Eighth Crown

Chapter 926: Tohsaka Rin: Why is it always you?

The giant is at least 2.5 meters tall, and has the ultimate muscles that ordinary people can't imagine after training, and weighs at least 300 kilograms.

Such a physique should give the impression of being slow and cumbersome, but under the bow of the giant, the whole person slammed out of the string like a bow and arrow at a speed beyond the limit, leaving layers of air shocks all over his body. The smoke ring produced by the explosion.

In the blink of an eye, the giant broke through the distance of only 100 meters, waving the axe and sword in his hand, and slashed towards Saber from the front.

The weapon he held in his hand was an axe and a sword.

However, it is more appropriate to say that it is not an axe, but a rock block. It is not sharp in itself, but is simply heavy, but when combined with the giant, it complements each other, giving people a feeling of unmatched Tyrannosaurus.

Under the strong wind, the giant gave the knight girl a huge sense of oppression.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been terrified at this moment, waiting to die at a loss. Even a heroic spirit would feel overwhelmed and hopeless in the face of such a monster.


The knight girl pulled off the feather coat on her body, making the invisible sword appear in her hand again, and raised her sword to meet her.

Even though she shared her hands and stubbornly stuck her feet on the ground like nails, she barely resisted for a moment before being knocked out by the giant's enormous power.


The figure of the girl knocked open the door of the church, and the whole person continued to retreat more than ten meters.


The irrational giant once again jumped towards Saber at an unimaginably agile speed, and the oncoming wind was almost suffocating.

Saber's eyes were extremely solemn, and he did not stop at his feet. He fled to the cemetery not far from the church, and the giant immediately followed him like a shark chasing its prey.

"What happened again?"

The battle outside attracted the attention of several people in the church. Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou hurriedly came to the door of the church, and looked at the two who were gradually walking away in amazement.

"Archer! Catch up and support Saber!"

Tohsaka Rin instantly returned to his senses, and quickly gave an order to Archer, who had turned into a spiritual child.

Taking space, she also glanced at the giant's back, and used the Master's privilege to see the Servant's panel.

Class: Berserker

real name:--

【Ability value】

Muscle Strength: A+

Durability: A

Agility: A

Magic: A


Noble Phantasm: A



Tohsaka Rin slightly opened his rosy lips, and once again there was a headache and a suffocating look on his face.

"Why is it a muscle monster again!"

All stats A, a monster without a doubt.

Compared with the Rider, which was so strong that it exploded, it was only slightly inferior in terms of durability and magic power. If we speculate this way, the strength of this giant in hand-to-hand combat might be comparable to that of Rider.

Although Saber's stats can be said to be excellent, compared to those two monsters, it's a bit underwhelming.

Class: Saber

Real name: Arturia Pendragon

【Ability value】

Muscle strength: B

Durability: C

Agility: C

Magic: B


Noble Phantasm: C



Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth, then quickly raised his foot, chasing in the direction the two left.

"That idiot!"

Tohsaka Rin woke up with a start, and quickly chased after him.

The reason why Saber chose to go to other battlefields to meet the enemy must be because he was worried about the safety of the Master, Emiya Shirou rushed over without thinking about it, it would only make Saber feel embarrassed and fight.

But fortunately, under her order, Archer has already gone to support, although the injury has not fully recovered, but with the combined efforts of the two, they should be able to support for a while.


next to the cemetery.




The continuous roar resounded through the land, bursts of fire and smoke rose into the sky, and large tracts of tombstones and rocks shattered and sputtered out in all directions.

Berserker followed Saber, who was fighting and retreating, and the two rushed into the cemetery all the way, disturbing the cemetery.

Unlike the battle at the Emiya Residence during the day, the neighborhood here is very empty, and there are no pedestrians, which is conducive to Saber's detour and tossing and entanglement with the enemy.

Even if hand-to-hand combat is not an opponent of this muscular monster, as long as you use the Noble Phantasm, it is not impossible to defeat it!

However, she did not form a magic power channel with the Master, and the magic power in her body was reduced by one point, so until a critical moment, she must not use the Noble Phantasm at will.


However, just as she led the enemy to this area, her master also ran over and called her loudly as if she was afraid that she would not know.


The knight girl's expression changed slightly, she gritted her teeth slightly, and then decisively poured magic power into the gust of wind wrapped around her sword.

This monster's every move can cause huge damage. If the master comes here and the same thing happens in the daytime, if he runs over to block the gun, then the master will probably die without saying anything, and their combination is probably also the same. It will be over.

outside the cemetery.

Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin came here one after another, and at a glance they saw the knight girl who was about to liberate the Noble Phantasm.

"Can you win?"

Tohsaka Rin firmly grabbed Emiya Shirou's shoulders, apparently she looked like a very slender girl, but her strength was stronger than expected, making Emiya Shirou completely unable to break free.

"It would be great if that Rider with a weird mind and a monster-like Rider was still here at this time..."

Not only are people here, but also help them deal with the equally monster-like Berserker, or even directly lose both sides, that would be perfect.


In the sky, a raging flame suddenly appeared out of nowhere, sprayed down from mid-air, and enveloped Berserker in the field, covering his entire body in the flames.

"This is?"

In the field, Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, and the knight girl all showed their shocked expressions, and even the Noble Phantasm could not help but stop charging.

next moment.

A demonic youth in a black trench coat descended from the sky, stepped on the flames, and landed in the center of the battlefield.

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

Why is it always you? !

I'll just say it casually, you don't have to show up at all!

"Who is talking bad about me this time?"

Liu Xia cast her gaze towards the two people outside the cemetery, and asked with a flat expression.

"...Eigong-kun, I know that you almost died during the day, and you have some complaints in your heart, but the Holy Grail War is that it's not surprising that people die at any time, and don't they also treat you? Even if you have any ideas, It should also be hidden in the bottom of my heart!"

Tohsaka Rin was silent for a moment, and then very skillfully threw the pot to Shirou Emiya who was bewildered.

Not far behind her.

The spirit-shaped red Archer has a very delicate expression.

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