Eighth Crown

Chapter 933: Overloaded straight death knife

The title of crown is awarded to Heroic Spirits.

After being summoned in the form of Servants, their strength still depends on the scale of the spiritual base. Only when they have obtained the crowned spiritual foundation, can the crowned heroic spirit be called a crowned Servant.

If it is an ordinary spiritual base, it is no different from other Servants, except that the heroic spirit itself has the title and qualification of the crown.

In the presence of an ordinary spiritual base, it only means that Solomon, the heroic spirit, has magical attainments far beyond that of other Casters, and is essentially an ordinary Servant, not a Crown Servant used to deal with human evil.

Specifically, this is the definition.

"You're right."

The silver-haired man also looked at Liu Xia, his expression flat and calm.

"Human evil has not manifested in this world. I was summoned by the master through holy relics. I don't have a crown spirit foundation. At best, I'm just an ordinary Servant with crown qualifications."

"However, compared to this, I am even more surprised that a presence like you will appear in this Holy Grail War... My clairvoyance can see through the past and the future, but I can't see through you."

If you want to become a heroic spirit of the crown, there are certain conditions.

As far as GrandCaster is concerned, it is necessary to have EX-class [Clairvoyance], and only possessing this skill is qualified.

At present, the only known servants in Chaldea with EX-class clairvoyance are Solomon, Merlin, and Gilgamesh.

Clairvoyance was originally a skill that represented the meaning of good eyesight, but as the level became higher, it was gradually able to penetrate the blockade of time and space, reaching an unbelievable level.

After reaching A rank, this skill can already see the future within half a day, and reaching EX rank is even more incredible.

Merlin's EX-class clairvoyance can see through the present, Gilgamesh's EX-class clairvoyance can see through the future, and Solomon's clairvoyance is undoubtedly the strongest, able to see through all past and future.

Although there is no crown spirit base, such skills have not been lost.

Solomon should have used EX-class clairvoyance long ago, peering into the past and future of this world, and understanding the anomaly of Lucia's existence.

Perhaps it was because of the discovery of Liu Xia's anomaly that he closed his door when Liu Xia was destroying Yuanzang Mountain, and suddenly jumped out now to seek an alliance with the master and servant of Hercules.

After all, Liu Xia consciously, with his current strength, if he uses his full strength, he is completely enough to match the champion Servant, and there is even a possibility of victory.

"If you want to do it with me, you don't have to."

Solomon spoke suddenly and looked directly at Lucia.

"Now, your opponent is not me, but He-"

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the dark shadow on the side.


Liu Xia did have a plan to do it, and he had already touched the knife in his hand.

Moreover, even if Solomon released the words just now, he did not mean to stop at all.

Under the roar of magic power, a 40-meter-long flaming giant sword stretched out from the He Dao in both hands, and slashed down in his direction.


The silver-haired man raised his hand without any waves, not knowing what technique he used. In an instant, a golden barrier made of pure magic power appeared above his head.

After the flaming giant sword slammed down, with a loud bang, the golden barrier just rippled a little, and then blocked the crossed flaming giant swords, preventing it from advancing.

"There is enough for me to do my own thing."

Solomon closed his eyes speechlessly, and then his figure gradually became transparent.

"...But don't worry, the decisive battle between us has not yet come."

After leaving such words, his figure slowly disappeared in front of Liu Xia.

Liu Xia silently retracted the flaming sword in both hands, frowning slightly.

The moment Solomon disappeared, Liu Xia used the ability of the measuring type of future vision again to try to figure out where it was, but unexpectedly, this time the calculation ended in failure again.

"Solomon's hands must be holding a position that can isolate all internal and external causes and effects, surpass the temple level, and can transfer it in an instant... According to the records of Chaldea, could it be——"

He had a guess.

However, if it was really that thing, then he really couldn't find it.

Forget it, since they participated in this Holy Grail War, it means that the opponent's combination is mostly wishful, and the time for the decisive battle will always come.


The moment Solomon had just left, several streaks of dark cloth-like substances silently extended from dozens of meters away, trying to wrap around him.

Not far away, probably because King Solomon, whom He feared finally left, the shadow could no longer hold back and launched a fierce attack on Liuxia.

Not only the jet-black strips of cloth on his body, but also a jet-black bottomless abyss reappeared under his feet, projecting rapidly towards Liu Xia's direction.

It was a very unreasonable attack against the Servant.

That itself is the ultimate curse, and even Hercules' body was polluted by more than half in just a few seconds.

Moreover, for some reason, Liu Xia even vaguely sensed a trace of anger, hatred, etc., from the attack of the shadow, full of negative emotions.

"Don't think that you are a creation of imaginary numbers, and no one can get you."

Even if the opponent's attack is silent, and the transparent world can't see through his action pattern, Liu Xia's reflexes are still very fast, and he escapes the opponent's attack with a flick of his body.

At the same time, his eyes also showed a dazzling divine light that was unique to the divine domain-level demon eyes, like gems.


Liu Xia slammed on the ground, and under the sound of the earthquake and the roar of the wind, the whole person shot out like an arrow from the string, leaving countless afterimages along the way.

In an instant, his figure came to the shadow.

Immediately slashed out.


The blood-colored knife light like a crescent moon came out amazingly.

It was like cutting off all the grievances and enmities in front of him, as if it had reached the known extreme.


This knife hit the shadow with precision.

Different from the previous indifference, this time, He let out a silent roar as if he had suffered a heavy blow and suffered great damage.

Immediately afterwards, his figure was like a collapsed sand castle, turning into pitch-black fly ash little by little and dissipating in place.


Liu Xia's figure paused for a moment, then her burned brain recovered instantly, then took a deep breath, rubbed her hot eyes, and the high temperature in her eyes quickly dissipated.

After achieving the materialization of his soul, his whole body is covered with materialized magic circuits, and he has also achieved a powerful healing effect on the recovery after overloading the magic eye, allowing his overloaded magic eye to recover quickly.

Now, he can completely wield the overloaded sword of death in a row.

But fortunately, the imaginary number creation was settled in one stroke.

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