bad physical condition, it's the first time I've seen it."

It doesn't mean the broken limbs and stump arms, **** flesh and so on. He has seen that kind of situation a lot, and it's not surprising. On the surface, this girl does not have any injuries except for some weight loss.

However, her body was a mess.

Not only was the magic power almost drained and her breath was sluggish, but also because her body seemed to have undergone many inhuman experiments, which made her body look very unclean, a hundred times darker than being thrown into muddy water and rolling around.

Liu Xia thought of the worm room under the Matou's house, and had a guess in her heart.

"In terms of magic properties...is it water?"

Lucia frowned slightly.

He thought that this girl's magic attribute might be an imaginary number, but it turned out to be a water attribute?

So far, among all the masters in Fuyuki City, except for Marisbili, the celestial body monarch, Liu Xia has met all of them, but there is no one who is related to that imaginary shadow.

He originally thought that the last Master of the Matou family who did not show up would be an imaginary number attribute, and he was also the one who manipulated the imaginary number shadow behind him, but he didn't expect it to be.

So, could it be Matou Dirty Inkstone?

"It's not like this kid, is it?"

Liu Xia glanced at the kelp-headed boy next to him.

He used his magic power to inspect the boy's body again, but found that the magic circuit in the boy's body was completely blocked and could not be opened at all. The magic attribute was also water.

That's right.

This boy's name is Matou Shinji, the eldest son of the Matou family. If he really has the talent for magic, it would not be Matou Sakura, the eldest daughter, but him who was chosen as the master.

"No, wait a minute, this girl's body has undergone a lot of transformations, it's not that there is no possibility that even the magic attributes have been tampered with..."

Liu Xia turned to look at the purple-haired girl again.

After thinking about it, he activated the power of the measuring type future vision.

After entering the answer of "find the owner of the imaginary shadow", the magic eye naturally told him the method.

No need to run anywhere.

The girl at the foot is.


Liu Xia suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of the residential area not far away.

Several figures came from there.


The red-haired boy and the girl with double ponytails almost immediately noticed the purple-haired girl lying beside Liu Xia.

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