Eighth Crown

Chapter 928: Saber King Arthur VS Lancer King Arthur

Exactly the same.


Whether it's their voices, their faces, or even their awe-inspiring heroics, these two seem to have been carved out of the same mold.

If it wasn't for the age difference in appearance, there would be no problem with saying that the two of them were the same person, and no one would doubt it.

"It's actually...different from me...King Arthur?!"

Saber's face turned pale.

The horse, the holy spear, and the familiar appearance, all of which matched her past memory completely. If the other party said that she was King Arthur, even she could not refute it.

"But...! If you're really me too—!"

Saber gritted her teeth, and instead of raising her weapon, she couldn't help but speak.

"If you are really me, you should have the same desire as me! Shouldn't we work together to get the Holy Grail, and then change the past and change the fate of Britain's destruction?!"


That's right.

Since the other party is also himself, then this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Unlike the last time when I fought alone, if I have two of myself this time, and gather the power of the holy sword and the holy spear, then no matter what kind of powerful enemy, I will definitely be able to defeat them, and my heart will definitely be grieved. ——

"Wish? Change the past? What are you talking about?"

Lancer sat on the back of the white horse and frowned when he heard this.

"I never wanted to change the past. In the end, I had no desire to entrust it to the Holy Grail. I just got off my seat when I realized that someone wanted my help."


The slightly young swordsman girl suddenly froze.

"Even if it's the same King Arthur, you and I have already embarked on different paths."

Lancer said frankly: "If you were King Arthur under normal history, I would have given up the holy sword and chose the king of the holy spear after I became a king, because I was no longer affected by the stop of the holy sword growing, so my body and spirit became They've grown to the stage you've seen."

"As a king, I have reached the end of my ideal with the round table people. I have never thought about changing the past. Even if the final outcome is regrettable, I will never regret it."

No matter what King Arthur was, he finally experienced the battle of Kamran Hill and fell.

Even Lancer, King Arthur who chose the holy spear, was no exception, but she finally recaptured the holy spear and became the heroic spirit of the sky who returned to the earth.

Although he has become an existence close to the gods by using the holy spear, his body and soul have not changed much because he has only held the holy spear for ten years.

As far as Liuxia knows, in the records of the sixth singularity in Chaldea, there was a King Arthur who held a holy spear for nearly a thousand years, and his spirit and soul were completely sublimated to a god. .

However, this Lancer King Arthur has only held the holy spear for ten years and has not reached the level of a god, so she and the Lion King are not the same person, but a subspecies of King Arthur.

Back to the point.

Although both of them finally lead to the final outcome of Kamran Hill, but because of their different experiences, there is also a gap in their mentality.

Although Lancer's King Arthur regretted it, she did not regret it. She thought that she had reached the end of her ideal, so she became a heroic spirit full of glory.

But Saber's King Arthur was not like that. Listening to her words and deeds, she seemed to be dissatisfied with the final outcome of Britain, and even planned to use the power of the Holy Grail to change that past.

"The so-called changing the past is a betrayal of the round table and your companions. Are you planning to deny everything you and your companions have experienced?"

Lancer raised the holy spear in his hand, and said with a genuine expression: "Your body was stuck in the past by the holy sword, and even your mind was stuck at that age? Now you are nothing like a girl who loves to dream. the difference."

A clean and holy king.

Anyone who sees Lancer bathed in the moonlight at the moment and hears the generous remarks she expresses will have such thoughts involuntarily.

Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya, and even Archer, who became a spiritual child not far away, had to admit this.


Only Saber, as if he had suffered an incomparably heavy blow, lost his mind.

It doesn't matter what others say, she can stick to herself.

But only being told that by herself is something she absolutely cannot accept.

This is equivalent to her own ideals and wishes being denied by herself. How can she not let her question and deny herself?

Is the desire to change the past really wrong, is it really not the desire she should pursue?

"Raise your sword!"

Lancer swung out the holy spear in his hand, causing the strong wind to roar suddenly, and at the same time he spoke coldly.

"Not only for my Master, but also for you, let me use the light of this holy spear to wake you up!"

With the release of magic power from her body, a tornado-like storm swept out with her at the center.

Grey's aptitude is very strong, thanks to this, Lancer who signed with her will naturally be able to play its original function.

In addition, Grey is condensing the heart of the red dragon, resulting in a large increase in magic power, which can fully support Lancer in unscrupulous battles.

Moreover, her panel itself is very good——

Class: Lancer

Real name: Arturia Pendragon

【Ability value】

Muscle strength: A

Durability: A

Agility: A

Magic: A


Noble Phantasm: A++


"Oops, Saber can't win!"

Tohsaka Rin saw Lancer's ability value, and knew that Saber was already at a disadvantage.

Although she is a little worse than Rider and Berserker, she is undoubtedly a monster with an all-in-one stat of A!

Looking at Saber after being told by another self, he became lost, and it seemed that he couldn't even raise his fighting spirit. How could he have won the Lancer on the opposite side?

"Archer! Cover Saber!"

Based on the fact that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, Tohsaka Rin almost did not hesitate to give an order to support the heroic palace.

"Are the two Servants going up together?"

Lancer looked at the other self in front of him, and the red Archer who materialized on the other side, and nodded leniently.

"Forget it, after all, there is indeed a huge gap between the two of us in terms of the quality of the Master. Out of the etiquette of a knight, I should also make this level of concessions. Let the two of you come over together!"

Demeanor is also impeccable.

This made people doubt that Saber and Lancer were the real King of Knights.


For Grey's safety, and to wake up the other self.

Lancer took the lead, waved the holy spear in his hand, and let the tornado-like storm roar out, roaring and bombarding the other self on the opposite side!

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