Eighth Crown

Chapter 927: The confrontation between the two king arthurs

in the field.

Liu Xia just casually glanced at Tohsaka Rin, who was playing tricks there, and then stopped paying attention, but looked at Berserker, who was bathed in flames.

"Rider! What are you doing here?"

Saber stopped accumulating the Noble Phantasm, hid the sword again under the gust of wind for several layers, looked at Liu Xia with a dignified expression, and questioned.

Although Liu Xia did not take her life in the battle during the day, nor did she embarrass her Master, or even healed him, the essential relationship between the two sides of the enemy will not change.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for you this time, my purpose is this Berserker."

Liu Xia turned her eyes away, and looked at the knight girl beside her, her brows slightly raised.

"Also, your opponent is someone else."


The knight girl frowned.

"what does that mean?"

However, Liu Xia did not intend to answer her question, and focused on Berserker who was beside her.

That strong man like an iron tower, even if he was burned by the flames for so long, did not seem to have any damage on his body, just like a hard alloy.

However, that was just an illusion.

Under Liu Xia's unstinting flames of magic, the muscles, bones, and even internal organs of the Berserker had actually been burned, and he himself had actually died once.

However, after he died, his body recovered automatically, allowing him to be resurrected from death and once again possess the hardness of shoulder-to-shoulder steel.

Not only that, but even his body has developed a very high resistance to the high temperature of the flame. Under the shroud of the flames, the body's resistance has been improved to a higher level, but the skin has been burned red and can no longer be burned. his muscles and bones.

"Hercules, the great hero of Greece, really lives up to his reputation. With this stunt of resurrection and resistance, he is no worse than Achilles."

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing through Berserker's identity and the essence of his abilities at a glance.

The ability to resurrect and resist lethal attacks is probably his Noble Phantasm, but I don't know how many times it can be resurrected.

Although Liu Xia stayed in Chaldea and saw many heroes, she only knew their names, and she didn't know anything about abilities, skills, and Noble Phantasms.

Even, like a heroic spirit like Emiya, Liu Xia only knew his surname, and didn't know his full name - because no one in Chaldea called him by his full name.

After all, he entered Chaldea with the mentality of learning and progress. It was pointless and a waste of time to befriend those heroic spirits.

"Eh? You have good eyesight!"

A petite girl with silver hair and red eyes, who looked no more than 13 or 14 years old, did not know when she came to the outside of the cemetery. Hearing this, a proud look appeared on her lovely face.

"That's right, Berserker's real name is Hercules, the great hero in Greek legends! It's worthy of praise for an unnamed third-rate Servant like you to kill Berserker once, but then it's not so lucky! "


In Greek mythology, the son of the god-king Zeus, half-human and half-god, he created countless world-famous great deeds in his life. After his death, he was recognized by the gods and ascended to the sky, becoming one of the constellations, and has the reputation of Hercules.

The one summoned now should be him before he became a god, and he was also bound by madness, but even so, he was extremely powerful.

Liu Xia once fought with the Saber class and the equally famous Achilles, and finally won after three fights. I wonder how far this Hercules can fight against him under the Rider class?

"Kill him, Berserker! You won't be allowed to show mercy this time!"

Named Ilyasviel, once again gave a cruel command with a cute voice.


Ordered by the girl who is the master, the muscle monster that can be said to be the crystal of strength, suddenly mustered the energy to surpass the previous one.

Hercules let out a deafening roar, and with his burnt red skin, he stepped on the ground through the cobweb-like cracks, and charged towards Liu Xia like a missile.

Liu Xia's expression turned cold, He Dao appeared in his hands, and the transparent world opened instantly.


In an instant, with a thunderous roar, the two swords and the axe clashed together.

The surging airflow turned into a ferocious shock wave, which lifted all the surrounding tombstones and land, and bombarded all around.

Even Tohsaka Rin, who was outside the cemetery, couldn't help covering their faces to resist the surging wind.

"Lucky! As I thought, the monsters killed each other!"

Tohsaka Rin waved his hand excitedly, and said with a cheery expression: "While they are fighting, let's retreat quickly, and arguing with such a monster is impossible for us!"

Although it was called by Crowzui, the development of the situation was in line with her expectations. She hurriedly greeted Shirou Emiya and the others, preparing to retreat.

Saber also came to Emiya Shirou's side.

Although the look on her face was a little hesitant, it was not her style to escape when she was fighting, but her form was stronger than that of others, so she could only put down her restraint as a soldier and prepare to retreat with a few people.

"Sorry, Master Archer, feel free to go wherever you want, but Saber has to stay no matter what!"

But immediately after, a cold voice entered the ears of several people.

When several people heard the words, they immediately became alert.

Emiya Shirou also gave Saber a confused look.

"Did Saber speak just now?"

Don't blame him for the misunderstanding, after all, the voices of the two are exactly the same.


The next moment, a snow-white and majestic horse descended from the sky, snorting at several people.

And on that horse, at the moment sat a knight wearing silver armor all over his body, with a cloak like a lion's mane behind him, his face could not be seen clearly because he was wearing a helmet, but her hands were Holding a holy knight spear that shone like a golden tassel.

"Is that... Lancer?"

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou both turned their eyes away and looked at the new servant nervously and alertly.

"Impossible! Your gun—!! Are you...?!"

Beside the two, the moment the swordsman girl saw her figure, her emerald green eyes widened, and an unbelievable look appeared in her eyes.

"Nothing is impossible."

The knight on the horse took the initiative to remove the helmet on his face, so that the face that was almost identical to Saber's, but a lot more mature, appeared in front of the three of them.

"I am you, you are me, and we are also King Arthur, but we just took different paths."

Lancer, who looks more mature, said coldly: "However, in this Holy Grail War, even if it is also me, I can't avoid the fate of killing each other... Moreover, this is also for my Master."

"I have given you a day to rest and recover. This is a concession as a knight, so I will not allow you to retreat here, another me!"

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