Eighth Crown

Chapter 938: The God of Protecting the State VS The God of Demonic Nature

Magic Eye Kubler.

Also known as the Demon Eye of Petrification, it is a Demon Eye that has reached the realm of the gods, and is comparable in scale to Liu Xia's Immortal Demon Eye, both of which are gem-level Demon Eyes.

Generally speaking, the highest rainbow-level magic eye is no longer available to ordinary people. That kind of power is unfathomable. If there is no god-level personality, it is impossible to support the use of rainbow-level magic eyes, so the number is extremely rare.

Just look at Gorgon, she is essentially a goddess, and the petrified magic eye is famous throughout Greek mythology, but it is only a gem-level magic eye.

Gorgon took off the seal of the magic eye, and used the power of the magic eye to condense a magic circle of the same nature in front of him, causing a pitch-black magic cannon to penetrate the sky and the ground and shoot towards him rapidly.

Lucia still looked calm.

He stretched out his hand, causing a purple square-shaped object to appear in his hand, and then he thought about it, and a purple square array with a diameter of more than ten meters stretched out in front of him.


The next moment, Gorgon suddenly screamed, his voice full of shock and pain.

Using the power of Shangri-La, Liu Xia made an entrance in front of him and an exit above Gorgon.

The pitch-black magic cannon containing the power of the petrified magic eye passed through this passage and slammed into her body mercilessly.

With a loud bang, the huge golden wings behind Gorgon were blown to pieces, and when thick purple blood splashed out, the two wings fell off his body and smashed on the surrounding ground.

At the same time, her body also started from the back, spread to the shoulders, waist and abdomen, and gradually turned into a stone. Then, as if it had been air-dried for countless years, large swathes of rock ash peeled off her body.

Does this count as exhaustion?

Not at all.

Liu Xia said silently in her heart.


Gorgon stopped screaming, and stared at Liuxia with wicked eyes.

At the same time, the part of her petrified body gradually recovered, becoming white and delicate at the beginning, and even the pair of wings on her back quickly recovered.

As the most advanced demon possessor, she naturally possesses extremely strong immortality.

Moreover, the pitch-black magic cannon did not pass through Liu Xia's hand, and did not receive the bonus of the mysterious killer, so the immortality was not suppressed, and it was quickly recovered.

"It turns out that, no wonder the tone is so big, the ability is really not half-baked."

I don't know if it was counterproductive or not. After a few losses, Gorgon gradually calmed down, but she obviously had the idea of ​​giving up.

"However, how can you resist this move?!"

As she said these words, as if she had squeezed out all her remaining power, she released all the magic power from her body in one go.

"Thousand Demon Eyes, liberate—"

At the moment when the icy words were spit out, the scarlet enchantment, which was several times stronger than in the underground cave before, and ten times larger in scale, reappeared on the ground.

In an instant, the entire sky and the earth were stained with blood, and the world seemed to have turned into a blood-red demon world, and all that could be seen was blood-like color.

"Dissolve everything! ——Pandemonium Cetus (Forced Seal Pan Demon Temple)!!!"

Treasure liberation.

And it doesn't seem to require any charging time, it's a Noble Phantasm that can be activated instantly as long as the true name is released.

This blood-colored world released an erosive force that seemed to dissolve everything in an instant, causing people to faint in front of their eyes, only to feel that the blood and life in the body were rapidly passing.

The few ordinary people who were covered by this barrier were dissolved into nothing in an instant, leaving only a few sets of clothes fluttering to the ground.

Even Liu Xia couldn't help but feel that the vitality in the body was being rapidly drawn out at this moment, and the power of ghost blood was weakened a lot for a while.

It turns out that the dissolution of life force is the essence of this enchantment.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if a Servant comes, they will inevitably be severely suppressed. Even a ghost king like Liu Xia, who has realized the materialization of his soul and has infinite vitality, has a slight sense of decline for a while.

That's because even though his vitality reached infinite, he was drawn too much in the blink of an eye, and it was too late to fill up.

But that's about it.

Using this kind of trick to deal with his existence with infinite vitality is simply a fantasy, no matter how hard Gorgon works, he can only make him feel a little bit of decline at most.


Under the roar of surging magic power, while the barrier dissolved all life inside in the blink of an eye, it also turned into a huge impact force comparable to the A+-level anti-military Noble Phantasm, roaring and destroying everything inside.

"Ha ha……!"

After releasing this magic power, even Gorgon couldn't help but feel weak, the magic power accumulated over the past few days was nearly exhausted, he was constantly wearing rough clothes, and his chest was constantly heaving.

As the devilish nature transformed from the mixture of the three gods, even if it appears as a servant of the gods, it will inevitably consume a huge amount of magic power, and it is easy to exhaust the magic power of oneself and even the master.

Not to mention, she even used the huge magic cannon several times in a row.

However, if you can defeat that guy in this way, it will be worth the money——


At the moment when the blood-red enchantment disappeared.

An incomparably huge shadow also shrouded in front of her eyes, and when it landed on the ground, it also made a dull and long roar, and the earth trembled violently.

She caught her breath, then looked up.

It was a machine **** with a huge body and a height of at least 100 meters.

Although it looks like a humanoid, its whole body is forged by special Olihagang, so it presents an extremely hard alloy color, just standing there, like a **** of steel from outside, sacred and inviolable.

"And...this kind of treasure...?"

Even looking up at the giant machine **** Gorgon, he couldn't help holding his breath, and murmured absentmindedly in his mouth.

It is true that if the tail of the upper and lower body is counted, the total length of her body is more than 100 meters, but if she stands upright, the height is actually about 20 to 30 meters.

And this steel machine god, just looking at the height, has already exceeded 100 meters, just standing there, it is enough for everyone in Fuyuki City to see his huge figure.

Even Gorgon was shocked and lost his mind, and the ordinary people living in Fuyuki City were naturally even more horrified. Pedestrians stopped, vehicles broke down, and most of the functions of the entire city were paralyzed in an instant.

Even the Masters and Servants who were shocked by this battle were shocked to the point of being speechless when they looked at the huge machine **** soaring into the clouds.

It just feels like there is a big mountain, pressing heavily in their hearts.

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