Eighth Crown

Chapter 932: 【GrandCaster】Magic King Solomon

The golden light illuminates the dark earth, showing a sacred and inviolable demeanor.

After being wrapped in the golden barrier, the pitch-black bottomless abyss on the ground squirmed several times, and more tentacles stretched out from it.

But no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't break through the envelope of the enchantment, and it stretched its tentacles into the enchantment, and finally had to disappear from the place unwillingly.

Within the barrier, without the support of the dark abyss, Hercules broke all the dark tentacles with three blows.

"...The body is polluted by about half, which is not a big deal."

The man in the magic robe looked at the strong man wrapped in the enchantment, and made a comment with a calm expression, then he stretched out his hand slightly, and the enchantment dissipated, allowing Hercules to return to the ground.

"Berserker! Great...!"

Ilya recovered from the shock, and after seeing the barely intact Hercules, there was a clear look of relief on her face.

Although half of Hercules' body was haunted by the dark curse, those curses were only rootless duckweeds, which could be cleaned up later, without being completely swallowed up, and there was still some salvation.

"who are you?"

The silver-haired girl immediately looked at the man in the magic robe who suddenly appeared, her eyes slightly wary.

It was a man with silver hair.

The pupils are eye-catching red, and the eyes seem to be shining with endless wisdom. Those eyes seem to be able to see through everything in the world, with a calm and calmness that transcends everything.

His stature is not tall, about 1.8 meters, his skin is slightly dark, his appearance is close to that of Asians and Europeans, and he is wearing a red and white magic robe.

It is worth mentioning that he wears a ring on each of the ten fingers of his hands, with a total of ten golden rings.

Although he couldn't tell his real body, for some reason, the first moment Illya saw him, she felt like a commoner who was meeting the king. She didn't dare to feel disrespectful in her heart, which made her very vigilant. .

"Don't be nervous, artificial lifeform girl."

The silver-haired man seemed to see her vigilance, so he calmed down a little, and said bluntly: "I am a caster class servant, and the purpose of coming here is to form an alliance with you, my master and I need a great hero He What do you think about the power of Laklus?"

He told Illya of his purpose very bluntly.

Even if he came to seek an alliance, the expression on his face did not have the slightest hint of inquiry.

"Alliance? You need it too?"

Ilya was stunned for a while, she didn't expect this, and asked back in surprise.

"Yes, you should understand that this Holy Grail War is not unusual. If you want to fulfill the wishes of my Master, my strength alone is not enough. My eyes have already seen that ending."

The silver-haired man looked down at the silver-haired girl, as if he had seen through all the future, and there was no slight fluctuation in the expression on his face.

"This is also a good thing for you and the hero. After all, there are wolves before and tigers."

As he said that, he glanced at both sides.

In front of it is the imaginary number creation "black shadow" that can't see any name.

At the back, there was a demonic youth who took the initiative to walk out of the cemetery.

These two, no matter which side, have an absolute advantage over Illya and Berserker, no matter which side they collide with, the final outcome will not be much better.

"...Okay, I promise you!"

After Illya looked in front of her, she knew that she had no choice, so she gritted her teeth and agreed to the other party's proposal.

"The right choice."

The silver-haired man nodded calmly, then extended his hand.

Just a flash of magic power, as simple as using a small section of magic, a dark space channel appeared in front of Illya and Berserker.

Immediately, the space channel actively floated over and quickly wrapped the two of them in.

After the passage disappeared, the pair of master and slave also disappeared from the same place.

Lucia was indifferent.

Although the shadow fluctuated for a moment, it quickly returned to calm.

"...a little surprise."

Liu Xia didn't pay attention to the disappearing two people, but stared at the silver-haired man with a slightly awe-inspiring expression.

"To be honest, I really never thought that a magical ritual like the Holy Grail War could actually summon the heroic spirit of the crown. It's really insightful."

Crown Heroes.

The seven knights who were personally selected by the root and stand at the top of the seven major classes are a device used to protect human principles, and are also used to suppress the great disaster of primates - human evil, also That is the method of 【Beast】.

Because they are heroic spirits standing at the top of each class, there is no doubt that each of them has a very high level, standing at the peak of each era, and has a power far exceeding that of ordinary heroic spirits.

According to what Lucia knew in Chaldea, among the seven heroes of the crown, the only ones who had really appeared were Grand Assassin, the first generation of the old man in the mountains, and Grand Caster, Solomon, the sorcerer king.

Both of them were encountered by Chaldea in the past journey to repair the singularity, so there is also a record in Chaldea, and Liu Xia also read it, so he knew the existence of these two champion heroic spirits .

And now, the man who appeared in front of him was one of the two champion heroic spirits he knew.

Among all the heroic spirits of the Caster class, he also enjoys the title of supreme crown. The king of ancient Israel, it is said that he accepted the miracle given by God, and the king who ruled the world wisely, the king of magic, Solomon.

Even in the world of magic, this king has extraordinary meaning.

He generalized magic, a mystery that belongs to the realm of gods, and made magic a mystery that humans can master.

"However, the manifestation of the crowned hero is usually accompanied by the manifestation of human evil, and it is not an existence that can be summoned by a magician."

Liu Xia looked directly at Solomon, her eyes narrowed slightly, "In other words, you are mostly using ordinary spiritual foundations now, right?"

He said that he was a Servant of the Caster class, and he also had a Master.

He was the one who had set up such a battle at Liudong Temple before, and scared Matou Zuoyan away from there. Other than that, it was hard to say that anyone's magic could make Liuxia feel ashamed.

But this means that he did not come down as a crown Servant, but was summoned by a magician as a member of the Holy Grail War.

When there is a human evil appearing in the world, the crowned heroic spirit will obey the command of the restraint force and use the crowned spirit base to actively appear in the world, so that it can be regarded as a crowned Servant.

And if it is the occasion of being summoned, generally speaking, it is impossible to have a crowned spiritual foundation, and most of the ones possessed are just ordinary spiritual foundations, that is, ordinary Servants with crowned titles.

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