Eighth Crown

Chapter 931: The king of magic revealed

There was no sign of the attack, not even the slightest sound of wind.

The tentacle-like black cloth strips are really just an illusion. The cloth strips extending towards Hercules also look light and airy, without the slightest strength.

At the moment when the dark matter extended, Hercules shook Illya off his shoulders, then clenched the small half of the axe sword with only the handle left in his hand, and slammed down toward the ground.


Under the majestic force, the earth shattered, the cracks spread in the direction of the shadow, and the gravel was violently sputtered.

The spreading earth fissure resisted the black cloth strips that stretched over, and at the same time continued to extend towards the shadow.

However, the ingenuity contained in the earth, when it came to the shadow, was like a pebble submerged in the water. It only caused a little ripple on the body of the shadow, causing the black cloth to fly randomly. There was no other movement.

It seems that it is really just an illusion, and all attacks are ineffective against him.

"……Nothing at all."

With Liu Xia's eyesight, he could see through the covered real body when the cloth was flying, but because he could see his real body clearly, he frowned slightly.

There was nothing in it, just pitch black, like a black hole, and even light could not shine in.

"Parallel to existence and non-existence, is that thing a creation of imaginary numbers?"

The imaginary number creation refers to the "non-existent thing" that was created.

Like the imaginary number space, it is a thing that did not originally exist, but was only assumed because of the use of the concept of imaginary numbers with magical properties.

After all, magic is a discipline that uses concepts. After the world invented the concept of imaginary numbers, the concept itself has become a power that can be used by magic.

But then, it will be troublesome.

Because the imaginary number creation itself is a substance that does not exist in substance, but any attack cannot hit something that does not exist. In other words, it is inherently invincible.

If Liu Xia used the magic eye of death at the risk of burning her brain, it is not that the possibility of capturing the concept of imaginary numbers is not lost - it is only a possibility.

But that is thankless after all, and the best way is to find a magician who controls this imaginary creation.

in the field.

After discovering that his attack was completely ineffective against the shadow, Berserker's fear grew stronger and stronger, to the point where he couldn't hide it.

Immediately afterwards, he no longer tried to confront the shadow, but turned around directly, intending to take Ilia away from here.

That was a completely intuitive decision.

In other words, he made the protection of the Master his first priority, and other things such as the suffocation that Liu Xia had suppressed before, as well as the fear and fear of the unknown, all had to be placed in the back.

However, at this moment-


Like an image projected on a blackboard, a dark road appeared on the ground beneath the shadow's feet, and in a form that did not conform to the laws of physics, the dark road extended straight in the direction of Illya. Come.

It was almost instantaneous.

And because there was no sign of his action, and the attack method was completely confused, no one could react.

——Except for the great hero who has a strong innate sense.

Before the dark road was about to touch Illya, the hero subconsciously stretched out his hand and gently pushed the silver-haired girl out.



The dark road spread to the feet of the great hero, and it expanded violently, forming a bottomless abyss, from which black tentacles stretched out and wrapped tightly around Hercules' limbs and body.

And at the moment when he was entangled by the pitch-black tentacles, his body suddenly deteriorated.

From the entangled part, whether it is the skin or the bones, there is a strange feeling like being cursed, and this extremely ominous curse is still spreading rapidly towards the whole body, as if the whole person has become no longer. himself in general.


Hercules suddenly let out a series of roars, and his muscles were knotted, trying to break these black tentacles.

But in response to his struggle, the bottomless abyss under his feet suddenly expanded, and several times more black tentacles emerged from it.

He just broke off a few tentacles before, but he was entangled by more tentacles, and most of his body was covered by those tentacles, and his whole body was rapidly deteriorating.


The girl who was pushed out to the side saw Berserker sink deeper and deeper, no matter how much she roared, she couldn't escape the pitch-black cage, her eyes suddenly panicked.

She gritted her teeth, and then groaned, her body suddenly trembled, and countless scarlet stigmata suddenly flashed all over her body.

Those stigmata are all Command Spells.

Carved all over her body, not only the backs of her hands, her face, her legs, but even her clothes showed a scarlet luster. From those Command Spells, an overwhelming magic power that surpassed that of ordinary magicians was exuded.

Essentially, that should be the magic circuit in her.

However, it should have been artificially transformed before she was born, and her whole body was filled with magic circuits, making her the crystallization of magic circuits.

Considering the Einzbern family she came from, perhaps this girl is the little Holy Grail of this generation, so she was given such a perverted transformation, turning all the magic circuits of her body into Command Spells.

At this moment, she revealed these Command Spells, probably intending to use the Command Spells to free Berserker from the shackles of the shadows.

Liu Xia stood not far away, watching all this with cold eyes.

To him, the situation of Illya and Berserker was irrelevant. Compared with this, he wished to know the purpose of the imaginary creation—or rather, the person behind him.

If that's the case, then we might as well use Berserker as a sacrifice to test out the ability and means of the imaginary creation.


At this moment, Liu Xia's eyes suddenly lit up, and the eyes in the direction of the shadow could not help but fluctuate slightly.

"that is……?"

in the field.


Suddenly, a dazzling golden light descended from the sky.

At the same time, a narrow but inviolable golden enchantment stretched out from under Hercules' feet, wrapping him directly in it.

The pitch-black tentacles were cut off involuntarily, and the golden barrier separated the inside and the outside. No matter how the pitch-black abyss wriggled or stretched out the tentacles unwillingly, the barrier would not move at all.

next moment.

A male figure wearing a red and white magic robe appeared in the field like this, and was printed in the eyes of several people.

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